Eat to Live



  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I personally am allergic to Dr. Oz.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    lyndahh75 wrote: »
    The eat to live diet by Dr. Fuhrman is also referred to as the anti cancer diet. Studies from around 2013 suggest that eating meat and dairy can lead to cancer by activating the oncogene - or something like that. Each Dr has their own belief. There are a plethora of studies to act as pros for theirs cons against the others. Who are we to say that any of these studies are wrong? There can't be harm in eating primarily plants. It is restrictive but aren't most diets? Low carb restricts carbs, low fat restricts fat, low calorie restricts calories.. Etc

    @senecarr, what logical fallacy is this?

    Saying what I'd call it is against the community guidelines.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    lyndahh75 wrote: »
    The eat to live diet by Dr. Fuhrman is also referred to as the anti cancer diet. Studies from around 2013 suggest that eating meat and dairy can lead to cancer by activating the oncogene - or something like that. Each Dr has their own belief. There are a plethora of studies to act as pros for theirs cons against the others. Who are we to say that any of these studies are wrong? There can't be harm in eating primarily plants. It is restrictive but aren't most diets? Low carb restricts carbs, low fat restricts fat, low calorie restricts calories.. Etc

    @senecarr, what logical fallacy is this?

    Saying what I'd call it is against the community guidelines.

    I believe that's what's referred to as the herp derp fallacy
  • lyndahh75
    lyndahh75 Posts: 124 Member
    No one said it is Gospel. It is just what that particular study suggests. Personally the skittles diet can result in nothing but goodness, happiness , and puppies because it's literally tasting a rainbow. Rainbows are pretty thus good for you
  • Venus_Red
    Venus_Red Posts: 209 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    I personally am allergic to Dr. Oz.


    Bless you. Or something.
  • abetterluke
    abetterluke Posts: 625 Member
    I'm very certain I won't pay anyone to tell me what I should and shouldn't eat :angry:

    This is really the only reply anyone should ever need for these types of threads.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    lyndahh75 wrote: »
    The eat to live diet by Dr. Fuhrman is also referred to as the anti cancer diet. Studies from around 2013 suggest that eating meat and dairy can lead to cancer by activating the oncogene - or something like that. Each Dr has their own belief. There are a plethora of studies to act as pros for theirs cons against the others. Who are we to say that any of these studies are wrong? There can't be harm in eating primarily plants. It is restrictive but aren't most diets? Low carb restricts carbs, low fat restricts fat, low calorie restricts calories.. Etc

    @senecarr, what logical fallacy is this?

    Saying what I'd call it is against the community guidelines.
    Which part? Who are we to say is a form of JAQing off or argument from authority to say lay people can't judge studies.
    Saying there are a plethora of contradictory studies is a grey fallacy - studies apply to exactly what was studied so contradictions aren't necessarily there. Using only the subset that support your position is cherry picking.
  • lyndahh75
    lyndahh75 Posts: 124 Member
    It's been 7 years since my Father passed away from Cancer. I remember his Dr telling him to eat less red meat, animal fats as well as avoiding dairy and to eat more vegetables- especially green leafy vegetables. The rationale was - plants have natural cancer fighting properties that aid in repairing and strengthening our immune system. Meats contain chemicals and toxins - micoplasms.
    Thinking back - it makes sense
  • Venus_Red
    Venus_Red Posts: 209 Member
    lyndahh75 wrote: »
    It's been 7 years since my Father passed away from Cancer. I remember his Dr telling him to eat less red meat, animal fats as well as avoiding dairy and to eat more vegetables- especially green leafy vegetables. The rationale was - plants have natural cancer fighting properties that aid in repairing and strengthening our immune system. Meats contain chemicals and toxins - micoplasms.
    Thinking back - it makes sense

  • lyndahh75
    lyndahh75 Posts: 124 Member
    Ah the expert disapproves. :o
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    lyndahh75 wrote: »
    It's been 7 years since my Father passed away from Cancer. I remember his Dr telling him to eat less red meat, animal fats as well as avoiding dairy and to eat more vegetables- especially green leafy vegetables. The rationale was - plants have natural cancer fighting properties that aid in repairing and strengthening our immune system. Meats contain chemicals and toxins - micoplasms.
    Thinking back - it makes sense

    Vegetarians get cancer at about the same rate as omnivores. Plants also contain chemicals and toxins, I hope you know.
  • lyndahh75
    lyndahh75 Posts: 124 Member
    Living causes cancer. So we look for ways to boost the immune system. Oh cell phones and sugar, microwaves also cause cancer. Not to mention the crap they pump factory raised meats with - I am sure they cause cancer.
  • abetterluke
    abetterluke Posts: 625 Member
    lyndahh75 wrote: »
    Living causes cancer. So we look for ways to boost the immune system. Oh cell phones and sugar, microwaves also cause cancer. Not to mention the crap they pump factory raised meats with - I am sure they cause cancer.

    Are you stating all these things as fact or are you meaning this in a tongue in cheek sort of way?

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    lyndahh75 wrote: »
    The eat to live diet by Dr. Fuhrman is also referred to as the anti cancer diet. Studies from around 2013 suggest that eating meat and dairy can lead to cancer by activating the oncogene - or something like that. Each Dr has their own belief. There are a plethora of studies to act as pros for theirs cons against the others. Who are we to say that any of these studies are wrong? There can't be harm in eating primarily plants. It is restrictive but aren't most diets? Low carb restricts carbs, low fat restricts fat, low calorie restricts calories.. Etc

    @senecarr, what logical fallacy is this?

    Saying what I'd call it is against the community guidelines.
    Which part? Who are we to say is a form of JAQing off or argument from authority to say lay people can't judge studies.
    Saying there are a plethora of contradictory studies is a grey fallacy - studies apply to exactly what was studied so contradictions aren't necessarily there. Using only the subset that support your position is cherry picking.

    I knew there were a boatload of them. I was hoping you'd catch them all. Sort of like Pokemon.

  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    lyndahh75 wrote: »
    Living causes cancer. So we look for ways to boost the immune system. Oh cell phones and sugar, microwaves also cause cancer. Not to mention the crap they pump factory raised meats with - I am sure they cause cancer.

    Tinfoil hat forum is that way
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    lyndahh75 wrote: »
    Living causes cancer. So we look for ways to boost the immune system. Oh cell phones and sugar, microwaves also cause cancer. Not to mention the crap they pump factory raised meats with - I am sure they cause cancer.

    Raising your immune system is a bad thing. Ask the people here an auto-immune disorder.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited September 2015
    senecarr wrote: »
    lyndahh75 wrote: »
    Living causes cancer. So we look for ways to boost the immune system. Oh cell phones and sugar, microwaves also cause cancer. Not to mention the crap they pump factory raised meats with - I am sure they cause cancer.

    Raising your immune system is a bad thing. Ask the people here an auto-immune disorder.

    I have RA and trying to squelch it is scary.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    lyndahh75 wrote: »
    It's been 7 years since my Father passed away from Cancer. I remember his Dr telling him to eat less red meat, animal fats as well as avoiding dairy and to eat more vegetables- especially green leafy vegetables. The rationale was - plants have natural cancer fighting properties that aid in repairing and strengthening our immune system. Meats contain chemicals and toxins - micoplasms.
    Thinking back - it makes sense

    I understand that this is a sensitive topic for you due to the loss of your father.

    But really, you are straining the bounds of credibility here.

    Vegetables have... pesticides on them.

  • lyndahh75
    lyndahh75 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm aware of the pesticides. I'm being snarky. People seem to enjoy picking things apart. With all sarcasm aside- no matter what we do in life- we will die from something. Could be from an accident, murder, allergic response, disease, anything. Zombie virus outbreak? That one may be a stretch.
    Studies show that meat (red in particular) links to cancer.
    Studies show that pesticides link to cancer
    Sugar links to cancer
    Stress links to cancer
    You name it- there's a study that links it to cancer or just death.
    Live, be happy, don't obsess, change what you can, don't stress over what you can't change, be kind to self and others and don't be fast to judge. Oh and be open to other view points And beliefs. That could solve the worlds problems.
    *singing* all you need is love
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Personally, I'm not a fan of any 'book' or 'how to' guide when it comes to weight loss.

    There is always some kind of odd little twist and 'fast weight loss' tip involved. Businesses make a LOT of money from over-weight people looking for quick fixes - usually from using words such as "FAST" followed by pictures of huge plates of food and the phrase "EAT ALL THIS AND STILL LOSE WEIGHT". It appeals to people. People want fast results but they don't want to change their eating habits - enter the 'how to' book that promises you the world for just £X.XX per month *sigh*.

    I've probably tried every single 'fad' or 'how to guide' out there - because I was desperate to lose weight fast. I followed their (sometimes INSANE) plans, restricted myself to the point of desperation, binge ate myself into a stupor and then moved on to the next book promising the same. It was a constant battle.

    MFP taught me the science of weight loss (and the logic). Eat less. Move more.
    Forget carb cutting, only eating after 7:30 PM, no meat, raw foods only, shake cleanses and detox plans.

    I eat a calorie deficit and I work out 4 times a week. I eat a tonne of carbs, I eat LATE at night. I hate raw food. I can't be bothered with shakes and your body detoxes itself. I've lost 30lbs. The ONLY thing that has worked.

    I just feel sad to see people spending their hard earned money on another 'hype' that'll be replaced with a different kind of 'hype' a few weeks later. Sorry If i've gone totally off subject. I needed to get it off my chest somewhere ;)