Better options at Dunkin?



  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I love the turkey sausage egg white flatbread.... although has a bit too much cheese for my taste, could always ask them to hold that.

    Yes, that sandwich is awesome and is only 280 calories. I never have time to make breakfast in the morning, so most days I make an egg and sausage scramble @ only 160 calories the night before and eat it at my desk at work. You can also grab a protein bar and a piece of fruit.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Just remembered something from my bento days. Make quiche in cupcake molds. Use lowfat milk or rice/almond/hemp milk. Add spinach, onion, tomatoes., meat if that floats your boat. Sprinkle the cheese on top so you use less. Bake them in the oven at 350. You can pop one in the microwave to heat up or eat it cold.I find the silicone muffin molds require less oil, but even if you have the regular metal ones the amount of oil used is minimal . Use a healthier oil like olive oil or coconut oil.

    OMG that sounds fabulous! I can so do that. That would be perfect.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Thanks so much for the great ideas... it's good to know that there are some better choices I can make at DD, and also get some ideas for easy breakfasts.

    I'm also about to bake a couple batches of whole wheat pitas... it probably wouldn't be too tough to prep those with breakfast fixings, right? Or even my homemade hummus and fresh tomato. You all have got me thinking now!
  • shanoops
    shanoops Posts: 7
    I think small changes are the best way to go. I agree that the flatbread sandwiches are great if you're looking for a better option at DD, and, as someone who use to eat sausage, egg, and cheese croissant three days a week, they don't make you feel like you're giving up taste or satisfaction.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Well done for making healthy changes slowly, I've done the same thing and for me it has been much more sustainable than anything i've tried before (over four months here now!).

    I usually make breakfast for a few days in advance for my husband and myself and we both take it to work and eat it there.
    I chop up a batch of fruit (depending on what is in season - at the moment it is apples, mandarins, plums and maybe grapes or kiwis), add a spoonful of lowfat natural yoghurt and top with 1/3 cup muesli. That comes in under 300 cals and is very filling. I didn't think it would be any good if I made it the night before, but now I'm in the habit of doing a batch for 2 or 3 days and it keeps fine in the fridge.

    I also like fritatta for breakfast and they keep well in the fridge too - any veggies you like (left over roast vegies are specially good) with brown rice if you have any, eggs on top and cook or bake. I've made individual ones in muffin pans before and they were great.

    Although if I could make my own whole wheat pitas, I'd definitley be trying those with hommus and salad or scrambled eggs and spinach.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Hi Colleen, I live in an area where you can't drive a mile without passing a Dunkins so I totally understand. After I had DD I was obsessed doing Weight Watchers and going to the gym at least 3 days a week. Since I was counting points, I tended to do stupid things as long as I didn't go over my points for the day. That would include a Boston Creme donut and coffee after my workouts as my "treat". Oy! Somehow I still lost weight. Here's the link to Dunkin's Nutritional information

    If I'm getting breakfast there I often get a bacon egg and cheese on an english. I definitely don't do it alot, but I'll do that and then eat a great salad for lunch or something low in calories high in veggies. Their new eggwhite sandwiches are okay.

    My signature on another message board used to be "Baby steps...just take baby steps" and that worked for me. If you try to make too many drastic changes at once you can really blow your resolve. Keep up the good work!
  • Pseudocyber
    Pseudocyber Posts: 312 Member
    Since changing my lifestyle (aka dieting), I've gotten to where I really look forward to my breakfast of fruit. I normally eat a whole grapefruit, then add in 100g each of different berries - whatever I've picked from the berrie stand at the grocery store. :wink: I might add in an orange.

    I "cheat" and sweeten it up with a pink packet of sweet & low.

    So, it's normally about 300 Cal +/-. About 40 or so Carbs. Hit all the Vitamin C right away. Sometimes I add a yogurt and some granola for protein.

    I used to be totally a doughnuts, bagels, big breakfast kind of guy.
  • meemo88
    meemo88 Posts: 436 Member
    egg white veggie flatbread with turkey ssausage soooo good
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    This morning I had a yogurt, fruit salad (fresh), and tuna on crackers. It was awesome, quick, and easy. I felt a little hungrier than I usually do, but that might just be the adjustment period while my body gets used to feeling full without cheese and biscuits.

    Thanks so much for the fabulous ideas! I'm looking forward to trying some of the other ideas, like the mini-quiches.
  • corysboredagain
    have you tried making eggs in the microwave? it's SUPERFAST and easy. this is actually really popular in japan. you could even by egg beaters or any other kind of liquid eggs and it'd be even faster. plus having some veggies cut & ready to go is helpful. i enjoy spinach, tomatos, mushrooms, and a little cheese in my eggs.

    here is a link to hungry girls "egg mug"

    honestly, skip places like dunkin. it's a trap. you need to get out of it. continuing to go and putting yourself in that temptation is only going to hold you back.

    best of luck!
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I looked up the egg mug -- looks super easy. Thanks!
  • corysboredagain
    I looked up the egg mug -- looks super easy. Thanks!

    i hope you enjoy it! i used to work in a shopping mall where i'd eat Panera bread EVERY morning, have lunch at panda express, charley's, sbarro, mall food, then have a bubble tea and usually a cookie (or 2) from the cookie stand. once i left the mall i learned how to make easy, fast, yummy food and i feel much better and way more in control.