Embarrassing reasons why I want to lose weight

missaj086 Posts: 11 Member
edited September 2015 in Motivation and Support
We all at some point get asked why do you want to lose weight. Well I have all the usual responses but I also have a few pretty embarrassing ones also.

1. I don't want my hips to touch the sanitary disposal bins in public rest rooms.

2. I don't want little kids at the daycare centre to say as loud as they can "you're fat"

3. I don't want to constantly fear the legs of a chair are going to fall out from underneath me

4. I don't want random people to come up to me rub my belly and ask when the baby is due just because I carry all my weight around my stomach. ( I had my last child over 3 years ago thanks)

5. I don't want to wear the ugly clothes that are designed for plus size women, the clothes are either ugly or for short people or women with HUGE boobs, I'm tall and I want fashionable clothes that are well proportioned I don't want to look like I'm 50 I'm not even 30 yet. I want choices, I don't want to wear animal print low cut tops I want to look classy.

6. I want to be able to go on the rides at the theme parks. last time we went I was so depressed because I had to get off a few rides because I couldn't get the seat belt done up, I said we got off because my kid got scared but really I was too big for the seatbelt but was too ashamed to tell my partner

7. I don't want to get "that" look any more.

8. I don't want my patients who don't have a verbal filter to say "wow you're so fat" any more.

9. I don't want to look in the mirror and hate what I see, I want to feel beautiful and love my body and not be ashamed of it.

10. I don't want to die young and leave my kids without a mum because I wasn't strong enough to stick it out and lose the excess weight.

I started again 2 months ago because I finally had some motivation and figured out how to say no I set a goal of losing 20 kilo in 12 months 5 kgs every 3 months with the intention if being able to feel comfortable in a swim suit and being able to go on the slides on the cruise I have booked for next year.

Starting weight was 137 kgs (302.033 pounds)
my goals when I stared were

goal 1 - lose 5 kgs =132 kgs by September 30th

goal 2 - get below 130 kgs - today I broke that goal I weighed in at 129.3

goal 3 - 125 kgs - December 31st 2015

goal 4 - 120 - March 31st 2016

goal 5 - 20 kgs + lost in total - by July 1st 2016

I would like to be below 115 kgs for my cruise (253.532 pounds)

I have lost 7.7 kgs in 10 weeks as a result of making healthier food choices practising some self control (still working on this and still giving in more than I would like) and being able to get back to the gym twice a week. (I had to take 6 months off due to surgery and being in a car accident and because I am great at making excuses.)


  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
    This is very brave of you to post, and I appreciate you doing it. We all have "embarrassing" reasons we want to change things about ourselves. I'm also trying to lose a significant amount of weight, so I understand where you're coming from. I wish you the best of luck. We can definitely do this.
  • pltjess
    pltjess Posts: 101 Member
    I can totally relate to these reasons. The fact that you've already begun and have tasted the first bit of success is fantastic. Now keep it going! Don't put yourself down for not making more drastic changes, but instead focus on adding one new habit every week. Stick with it. Pick yourself back up if you fall down. We're all in this together :)
  • missaj086
    missaj086 Posts: 11 Member
    thanks guys, I have wanted to tell somebody these reasons for a long time because then it makes me accountable and makes me want to change it even more. I have tried and failed many times in the past but this time I am actually motivated and I'm not relying on a drastic diet or and magic pills or shakes I'm just watching what I eat and finding healthy ways to make my food taste good. I slip up most weekends when my partner is home and indulge too much but not to the point that I used too, I still manage to lose a bit each week even if I have a gain over the weekend on my weigh in day the number is getting lower.

    I am looking forward to the day that I can walk into a shop and buy a beautiful dress off the rack and know its going to have my size and its going to look hot. I don't want to be "skinny" I just want to be healthy and curvy( in the right places)
  • crystalcement
    crystalcement Posts: 9 Member
    "And because I'm great at making excuses"...

    That pretty much sums it up for me right there. I used to be soooo bad at allowing myself to make excuses. I started holding myself accountable 12 weeks ago and I'm so happy I did. Once you start seeing results it is so much easier to kick the excuses to the curb. We got this!!!
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I have found it is so much easier to tell the secrets and fears to my mfp family than it is to my real life family. There is no delete or block button in real life.
    Even so it still takes courage to write all these down because it means facing them yourself and that is always the hardest part.
    I can relate to most of these. 3,4,5,7,9,10 (10 I have adapted to I don't want to not be able to have kids or there be complications because of my weight).

    My secret embarrassing reason is: I want to feel confident and not be self conscious when I am intimate with my other half.

    Thanks for posting this. You will inspire people
  • missaj086
    missaj086 Posts: 11 Member
    omg Chezzie84 I totally agree I don't want to be ashamed of my body I get so embarrassed that i will hide behind a sheet or make him close his eyes until I'm under the covers and the lights are always off which he hates
  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    A very brave post but it made me feel sad for you that you went through that as people are mean. People should not be mean, even if you didn't change!

    I have not carried enough weight to face most of those problems, but I did notice that 10kgs ago I had started to snore. Sometimes I would wake myself up. I was certainly embarrassed and horrified by that although my boyfriend never made an issue of it (he is too polite).

    I also felt a bit sweatier and stinkier, but that may have been in my head (because I was generally disgusted with myself).
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    I was a lower starting weight but can totally relate to most of them! This will be a great post to come back to when you feel discouraged! You can do it! Seem to be doing more of a lifestyle change than dieting which I like too. Weight lifting would help too?
  • missaj086
    missaj086 Posts: 11 Member
    lseed87 wrote: »
    This will be a great post to come back to when you feel discouraged! You can do it! Seem to be doing more of a lifestyle change than dieting which I like too. Weight lifting would help too?

    Thanks yeah going for the complete lifestyle overhaul but without restricting anything just being selective as to when and how much I have.

    I do personal training twice a week at the moment to get myself into the right mindset. which includes weight traing cardio and boxing

    In a few weeks I will be back down to 1 pt session a week but I am going to start doing a boxing class. I had surgery on my hand at the start of the year and have only just been able to start using it fully

  • KimberLinzey
    KimberLinzey Posts: 37 Member
    Your honesty is beautiful
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    (((hugs))) I can totally relate to your post, well done for being brave enough to share :blush:
  • Katie_Y89
    Katie_Y89 Posts: 330 Member
    You are very brave to share this :smile: I can relate to some of them so know you are not alone in your journey!
  • luhoxie87
    luhoxie87 Posts: 2 Member
    Regarding looking older somebody said something about how I must remember the styles of glasses in the 80's (the phrasing implying I was there, something about being a teen.) I'm in my 20's and people think I am forty-something frequently. Those things motivations we don't talk about... I have so many!
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I'm tall too, and I totally get where you are coming from with clothes. When I was at my heaviest I felt like the choices were sassy loud prints and older women's clothes. I felt like it was impossible to dress with my own style. Also it's almost impossible to find tall clothes in larger sizes. It sounds like you have some great goals, best of luck!
  • missaj086
    missaj086 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone. I really wasn't expecting anyone to read my post I just needed to admit some of my "other" reasons for doing this because then I couldn't pretend they aren't real reasons. Once I started typing I just let it all out and it actually felt really good to get it all off my chest as I don't have anyone who I can talk to about this stuff
  • nmanly2014
    nmanly2014 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm just a few years away from retirement, then I plan to travel as much as possible. I want to fit comfortably in an airline seat and not have to "squish" my way thru Europe.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks for being honest.

    It's hard to explain to some people (irl) like they think you just don't care if you're fat, or those things don't bother you, like a layer of fat is armor or something.
  • rats2010
    rats2010 Posts: 79 Member
    I can totally relate to so many of your embarrassing reasons! I can't wait to be able to shave my legs without my gut being in the way of bending. To shop off the racks at a store.. definitely. I'd love to be able to eat out at a nice place without feeling like people are staring at the "fat woman." Mostly, I just want to be proud of myself, to say that I can take care of myself (not just everyone else around me).
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Forget about the gym. Just get the weight off with a good diet. If you eat well and don't cut your calories too much, this needn't be difficult. But you must not give in to temptations. I found quitting sweets made it all much easier for me.

    The main destabilising thing i have had to me is stress or depression so address them asap. The rest is being organised in the kitchen, enjoying my food, make an effort with my food, keeping a varied diet, eating lots of vegies and fruit. eating the right amount of protein at each meal for you that would be at least 20grams and possibly up to 25grams. Don't eat too many carbs and keep refined carbs to a minimum.

    You can get fit when you get your weight down to a better level and then you may find it easier to do and more enjoyable.

    I lost my weight wihtout exercise you can too. I do exercise now but not the gym. I do it for fitness and health, not for weightloss.
  • pennypuffkin
    pennypuffkin Posts: 41 Member
    Brave, honest, and relatable post. Keep with it; you can do this! :)