Do you ever get stuck on eating one food over and over?



  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    OhMsDiva wrote: »
    I dont know that I eat any one food for breakfast lunch dinner and snack, but I definately will eat the same food for a few weeks until I don't want to see it anymore. I guess for the main part I eat the same things everyday. I do try to switch it up. Right now I have air popped popcorn with cinnamon on it. Its so good. I am sure I wont want popcorn for a while soon.

    Yes! This is exactly what I do. I'll usually even end up throwing out the last container of whatever it is (or part of it) because I'm so sick of it by that point that I can't bring myself to finish. After a while (several months or so), I'll remember I used to like it and bring it back into the rotation.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I eat an Evol breakfast burrito every morning. But I buy a couple of different flavors, does that count as changing it up? LOL I recently tried to eat a bagel one morning and it felt like I hadn't even eaten. The burritos really fill me up. I love 'em.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Yes, I totally rock the food rut. It makes sticking to my calories easier, so I don't mind.
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    buy as much as you can and freeze them :)

    One of my very favorite combinations is cottage cheese and grapes, specifically red grapes. We just happen to have really good red grapes in my grocery store right now. Nice crunchy ones, the kind that *pop* when you bite into them. I know they won't last for long because usually the produce at this store isn't very good. And anyway, soon they'll become too expensive to buy.

    So I've been eating cottage cheese and grapes for breakfast. Or for lunch. Or maybe both. And for a snack. Even for dinner one night when my husband had to work late. lol I've eaten it enough now that I can practically eyeball my portion in the bowl that I always use. I've weighed it so many times that I really do know what it looks like. lol. (I still weigh afterwards just to be sure, and I'm surprisingly very close.)

    Anyway, if I don't turn into a bowl of cottage cheese and grapes I'll be surprised. :wink: At least it has some good calcium in it, which I have to be careful to get enough of since I don't drink milk much.

    Anyone else do this -- eat the same thing over and over while it lasts?

    Hmm... didn't think of freezing them. How are they when they thaw? Will they lose their crunchiness?

    I eat every night a big bowl of frozen fruits
    Also grapes

    Its great, like candies or little ice creams Specially cantaloupes
    I do this with 80% of all my fruits

    The only "ugly" fruit is banana and avocado...but i dont thaw those either i make smoothies with them. But all the too much fruits get frozen here.
    So i buy lots and lots of fruit specially when it is cheap and i freeze it all :) And eat it frozen through my yogurts and in the evening like i said as candies.

    I like it frozen and when you do it frozen through your yogurt/cottage cheese, it will freeze up around the fruit pieces and give them a bit of a yogurt layer lol
    i love that.

    to each their own of course but for me it works great.

    Sounds great! Adding "extra grapes" to my grocery list now. :)

    whispers behind her hand in your can add them to booze too. They stay longer good also.....shhhh
    looks around and wanders off.

  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    I eat a WHOLE lot of eggwhites, bags of steamable veggies, chicken thigh...but I like to eat fastfood or whatever every few days to mix it up
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    My lunch stays the same 90% of the time. And popcorn (with butter and salt) is de rigueur whenever we watch Netflix.

    BTW - grapes are so good this time of year!!
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I've always done food ruts, even before dieting. I ate the same thing for lunch almost every day I was in high school.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    edited September 2015
    I've always done food ruts, even before dieting. I ate the same thing for lunch almost every day I was in high school.

    I remember going through a period where I ate a Hostess pie and an ice cream sandwich for lunch every day. Super healthy! I was also size zero back then. :laugh:
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Oh and you can make some jams with it too, they hold long also :) and you can do that again in your cottage cheese and yogurt.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    I've always done food ruts, even before dieting. I ate the same thing for lunch almost every day I was in high school.

    I remember going through a period where I ate a Hostess pie and an ice cream sandwich for lunch every day. Super healthy! I was also size zero back then. :laugh:

    I ate ice cream sandwiches for lunch all the time in high school! (Hey, it's a sandwich! ha)

  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    buy as much as you can and freeze them :)

    One of my very favorite combinations is cottage cheese and grapes, specifically red grapes. We just happen to have really good red grapes in my grocery store right now. Nice crunchy ones, the kind that *pop* when you bite into them. I know they won't last for long because usually the produce at this store isn't very good. And anyway, soon they'll become too expensive to buy.

    So I've been eating cottage cheese and grapes for breakfast. Or for lunch. Or maybe both. And for a snack. Even for dinner one night when my husband had to work late. lol I've eaten it enough now that I can practically eyeball my portion in the bowl that I always use. I've weighed it so many times that I really do know what it looks like. lol. (I still weigh afterwards just to be sure, and I'm surprisingly very close.)

    Anyway, if I don't turn into a bowl of cottage cheese and grapes I'll be surprised. :wink: At least it has some good calcium in it, which I have to be careful to get enough of since I don't drink milk much.

    Anyone else do this -- eat the same thing over and over while it lasts?

    Hmm... didn't think of freezing them. How are they when they thaw? Will they lose their crunchiness?

    I eat every night a big bowl of frozen fruits
    Also grapes

    Its great, like candies or little ice creams Specially cantaloupes
    I do this with 80% of all my fruits

    The only "ugly" fruit is banana and avocado...but i dont thaw those either i make smoothies with them. But all the too much fruits get frozen here.
    So i buy lots and lots of fruit specially when it is cheap and i freeze it all :) And eat it frozen through my yogurts and in the evening like i said as candies.

    I like it frozen and when you do it frozen through your yogurt/cottage cheese, it will freeze up around the fruit pieces and give them a bit of a yogurt layer lol
    i love that.

    to each their own of course but for me it works great.

    Sounds great! Adding "extra grapes" to my grocery list now. :)

    whispers behind her hand in your can add them to booze too. They stay longer good also.....shhhh
    looks around and wanders off.

    You funny, I like you :D
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited September 2015
    maidentl wrote: »
    I've always done food ruts, even before dieting. I ate the same thing for lunch almost every day I was in high school.

    I remember going through a period where I ate a Hostess pie and an ice cream sandwich for lunch every day. Super healthy! I was also size zero back then. :laugh:

    My thing was tomato soup and these steam table melted cheese sandwiches from the gods they served in high school. An occasional switch up? I'd have Doritos too.

    Another kick I went on when I worked near this deli in New York was tomato soup with cream cheese on marble rye with pickles. No, I was not pregnant. The funny thing is that I loathe vinegar, and all things fermented-like, but I went through this spell where I just loved pickles for a while.

  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited September 2015
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    My lunch stays the same 90% of the time. And popcorn (with butter and salt) is de rigueur whenever we watch Netflix.

    BTW - grapes are so good this time of year!!

    lol my snack popcorn
    Each night with my frozen fruits.

    the popcorn is a huge bowl and good for 300 calories but love it. For the last 11 months now every night after dinner and walking our little doggie i have my snack!
    The fruits only vary with what i have frozen before, and sometimes i do ice with it sometimes nothing depends on how much "room" i have left.


  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Funny when i look over my food photos ( i make photos of every meal/food i make and eat and post them for some readers) my meals are lots of stir fry and popcorn and fruit...rofl.

  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Whatever is in season. This time of the year it is squash, apples. peaches, grapes, tomatoes and potatoes. Sometime in December/Jan it will be lots of oranges, bananas and soups and root stock like turnips and rutabaga. Spring is usually berries bananas and varieties of lettuce.

    I eat cereal every morning with whatever fruit is in season and some almonds and whole milk. I have some protein in the for of chicken pork or beef almost every day.

    So I guess the things I eat repeat a lot but there are so many ways to prepare things that no two meals are every exactly the same. Well except for work lunch which is usually a smaller portion of whatever I had for dinner the night before.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Yep. I cook for one, and recipes usually have a minimum of four servings, so ...

    Plus, there's fig season. I love fresh figs and good ones are only available for a short period of time.
  • quilt938
    quilt938 Posts: 57 Member
    yes esp seasonal stuff - watermelon was almost daily but I had other foods too. sometimes I get on an oatmeal/greek yogurt 'kick' - usually eggs/egg white in some form or fashion is daily for 1-2 meals..if I make a recipe I often it it each meal (other than maybe breakfast) til it's gone. usuallyonly lasts 2-4 days for me though but grapes in season, good, and on sale then I'd be eating those since I like them and probably freezing some for later to eat frozen
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Yes, I pretty much always rotate the same few things. I like it. I'm experimenting with some new concoctions now but otherwise, PB2, ground turkey, zucchini, squash, chipotle hot sauce, popcorn, greek yogurt, shirataki noodles, laughing cow cheese, deli turkey, spinach....those are my go-tos.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I'm impatiently waiting for figs and persimmons to come into season. Watch out world :o
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I eat cottage cheese all the freaking time. It's one of few protein foods that I like. Hasn't hurt me yet! :)

    I eat berries and granola almost daily. Once in a while I get sick of them and take a break for a week, but most days, berries are in my food diary. They're so sweet and I love sweetness, so what the heck.

    I don't think of it as stuck, but as eating what I like to eat. :)