What surprises have you found about foods you didn't realize before logging?



  • manukahoneybadger
    That mushrooms are mainly little puffs if potassium and not much else :)

    Also I noticed this on the labels of spices... a lot of them I use thinking I'm dodging salt (eg mild chilli powder) but have recently noticed they actually have salt listed in their ingredients also :|

  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    A serving of shrimp is pretty big.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    The eye opener for me was portion control and weighing my food. I was eating a crazy amount of calories before I started doing that routinely.

    Don't remember where I read this, but someone determined that we're usually satisfied by a relatively small amount of a particular food. But if it's on the plate we keep eating it because it's there.

    Me, too! The amount of food I need and feel good at looks so tiny. But then again I eat around 300 calories 5 times a day (just my preference - I know it's not necessary).
  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    How many calories are in condiments. I had no idea.
  • MrsCaitlinBeltran
    MrsCaitlinBeltran Posts: 241 Member
    The amount of sodium that is in pretty much every single food on this planet, lol. I don't have a medical condition that requires me to eat a low sodium diet but, if I consume over 3000mg of sodium in a day I feel super bloated and the scale jumps up like 4 pounds--it's ridiculous.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    The amount of sugar I consume every day....blows my mind when I look at my diary some days...mostly in fruits and beverages....Tim Hortons may be the death of my success!
  • k2mexox
    k2mexox Posts: 72 Member

    All those sesame and chia seeds I was sprinkling on food? Have WAY more calories than I thought.
    yes!! I quickly stopped using them once I realized the calories. I don't feel like the benefits are worth the calorie count.

  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    The day I went to Maggiano's for a team lunch, ordered salad and diet coke, and realized later that I could have had tiramisu and espresso for fewer calories. That was a sad day.

    I think of things as "good deal" and "bad deal". Avocado and cooked bacon are surprisingly good deals, granola (sadly) is a very bad one. Peanut butter is delicious but not the greatest deal, and is susceptible to a big calorie error for a small measuring error. Legumes generally not the greatest deal, as advertised. Grilled chicken breast adds up more slowly than I expect, and even lean ground beef adds up more quickly than I expect.
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    I've learned a few things:

    -- how many calories I was actually eating. omg... once I logged a typical day I was shocked.
    -- what my "one glass" of wine was really worth calorie-wise. lol. And it was way more than one serving.
    -- why my typical bowl of cereal was worth. The serving says 3/4 Cup but of course I never measured it pre-MFP.
    -- one teaspoon of sugar is enough for my tea and it's not a lot of calories. I was using way more than 1 t pre-MFP.
    -- a mixed drink such as a gin and tonic using diet tonic is surprisingly few calories (compared to drinks such as wine or beer)
    -- peanut butter is not a good source of protein unless you eat a ton of it, which of course means you'll weigh a ton also. :open_mouth:
    -- how many calories I was eating just in bread... toast for breakfast (two pieces usually), a sandwich for lunch.. Now if I have toast it's one slice and often the same for a sandwich, I'll make an open-faced one and stick it in the toaster oven to get hot and/or melty if I've added cheese.

    Those are just a few off the top of my head.