Do you believe in having a weekly cheat meal? what's your reason?



  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
    Basically the way I've been dealing with cravings for terrible food is just eating less throughout the day, then having whatever I want for dinner. I'm lucky enough to have a high calorie goal even for weight loss right now (~2600 calories), so I can easily sustain myself off of 1000 calories throughout the day and have a big elaborate meal for dinner if I want to, and still be within my goal.

    The other day I ate almost nothing throughout the day, then pigged out on Carl's JR for dinner. It was awesome.
  • bhoward59
    bhoward59 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on Jenny Craig and my weight-in day is Thursday. I give myself a cheat day friday with just dinner. I eat pizza. I will eat the 4 corners and one regular square size slice. Then the next couple of days I drank an extra bottle of water. I've weighted myself the next day just to see the damage. It's usually just a 1/2 lb. By the following week I still lose 1 - 1 1/2 lbs. I'm satisfied that I ate my favorite food and still lost weight. I've done it now like 8 weeks. Weather I'll be sorry later I don't know. I have 15 lbs to get to my half way point. I haven't hit any plateaus yet and I'm hoping I don't hit one.
  • skeeblue8
    skeeblue8 Posts: 27 Member
    I have heard people say oh I am having a cheat day. A whole day. Not for me. I feel a small cheat is okay. I love burgers and pizza two bad foods for dieting. So a cheat for me may be a hamburger but not weekly. You can treat yourself with snack and still stay in your calorie goals by altering ur other meals or working out.
  • tecobb1
    tecobb1 Posts: 9 Member
    kirzz92 wrote: »
    As my heading states, what are your opinions on a weekly cheat meal?

    I'm kinda leaning towards being pro, perhaps a nice idea for a sunday eve to end off a successful week of hard training and clean eating.

    Where do you draw the line though?

    What do you classify as too much of a cheat meal?

  • tecobb1
    tecobb1 Posts: 9 Member
    I have cheat meal all the time.
  • TamLam99
    TamLam99 Posts: 247 Member
    A cheat meal could easily undo an entire week of calorie deficit for me.

    If I want something special I find a way to fit it in, either by exercising more or eating lighter for a day or two.
  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    I have regular maintenance days and occasional maintenance weeks. That's all part of my plan, and I don't consider that cheating. Even a day I eat everything in sight (some months it's inevitable; thank you, hormones) isn't cheating as far as I'm concerned. It's a day I was extra hungry so I ate more. I log it and move on. I haven't suffered a single negative consequence from any of this, and I never, ever feel guilty about food.