21 Day fix, need help!!



  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    CiCO. 21 days? Thats not much time to lose. Im not sure what this fad is or what your trying to accomplish in that time frame. Try following what MFP is showing for you as far as calories wise. Watch your success happen when you follow it close. Wish you well in your goal.

    21 Days Fix is a rip-off of Weight Watchers old exchange program.

    For your daily calories you get colorful (expensive) Tupperware. Fill xx # of containers....and your calories are in the zone. This program is super easy to copy.....instructions are all over Pinterest.

    Thank you for explaining. Sounds like a chore. This would not work for me.
  • a_bogan2
    a_bogan2 Posts: 23 Member
    "I have done the 21 day fix. When i fisrt started i thought the exact same thing. However, I think the calorie intake it shows is not the actual intake you ingest. If you come to think of it and see all thr foods you're allowed to it; there really is now way it would be that amount. I tracked it and i resulted to eat less then what mfp recommended and was far fuller. First round i lost 15 lbs and that was with the exercise almost every day on weekdays. If you have it. Try it. Trust me, it takes the guessing out of so much."

    I just wanted to set this here. It was posted to one of my other forums. There is such a thing as 'zero calorie' foods. It may not have 0 calories, but it doesn't take hardly any effort to burn them off. For example, celery.. cucumbers.. tomatoes.

    All I am saying, is that to everyone who is being rude and unhelpful, it is unneeded. I am not asking about a weightloss shake, I am not asking about a diet pill. I am asking people who HAVE USED THE PROGRAM for help. You wouldn't do this if it was a weight watchers post. So do not do it here. You've spammed all of my posts so much that I completely missed her comment until I went through and actually read everyones. Thank ya! Have a great day ! :)
  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    CiCO. 21 days? Thats not much time to lose. Im not sure what this fad is or what your trying to accomplish in that time frame. Try following what MFP is showing for you as far as calories wise. Watch your success happen when you follow it close. Wish you well in your goal.

    21 Days Fix is a rip-off of Weight Watchers old exchange program.

    For your daily calories you get colorful (expensive) Tupperware. Fill xx # of containers....and your calories are in the zone. This program is super easy to copy.....instructions are all over Pinterest.

    Thank you for explaining. This would be to tedious. This is not for me.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    a_bogan2 wrote: »
    "I have done the 21 day fix. When i fisrt started i thought the exact same thing. However, I think the calorie intake it shows is not the actual intake you ingest. If you come to think of it and see all thr foods you're allowed to it; there really is now way it would be that amount. I tracked it and i resulted to eat less then what mfp recommended and was far fuller. First round i lost 15 lbs and that was with the exercise almost every day on weekdays. If you have it. Try it. Trust me, it takes the guessing out of so much."

    I just wanted to set this here. It was posted to one of my other forums. There is such a thing as 'zero calorie' foods. It may not have 0 calories, but it doesn't take hardly any effort to burn them off. For example, celery.. cucumbers.. tomatoes.

    All I am saying, is that to everyone who is being rude and unhelpful, it is unneeded. I am not asking about a weightloss shake, I am not asking about a diet pill. I am asking people who HAVE USED THE PROGRAM for help. You wouldn't do this if it was a weight watchers post. So do not do it here. You've spammed all of my posts so much that I completely missed her comment until I went through and actually read everyones. Thank ya! Have a great day ! :)

    So you're using "zero calorie" to mean the same thing as "low calorie"? Those vegetables have calories. They have less than other foods, but they aren't zero calorie.

    The program that you're using is irrelevant. When people post misinformation here, it tends to get refuted. If someone posted misinformation related to Weight Watchers, people would step in to correct that as well.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    jakkrk wrote: »
    What is a zero calorie food? Can you leave me a list? There is like no such thing as a "zero calorie food"
    Broccoli is a negative calorie food. It take more calories to burn it than it contains

    So I can eat 3,000 guilt-free broccoli calories? Well, maybe. It might take me 3 days to eat that much.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    a_bogan2 wrote: »
    To everyone, the 21 Day Fix, isn't guaranteeing you any thing within the 21 Day Fix. The main point is to efforessly teach how to portion control. I DID follow this to a T a few months back and did lose weight, however I got side tracked and some days wasn't able to track everything or ate too much of one thing because I was unsure of portioning.

    After thousands of reviews on this site, blog forums and personal reviews, this program has not had one bad one. What works for you doesn't work for everyone else.

    Also, I got the answer to my question. Because you are clean eating ( no processed junk , pop, etc) your calories at the end of the day will add up to no where near the amount that they place you at. Thanks!

    clean eating has nothing to do with weight loss. If you eat "clean" (whatever that is) and eat in a surplus you will gain weight.

    Use the tools on MFP, eat in a deficit, move more, and you will lose weight. You do not need 25.00 Tupperware containers that you could get at the dollar store....
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    MommyL2015 wrote: »
    jakkrk wrote: »
    What is a zero calorie food? Can you leave me a list? There is like no such thing as a "zero calorie food"
    Broccoli is a negative calorie food. It take more calories to burn it than it contains

    So I can eat 3,000 guilt-free broccoli calories? Well, maybe. It might take me 3 days to eat that much.

    just make sure we are not in the same room...
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    MommyL2015 wrote: »
    jakkrk wrote: »
    What is a zero calorie food? Can you leave me a list? There is like no such thing as a "zero calorie food"
    Broccoli is a negative calorie food. It take more calories to burn it than it contains

    So I can eat 3,000 guilt-free broccoli calories? Well, maybe. It might take me 3 days to eat that much.

    Add a lighter and a video camera and become instantly youtube famous.
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