Any vegetarians or pescatarians?

looking for some more motivation in my meals. Keeping them healthy and not loaded with pastas and breads.

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  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,891 Member
    Ovo-lacto vegetarian since 1974, when I was 18. (yep, 41 years). I almost never eat pasta or bread. My diary is open to friends, so friend me if you want to see what I eat - though it can be hard to visualize since I usually cook from scratch, so my diary is an ingredient list.
  • reversetinman
    reversetinman Posts: 14 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Ovo-lacto vegetarian since 1974, when I was 18. (yep, 41 years). I almost never eat pasta or bread. My diary is open to friends, so friend me if you want to see what I eat - though it can be hard to visualize since I usually cook from scratch, so my diary is an ingredient list.

    I cook a lot at home too. It can be helpful I find to make a recipe with the ingredients and then use that to log stuff. Especially if it's something you make a lot or are going to have for left overs. :)
    I added you! Thanks and I hope we can become weight loss friends!
  • ModernRock
    ModernRock Posts: 372 Member
    I've also been ovo-lacto vegetarian since I was 18. In my case that's just over 20 years. There really aren't any vegetables, fruits, grains, beans or nuts I don't like, so that helps. I like sandwiches, but the bread contributes too many empty calories I'd rather use later in the day for a cup of ice cream or a beer. So, I've been doing things like spreading nut butter on a banana instead of eating them on bread.
  • reversetinman
    reversetinman Posts: 14 Member
    ModernRock wrote: »
    I've also been ovo-lacto vegetarian since I was 18. In my case that's just over 20 years. There really aren't any vegetables, fruits, grains, beans or nuts I don't like, so that helps. I like sandwiches, but the bread contributes too many empty calories I'd rather use later in the day for a cup of ice cream or a beer. So, I've been doing things like spreading nut butter on a banana instead of eating them on bread.

    I do that too! I have a banana with peanut butter on it and sometimes a little honey as well! It satisfies my sweet tooth perfectly!

  • tthorne421
    tthorne421 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a gluten and milk free vegetarian. I could use some recipe ideas myself.
  • JohnZain
    JohnZain Posts: 23 Member
    I recently became a vegetarian and I'm also dairy intolerant/allergic so I try to avoid milk and cheese because too much dairy does weird things to my body. This is a good website for recipes: