Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • TerryJackson61
    TerryJackson61 Posts: 733 Member
    me me! I prefer open diaries though ;)
    mine is open to frriends

  • TerryJackson61
    TerryJackson61 Posts: 733 Member
    fee free to add me been logging steady sine May 11 I'm on every day multiple times.
  • RocSmith79
    RocSmith79 Posts: 139 Member
    Feel free to add me for motivation and help reaching your goals.
  • TweedleDebo
    TweedleDebo Posts: 423 Member
    I am always happy to have new friends on here! I love seeing everyone's updates of what they are doing to stay active, their NSVs, etc. Feel free to send me a friend request if you'd like. (LGBT friendly only, please.)

    Have a great day, everyone!!

    Debo in South Carolina
  • GeorgiaM2015
    GeorgiaM2015 Posts: 142 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • madmanmk
    madmanmk Posts: 14 Member
    pls add was doing well b4 baby was born and getting back into it now 7 months on - i do delete if you dont log on for 3 months or more and my diary is hidden, i dont always comment but i do like status ect.
  • dragonfire12601
    dragonfire12601 Posts: 166 Member
    I can also use more friends for motivation and support. Feel free to add me. This ride is always better with friends :)
  • Pencil_Hearts
    Pencil_Hearts Posts: 152 Member
    I have been on here for what feels like forever. Looking for new friends to help with my motivation! I want to get back into it after not using MFP for 3-4 months!
  • DaceyG1990
    DaceyG1990 Posts: 103 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • MrsWetty
    MrsWetty Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me!:) I'm all in for more people to stay motivated with!
  • jfrye85
    jfrye85 Posts: 37 Member
    I need the support and motivation.
  • MarietjieHoward
    MarietjieHoward Posts: 214 Member
    Hi add me!!!! the more the merrier. :)
  • MarietjieHoward
    MarietjieHoward Posts: 214 Member
    Kelven2330 wrote: »
    PS. I am totally starving right now and could eat my computer.

    PSS. Thanks for listening.

    Lol! Wait 30 min. Then see if the craving has passed.

    I feel your pain, was feeling hungry too a few min ago, have some water that seems to help for me.

  • Winston817
    Winston817 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Feel free to add..always up for new friends!
  • Rubeis
    Rubeis Posts: 6 Member
    I am on the lookout for some inspirational peeps to be inspired and motivated by!
  • crashchamp
    crashchamp Posts: 147 Member
    Always up for more active friends. I log daily and diary is open. Feel free to add me
  • YAHWEH56
    YAHWEH56 Posts: 406 Member
    Add me!!:)

  • anicole0102
    anicole0102 Posts: 48 Member
    I would love to have friends that are on here daily
  • kialea22
    kialea22 Posts: 15 Member
    Would love some new friends :) motivation is always welcomed!
  • ChristineJ1005
    ChristineJ1005 Posts: 6 Member
    I need the motivation from people who are also trying to accomplish the same goal!
    I would love the support and motivation!
    Feel Free to Add Me!