What's Your Most Recent NSV



  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    edited September 2015
    BRaye325 wrote: »
    I just had to bring in two 5 gallon water bottles (84 lbs) in from my car to our second floor office. After climbing the stairs and huffing and puffing, I realized last year I was carrying more than that around all day, everyday. This time I got to put them down and walk away!

    That's fantastic!
  • emmaspridham
    emmaspridham Posts: 5 Member
    4 years ago I bought a beautiful, red lace peplum dress online that I've never been able to wear. I was closet shopping for a dress for my sisters rehearsal dinner and tried it on just to see how close I was... And it fit like a glove! I'm so excited because I thought I was 20 lbs away from being able to wear it. Try on your "skinny" clothes, people! You might be surprised!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    New work shirts are in. My last one was too big for a while and I waited to get a different size till we got the different shirts. I went from a 2xl that I'd ordered last year to a medium and it's not tight at all. Had considered going with a large but glad my coworker convinced me otherwise.
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    I didn't buy a dozen of my favorite donuts when they were a great price. I saw they were 370 calories a piece ( I had an audible gasp that got looks from passerbys when i read the box!) and while I could just fit the calories in, I know myself by now that that wouldn't end up being the case. I wouldn't able to eat just one of those. Not at this point anyway. I'm better with my discipline now and that proves it!
  • athenawj
    athenawj Posts: 23 Member
    I didn't feel great yesterday, and halfway through my cardio, I had almost convinced myself to quit after 20 minutes. But I pushed on and finished. A year ago, any little reason would have convinced me to not even start my workout. A month ago, I pinched the nerve in my neck, and I even did light workouts through my recovery most days (mostly ones where I could hold my arm at my side). Even after 16 months of this, as someone who absolutely hated exercising, I still amaze myself!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    edited September 2015
    I was able to wear my sandals with 4" heels again yesterday after two months of physical therapy for an arthritic knee. Also, the strength training my physical therapist has had me doing made me able to take hills on my bike faster that three months ago and I was passing people on the hills of my Sunday bike ride.

    It's all about the hills :smiley:

  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Just finished a week and a half of cold/congestion/IBS and didn't gain an ounce. This has not happened in the 24 years since my IBS began. I went to maintenance and ate more carbs but I didn't let that snowball start rolling. Huge for me.
  • shellbelle0210
    shellbelle0210 Posts: 71 Member
    NSV: Fitting into pants you have been able to wear for almost two years. :)
    *does a little dance*
  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    I went on a 5 day trip to another country and ate too much. I got home, held myself accountable (without needing to blame any circumstances or people), weighed myself, took stock of the damage and went back into my routine without a hitch this morning. By this time next week, I would have repaired the deficit damage.

    This is the sort of thing that would have messed with my head for months before and I would have avoided the scale. I am in a different place now and ready to make small adjustments for these sorts of blips rather than descending into denial and only facing the issue months later when I have gained tons of weight instead of just a teeny bit.
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    Soopatt wrote: »
    I went on a 5 day trip to another country and ate too much. I got home, held myself accountable (without needing to blame any circumstances or people), weighed myself, took stock of the damage and went back into my routine without a hitch this morning. By this time next week, I would have repaired the deficit damage.

    This is the sort of thing that would have messed with my head for months before and I would have avoided the scale. I am in a different place now and ready to make small adjustments for these sorts of blips rather than descending into denial and only facing the issue months later when I have gained tons of weight instead of just a teeny bit.

    Good on you!!! I went on vacation last week and did the same as you. I am catching up currently.
  • Koorii
    Koorii Posts: 65 Member
    Today I am down a notch on my belt and (barely!) fit into one of my favorite shirts!
  • erinsaarela
    erinsaarela Posts: 15 Member
    Had a baby by c-section 5 months ago. I've had this pouch above my scar that i had to physically lift up to see my scar and I just noticed this week that the pouch is disappearing because I can see my scar when I look in the mirror.
  • clh72569
    clh72569 Posts: 280 Member
    My mom is an 83 year old Japanese lady. This weekend she said "You've lost weight". After I have lost 45 lbs and no comment ever. This was not a compliment, just a statement. I'll take it as a huge NSV!!
  • AshuhleeMarie
    AshuhleeMarie Posts: 86 Member
    lynette4 wrote: »
    I realized today that I have almost completely snuffed out the ugly voice in my head that tells me I can't! Instead I now have a BEAUTIFUL voice that says I can! On my run this morning I came to a hill and that ugly voice said "you can't do that" but immediately the beautiful voice chimed in with " yes you can! And you can kick it up a notch!!" And guess who won :smiley:

    Awesome! love this
  • AshuhleeMarie
    AshuhleeMarie Posts: 86 Member
    Had a baby by c-section 5 months ago. I've had this pouch above my scar that i had to physically lift up to see my scar and I just noticed this week that the pouch is disappearing because I can see my scar when I look in the mirror.

    ah! hope this happens to me. I've been checking it every day to see if it's lifting, can't wait to notice that!
  • muztangsax
    muztangsax Posts: 19 Member
    Best thing ever happen two days ago. My office had a dessert pot luck. I brought in cookies to participate, but I DID NOT eat any of the desserts. I simply had my salad and yogurt. Plus I was sitting next to the desserts all day long. So proud of myself!
  • mousie1973
    mousie1973 Posts: 438 Member
    Had to buy new pants last night cause the pair i was wearing was really uncomfortable because they were too big.. Bought a pair of "JMS (just my size)" brand from Walmart in a size 20!! (the ones i currently was wearing were a 24)
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    Wearing pants a size smaller to work now-a-days and even those want to slip down. I had to go in a bra hook. I really upped my resistance on the elliptical and although I could feel every moment of it, still squeaked out 30 minutes and then 20 minutes on the bike. People are saying "you look a lot smaller, are you losing weight?" and "you look great!" and man, that just makes my entire day.
  • lovefornow
    lovefornow Posts: 4 Member
    edited September 2015
    Congrats everyone on awesome NSV!!!

    Today I ran (pace = 10 min mile) for 15 min straight. I sprinted another 5 min (in intervals) for a full 20 min of running. This may not sound like much to a lot of people but I have ALWAYS had trouble with endurance and running. I usually do 5k over 35 min with a combo of walking, jogging (for no more than 6 min at a time) and sprinting in 45 and 120 second intervals. Although I know HIIT workouts are better for fat loss (which is what I am focusing on) I really want to see if I can run for 20 or even 30 min flat just because it's something I've never done.
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