Does anyone else splurge on weekends??

I have been trying to lose weight since January of this year. I always do wonderfully (for the most part) during the week ...Then the weekend comes.... and I always overeat! also since I always have plans it's hard to find time to workout. :( ugggh I am just so worried that this is effecting my weight loss. I was just wondering if this happens to anyone else??? thnx guys.

Also any suggetions on how to drink 8 glasses of water a day??? I hate water.


  • dezdame
    dezdame Posts: 35
    trust me your not the only one! Im guilty
  • MommyofBoys
    I also started in January, and I find myself in the same situation! I'm trying my hardest to control it and stop, this past weekend was the first one in a long time that I haven't splurged the whole weekend! I'm not sure why I feel like that on weekends, my routine barely changes at all(I am a stay at home mom), except that my husband is home.
  • Kristin111365
    I only allow myself my target calories, and will sometimes eat my workout calories if it is a special occasion. Crystal light is the best for adding to your water. lots of great flavors.
  • apeetro
    apeetro Posts: 12
    Weekends are the hardest for me!!! I always splurge!!! I have to stop doing it or my wt loss is gonna stop... Help lol
  • apeetro
    apeetro Posts: 12
    Weekends are the hardest for me!!! I always splurge!!! I have to stop doing it or my wt loss is gonna stop... Help lol
  • zoezoe4
    zoezoe4 Posts: 13 Member
    im the same! i also drink alcohol as well which i know is defiantly effecting my weight loss, however it is SO HARD when all your friends and family are enjoying themselves so i have to join in to... and then feel really guilty the next day
  • RobMacca1
    RobMacca1 Posts: 51 Member
    yes, sooooooo bad, but its ok as long as ur good days outweigh your bad! or at least thats what i try to think

  • mrbud
    mrbud Posts: 3 Member
    Also Guilty, that may be why I weigh in on friday mornings, I don't want to know what being around the house does to my diet
  • Rayanne203
    Rayanne203 Posts: 207 Member
    I too am a stay at home mom so I underwstand what you mean, Strange how that happens hey? I think that I just get to comfortable because my hubby is home! lol. I just wish I just wish I knew how to contropll this excessive weekend splurging I always hate myself after!
  • DanceMomCG
    DanceMomCG Posts: 47 Member
    I'm right there with you! It's not that I splurge on purpose...I just tend to go over in calories. We got out to eat or cook bigger meals for family so it's harder to stay on track.
  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    Have you only lost the 3 lbs since January? If you're only splurging on the weekends, then maybe you're not doing something right during the week. I know people lose weight differently, and I'm not trying to brag, but be able to relate to you, I've lost 8 lbs in 7 weeks and I am not strict with my diet on the weekends and I don't exercise then either, unless it's an outdoor activity. As for your water, buy some Crystal Light on-the-go packets and add them to your water. They're about 10 calories per packet. Or you can add some fruit, lemon or lime to your water. Try going back into your food diaries and pay attention to certain patterns and maybe foods you should omit. Good luck!
  • LayawayQueen
    LayawayQueen Posts: 3 Member

    I got to goal about 3 years ago and the weight has been slowly coming back on. I really do think part of it is I weigh in on Saturday morning and then the rest of the day is my Cheat Day..........I think now it is catching up to me. Not a healthy behvior to have I am beginning to realize it. Got through my first Saturday last week with no cheating. going to make an effort not to do that anymore. Because when you really stop and think about it ---- I am just giving myself a licence to eat whatever I want on Saturday and it is not healthy as that is how I put this weight on in the first place.

    As far as the water goes, I get my 8 to 10 glasses in every day by flavoring it a little bit with the single serving sizes of Crystal Light. I really like the Lemon Lime one. One serving makes about 4 glasses of water for me. Works for me. Hope it helps you!:smile:
  • caralynnxo
    caralynnxo Posts: 16
    Happens to me EVERY WEEKEND! It's awful. It must be because i have structure during the week days and not on the weekends. Scares me for summer! hahah!
  • caralynnxo
    caralynnxo Posts: 16
    Happens to me EVERY WEEKEND! It's awful. It must be because i have structure during the week days and not on the weekends. Scares me for summer! hahah!
  • Rayanne203
    Rayanne203 Posts: 207 Member
    haha yess and when I am with family I like to have drinks too so I dont think that helps!! lol
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I used to splurge once a week on the weekends on purpose. Now, I do it every 2-3 weeks. It keeps me sane.
  • ☆ShawnsMom08☆
    ☆ShawnsMom08☆ Posts: 74 Member
    Try having one splurge meal or food. That way you don't ruin a whole weeks worth of work. As far as water, if you don't like it add flavoring. Everyone makes their own now. Saw one from snapple the other day.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    No splurging on weekends. It I really want something then I make it fit within my goals or if a little over do more exercise. I like to stay focused all the time and I don't feel restricted. I don't want to work all week just to blow it on the weekends. Adapting a better lifestyle is the trick, not dieting and splurging....

    Water long as it is Decaf, non-cabonated and no sugar then its water. Crystal Light, Mio, some teas, and all of the Zero varieties of Vitamin Water, Lifewater and Powerade qualify.

    Best of luck!
  • aunt_hbomb
    aunt_hbomb Posts: 204
    Absolutely. Usually not the whole day but at least one meal. As a general rule I am not as strict on the weekends.
  • omgsaleslady
    omgsaleslady Posts: 44 Member
    this is my BIGGEST problem. on sunday nights i sit down and plan EVERY MEAL i will have for the coming week, even asking my husband when we plan on going out, etc. but weekends are always up in the air with friends and family wanting to do things. i fail every's so depressing. :(