What's Your Most Recent NSV



  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    Wearing pants a size smaller to work now-a-days and even those want to slip down. I had to go in a bra hook. I really upped my resistance on the elliptical and although I could feel every moment of it, still squeaked out 30 minutes and then 20 minutes on the bike. People are saying "you look a lot smaller, are you losing weight?" and "you look great!" and man, that just makes my entire day.
  • lovefornow
    lovefornow Posts: 4 Member
    edited September 2015
    Congrats everyone on awesome NSV!!!

    Today I ran (pace = 10 min mile) for 15 min straight. I sprinted another 5 min (in intervals) for a full 20 min of running. This may not sound like much to a lot of people but I have ALWAYS had trouble with endurance and running. I usually do 5k over 35 min with a combo of walking, jogging (for no more than 6 min at a time) and sprinting in 45 and 120 second intervals. Although I know HIIT workouts are better for fat loss (which is what I am focusing on) I really want to see if I can run for 20 or even 30 min flat just because it's something I've never done.
  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    My book was just released!

    Wow, congrats!!!!!
  • CJsf1t
    CJsf1t Posts: 414 Member
    My book was just released!


    Awesome! Congratulations!!

  • SunflowerSandra
    SunflowerSandra Posts: 70 Member
    So 2 weeks ago I left South Africa after a six week trip, with a broken heart.
    However, I did not gain on that massive trip!!! :) And I also did not resort to Ben&Jerry's to deal with the heartbreak.

    Then a second NSV, today I went to buy a pair of the exact same jeans that I bought last autumn and I wore so much they disintegrated..... 2 SIZES SMALLER!!!

  • Carnhot
    Carnhot Posts: 367 Member
    Colleague at work said, "I want to look like THAT" and pointed at me. ME!!

  • jbuzzed
    jbuzzed Posts: 10,172 Member
    I don't own any too small clothes anymore.
  • ats4908
    ats4908 Posts: 25 Member
    The neck on my favorite dress shirt wasn't hard to button this morning. Woohoo!
  • AlexanderAmelia
    AlexanderAmelia Posts: 29 Member
    clh72569 wrote: »
    My mom is an 83 year old Japanese lady. This weekend she said "You've lost weight". After I have lost 45 lbs and no comment ever. This was not a compliment, just a statement. I'll take it as a huge NSV!!

    That is awesome!
  • AlexanderAmelia
    AlexanderAmelia Posts: 29 Member
    Soopatt wrote: »
    I went on a 5 day trip to another country and ate too much. I got home, held myself accountable (without needing to blame any circumstances or people), weighed myself, took stock of the damage and went back into my routine without a hitch this morning. By this time next week, I would have repaired the deficit damage.

    This is the sort of thing that would have messed with my head for months before and I would have avoided the scale. I am in a different place now and ready to make small adjustments for these sorts of blips rather than descending into denial and only facing the issue months later when I have gained tons of weight instead of just a teeny bit.


    As long as we keep taking the 'two steps forward', the occasional 'one step back' doesn't really matter in the broader scheme of things.
  • LongTallSally76
    LongTallSally76 Posts: 19 Member
    Three realisations that I've lost a lot of weight this morning. 1) I put on the belt that I bought two months ago. Had to put it on the very last notch and it isn't tight enough to hold my jeans up! 2) Saw my bus coming at a distance whilst I was walking to the bus stop. Had to do a mad sprint to catch it just in time. Not even the teeniest bit out of breath. 3) Trying to put my jacket on as I'm sitting on the bus. Put my iPod on my lap to free up my hands but it fell through the gap between my thighs and landed on the floor! I can no longer squeeze my thighs together. Looking forward to no more thigh rub in summer. Yay! Sometimes I forget or just don't notice how far I've come. I don't ever want to be fat and unfit again.
  • adnamalegna
    adnamalegna Posts: 203 Member
    A lady at work asked me "So just how much weight HAVE you lost?!? Your clothes are just about to fall off of you girl!"


    and... I'm getting to the point I'm starting to like running again.. finally!!!
  • fishnc13
    fishnc13 Posts: 11 Member
    Went through my closet to try on some old clothes (a pair of 511 pants and 2 t-shirts) I was trying to get back into. They were all huge. Getting tired of buying new clothes.
  • kfdcem
    kfdcem Posts: 17 Member
    I was walking my kid home from school, and she challenged me to a race up a fairly big hill. We ran the whole thing! When I first started this whole thing, I had to stop halfway up that hill, even at a slow walk. It was a good day :)
  • chunkytfg
    chunkytfg Posts: 339 Member
    I'm a very private person and tend to keep everything locked up in my head in real life. Behind a keyboard though I tend to be fairly open and honest.

    Last night however I was able to take a step into the uncomfortable and talk to my girlfriend about how things are going with my weight loss. She has been a massive supporter of me especially with the way MFP works.

    After a truely terrible weekend at work where I spent the better part of 2 12 hour shifts trying to eat tesco's out of everything they had with sugar in it I was able to tell her about it and admit my embarrassment for failing so hard and that I felt I had let her down because of all the hard work she had put into helping me.

    It was a real weight off my mind and has allowed me to start today with a fresh motivation to move forward and carry on to my ultimate goal. 9.2kg to go.
  • Init_to_winit
    Init_to_winit Posts: 258 Member
    Can't get the stupid scale to move but I went down a jeans size. Scale be damned!
  • brandyosu
    brandyosu Posts: 257 Member
    A few things 1) I finally hit ONEDERLAND (okay, that IS a scale victory but I'm just so freaking happy about it!), 2) I was finally in a situation with people who hadn't seen me in a while and they were amazed at how great I look. I still have around 60 pounds or so until goal, but I definitely do NOT carry weight well. 3) I'm having to get rid of oversize clothes more frequently, which is a good thing but sort of a not good thing because I don't exactly plan to run out and buy a bunch of items in my current size either...so my wardrobe is MUCH smaller than I'm used to it being! Would I change anything so that I could keep those clothes, though? Heck no! I would run around naked before I would be willing to gain the weight back!
  • 2ledbetter
    2ledbetter Posts: 199 Member
    I was able to lift ( about 4ft high) hold in place and screw in a piece of Sheetrock all by myself. I surprised myself with how much stronger I've become.
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