Insanity: The Asylum - beginning 5/30/11 - NEED SUPPORT!



  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    Today was the 2nd time I did Speed & Agility - actually did better than the 1st time; even with that stupid jump rope! My daughter was teasing me asking if I missed that day in elementary school!

    So for those of you who are doing a tough workout program and not sure why you continue, or wondering if you should continue - DO IT! You will gain more strength and endurance, feel really great physically and emotionally, and it gives you a whole new perspective on life - you will find that you are capable of more than you every thought possible!
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    Today completed week 1 of Insanity. Today and yesterday I've been home visiting my fam and my mom has done it with me both days! So proud of her! I love it... the intensity is so awesome. I love pushing myself. Even challenging dvds get easier after a while because you get used to them... I love that Insanity will continue to be a challenge always because the whole point is to keep pushing yourself further and harder than the last time. It's amazing. Love, love, love! :)
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    That's awesome that your mom was able to do it with you! She must be in pretty good shape?!?

    Every day I did Insanity, a thought would pop into my head - "Holy Crap! Really????"... but I'd let that thought subside and before I knew it, the workout was done!

    Glad to hear Insanity is meeting your expectations! Looking forward to hearing about the progress you're going to make over the coming weeks!
  • I finished Asylum May 18th... i had the same exact thought about it being easier than Insanity... but for some reason, it just got harder and harder as the days went on... i guess that's b/c my form got more focused and my intensity level increased... in other words, mentally it seemed easier, but it definitely got harder... especially Gameday+Overtime lol...

    i gained 2.5lbs on Asylum but lost 2.7% body fat and 2" on my waist... my improvements on the fit test also proved that i actually got better... tho my shoulder started giving me trouble near the end and it affected some of my results...

    overall great program!!! i'm currently on Day 12 of Asylum/Insanity Hybrid!!

    lmk if u want me to post b4/after pics for Asylum!!
  • simplysara9
    simplysara9 Posts: 521
    I am almost done with week two of Insanity. Tomorrow I have a workout then Tuesday is my rest day. The program is getting easier in terms of knowing what to do and having the correct form but it is getting harder because I am using more intensity now. I am no longer watching Shaun T on the screen and am actually facing away from the TV so I do not get distracted by comparing myself to the people on the screen. I have been doing more reps now that I am not watching the other people. It is definitely a good workout.
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    I finished Asylum May 18th... i had the same exact thought about it being easier than Insanity... but for some reason, it just got harder and harder as the days went on... i guess that's b/c my form got more focused and my intensity level increased... in other words, mentally it seemed easier, but it definitely got harder... especially Gameday+Overtime lol...

    i gained 2.5lbs on Asylum but lost 2.7% body fat and 2" on my waist... my improvements on the fit test also proved that i actually got better... tho my shoulder started giving me trouble near the end and it affected some of my results...

    overall great program!!! i'm currently on Day 12 of Asylum/Insanity Hybrid!!

    lmk if u want me to post b4/after pics for Asylum!!

    I'm seriously not looking forward to Game Day PLUS Overtime! But that's over a week away and I'm hopeful!

    I would be shocked if I didn't see more definition in my abs too when I'm done - almost everything I do for these workouts involves the core.

    Would love for you to post your before and after pics as well as your Fit Test stats. How are you liking the hybrid?
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    Holy Vertical Plyo is hard!!! My legs hurt so bad... can't move forward or down stairs! lol I love it!

    I decided to change up the schedule to make more sense to me and my life -- going to alternate cardio and strength days for this week. Did strength yesterday, will do speed and agility today, 'rest day' (i am going rock climbing), vertical plyo, back to core, and GAME DAY as day 1 of next week! woo can't wait.
  • Evenbetter
    Evenbetter Posts: 20 Member
    What is Asylum and Insanity? I'm reading about you guys doing these and curious.
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    What is Asylum and Insanity? I'm reading about you guys doing these and curious.

    They're both Beachbody workout programs that you can do at home. Insanity came out 1st and is high intensity cardio. Asylum is also high intensity but alternates cardio with strength training - it's supposed to be more "sports" focused and improve speed and agility.

    Let me know if you want to know more - glad to share!
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    Second time around with Vertical Plyo - able to do a little more and jump a little further than the 1st time around!

    How's everyone else doing with your workout?
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    Today was "Game Day" - a mix of all kinds of sport-related exercises including tennis, swimming, baseball, basketball, mountain climbing... 60 minutes of pure sweat!

    Looking forward to my Relief day tomorrow!
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    Just did Second round of Vertical Plyo.... almost couldn't make myself do it today, but 1130 rolled around and i was kicking myself for missing it so i just got up and did it! going to make for a ROUGH morning tomorrow though! anyway, i really love that workout! it feels like such an accomplishment to be able to do the sick, insane things he wants you to do! plus, i LOVE doing the lateral jumps at the end.

    Rest day tomorrow - meaning i will likely lift some weights and do a TurboFire workout - and then Game day on Friday!!

    oh and ps. Back to Core? Still sucks! haha
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    @foreverjade - you think of me and I'll think of you next time we have to do Back to Core! Holding that lunge position for a minute then doing arm flutters KILLS ME! We're in it together and we are in it to win it!
  • simplysara9
    simplysara9 Posts: 521
    I have completed my first two weeks of Insanity and took my fitness test again the other day. I have increased in every workout except Power Jumps and Globe Jumps. I think the reason for not having an increase with those two workouts is form. I did not have proper form the first time I took the test and after two weeks of doing the moves day in and day out my form has drastically improved.

    I also took my measurements again and saw a decrease in my chest / hips / arms for a total of 4 inches. I know 4 inches isn't a lot but in two weeks that is great! I am not losing the weight like I was hoping but my eating habits have not been the best. I am going to start working on that now since I have the program down.
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    I know 4 inches isn't a lot but in two weeks that is great! I am not losing the weight like I was hoping but my eating habits have not been the best. I am going to start working on that now since I have the program down.

    4 inches lost is AWESOME! Great job! I too have not been doing as well as I could with my eating habits. Definitely need to avoid the sweet little snacks I have been sneaking in a couple times/week!
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    GAME DAY is AWESOME!!!! Seriously loved it. kicked my butt, great calorie burn, yet i didn't feel pain afterwards (unlike the other 2 cardio workouts when my legs are on FIRE). i loved the variety - didn't even notice it was a longer workout bc i was having too good a time to check the clock.
  • simplysara9
    simplysara9 Posts: 521
    Last week I skipped my first Cardio Abs workout because I ran out of time (I didn't realize I had a second workout to do). I tried to do the Cardio Abs yesterday because I was scheduled for it again and could not complete it!:frown: The movements just didn't come to me. I am hoping that I will eventually be able to get it but right now it feels like a big FAIL because I have been able to do every other DVD.
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    Last week I skipped my first Cardio Abs workout because I ran out of time (I didn't realize I had a second workout to do). I tried to do the Cardio Abs yesterday because I was scheduled for it again and could not complete it!:frown: The movements just didn't come to me. I am hoping that I will eventually be able to get it but right now it feels like a big FAIL because I have been able to do every other DVD.

    Try doing the Cardio Abs first and then the regular workout. I found I did much better with it when I did the ab workouts first. And it's never a fail as long as you are trying!
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    melcowen - what weight do you use for the Strength workout? I upped all the 1 dumbbell exercises to 15 pounds today and it made my HR go sky high! it was awesome! I burned 400 cals doing 45 mins of a weight lifting routine? craziness! it made me seriously excited
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I am finishing up my last week of Insanity this week, then onto Asylum!!
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