Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • bmakkz
    bmakkz Posts: 7 Member
    I would love new friends!
  • ksizzle911
    ksizzle911 Posts: 130 Member
    Have been on MFP for years, but recently have been back in the game and looking for some friends who are active nowadays (many of the friends I have on here haven't logged in for several months). Need some motivation and interaction with others who are as into this as I am!

  • Looking for new motivational friends too :blush:
  • skjones1606
    skjones1606 Posts: 6 Member
    I'd love some accountability partners!
  • I would love to have more friends
  • Double__Tapp
    Double__Tapp Posts: 83 Member
    Love to have motivated fitness friends, friends that never say I only have 300 calories left for the day, what can I eat. Instead they go out and workout for an hour and have 900 left. If that sounds like you then we should be friends.
  • HazelHeart21
    HazelHeart21 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes! Please add me too! Would love more friends MFP - the support here is amazing!
  • twnns
    twnns Posts: 34 Member
    I will be friends with anyone who asks.
  • TerryJackson61
    TerryJackson61 Posts: 733 Member
    Been here awhile active daily and accepting friends if your new or just looking for more friends feel free to add me. I hve already added some of you already. myDiary is open to friends and I havealready lost 40 lbs 30 to go. I look forwar to youe FR have a great day
  • Samanthar204
    Samanthar204 Posts: 1 Member
    Just started recently. Would love some motivational friends :)
  • raleighzia
    raleighzia Posts: 129 Member
    Add me!!!
  • RedRey_
    RedRey_ Posts: 251 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me always looking to help and get help staying motivated
  • zachduden
    zachduden Posts: 264 Member
    Still adding!
  • deannasummers
    deannasummers Posts: 2 Member
    Just getting started, looking for motivation!!
  • onenerdyguy
    onenerdyguy Posts: 24 Member
    sure im game!
  • dlevario24
    dlevario24 Posts: 1 Member
    I could really use the motivation! Feel free to add me, I'd love to meet new people going through the same thing ☺
  • Etazer
    Etazer Posts: 218 Member
    I need friends!!!
  • MattiesZia
    MattiesZia Posts: 12 Member
    zachduden wrote: »
    I'm always accepting friend requests from motivational and inspirational people, so feel free to add me! Also, leave a comment below if you would like others to add you! :)

    Ok, I'm here, crazy I'm doing this but I'm in this to see success. Always open to support and motivate!
  • lauraleefaith
    lauraleefaith Posts: 578 Member
    Let's be friends (:
  • yorkshirewoman
    yorkshirewoman Posts: 4 Member
    Hi just logged in again. 6lbs has crept on and I need to sort it out so would welcome friends to support and be supported by :#