husband complaint



  • loopylis
    loopylis Posts: 116 Member
    I think your hubby needs a reality check! Maybe in some, twisted, idiotic way, he thinks by saying those horrible things will encourage and motivate you, when in reality he is hurting you and is too blind to realise what a mistake he is making. Sit him down and tell him what a pratt he is being.
    Or, he just is a bloody idiot and needs kicking to the curb!
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    The thing is I think that way about myself too. Even without him saying those things. When I was in high school I took diet pills and pretty much starved myself. And trust me what he says goes in one ear and out the other. I'm pretty good at ignoring him. the reason why Im upset is that it's like he puts up a front about what he thinks about me. He says nice thing about me to his friends and family just not to me. I wonder if he's trying to do reverse pshycology on me? Or if he's insecure about his body
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    135 and 5'2" is a good weight... Especially after having children. I would say that you are probably looking smoking hot.

    If I were you I would tell him to put a sock in it... And, if he doesn't have anything nice to say - Then he shouldn't say anything at all. Try to stay positive... Think about the other people in your life that give you compliments and thrive on those... Remember that you are doing something good for YOU - Not him.

    Keep up the good work!

    p.s. Everyone telling you to ditch your husband... Don't take that to personally. He sounds like an a**. But if you love him... then you love him. Make your own choices; you are your own woman.
  • phyllis5
    phyllis5 Posts: 16 Member
    To MommaLisa21....That is man worth keeping around!!! lots a luv!
  • natersmama
    natersmama Posts: 157
    wow. i'm 5'2" and 137. and my hubby tells me everyday how beautiful and sexy i am. and i have a flabby csection tummy. so i dont see it at all. your husband doesnt sound very supportive of you. and doesnt sound like a healthy environment for you or your children. as far as compliments when drunk, my mom always told me that drinking brings out the truth. ppl dont edit themselves when drunk for the most part. maybe his own insecurities with himself make him bring you down when he's sober. like the whole mean girls in high school mentality. either way, not all men are like this. nor do you deserve this treatment. your kids will eventually see it. and i'm speaking from experience, its a very hard thing to listen to and see your parents fight and say harsh things to each other.
  • WomanPower79
    We all want to tell you to LEAVE THAT SOB... I would love to offer to come help you whuuuuuppppp his AZZZZ! if you were my sister i would have long ago set that straight.. but now it seems he has beaten you down, Love. I pray to God you are doing this for you. You deserve someone who kisses all your rolls and stretch marks and says Thank you for bearing my kids. He's an *kitten*-wipe. I know you love him.. but I dont. Let me say this.. it wont change and you are teaching your babies its ok... People with his tendencies generally dont stop at words.. I will say he has some insecurities. BIG TIME!!!!!! i dont know you and I think you are awesome and amazing because I would have got him soooo drunk and beat the crap out of him and when he came to, myself and the kids and his wallet would have been gone!!!! but truly yourself.. Its clear something is amiss. and dont ask why he only says it when he's drunk. ask yourself why do you expect more from him?
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    My question for you is, why would you be with someone who called you names like that? What disrespect that is to you. I see you have kids, which makes it even worse. They don't need to grow up and hear that kind of talk. Total BS!

    Agreed, but walking out of an otherwise healthy relationship (if it is) is not great role modeling either. Children need to see conflict and need to see appropriate and healthy ways to deal with it. These are life skills that they will use for the rest of their lives. Your children should see that you are strong as a couple and that you will make every healthy attempt to overcome issues.

    With that said, maybe he was listening to your complaint and internalized it. Alcohol fuels emotions so he was prob really just loving you and wanted to show it.

    I would not mention the fact that he compliments you only when intoxicated. Instead I would be more proactive. I would say "Honey, you know when you complimented me the other day? It made me feel really good and it motivates me to keep pushing harder. Thank you." It will acknowledge what he said, how it benefited you, and open the door to say those kinds of things when he is sober (it may be difficult for him to do until he becomes more comfortable with complimenting you). Then compliment him every once in a while, and you kids. Make it a family effort to encourage each other.

    Don't forget to take the compliment and enjoy it. You have earned it. :)
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    The thing is I think that way about myself too. Even without him saying those things. When I was in high school I took diet pills and pretty much starved myself. And trust me what he says goes in one ear and out the other. I'm pretty good at ignoring him. the reason why Im upset is that it's like he puts up a front about what he thinks about me. He says nice thing about me to his friends and family just not to me. I wonder if he's trying to do reverse pshycology on me? Or if he's insecure about his body

    I do not think that it is reverse psychology. He is a MAN... men do not necessarily know what affects us. He may not even realize what he is doing... Raz on him about something for awhile. When he brings it up... Tell him why you did it and point out that perhaps now he knows how you feel.

    I think that he says nice things to friends/family says a lot right there. He love you and is proud of you.... He probably just does not know how to express it to you. I think you should honestly have a one on one chat with the man. He needs to know how you feel. Set it up - Neutral ground and both decide together before you talk that you wont get defensive.

    Man, do I sound like Dr. Phil or what... :wink:
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    He's a jerk, you're deep in denial. I honestly hope you get some help beyond this board. You really need it. How long do you think it's going to before your kids hear and understand him saying things like that to you. If you can't find the strength to get help for yourself, do it for your babies.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I can't imagine ever talking to my wife in that manner.
  • saldridge
    saldridge Posts: 125 Member
    So many of those comments are ridiculous and while they are meant to be supportive, they are not.

    Smack the *kitten* out of him, really? How about the other way round, a woman calls her husband a fat slob, should he also smack the *kitten* out of her?

    The OP is married, with children and while the things her husband is telling her are mean and unkind, I find it horrible that people immediately suggest to ditch him and kick his *kitten* to the curb, and suggest physical violence. What has he actually said to you, verbatim? Did he look at you and say to you "You are fat and gross!" and "I am embarrassed to be seen with you!"? Or is that something you THINK he thinks, and maybe an assumed feeling you extrapolate from your own insecurity?

    I believe you should try and get together with him and ask him about why he is shy about paying you compliments when alcohol reveals that he is thinking this way. Some people are not brought up to compliment others, but they can learn it. Tell him how it may affect your daughters, if they also feel that their Dad doesn't "like" their Mom.
    Tell him that his support is important to you, that it actually can help you reach your goal (and what he likes to see from you too) easier and earlier. Show him the kindness that you are hoping to get from him, instead of all the hateful things people have said about him here. People learn by example, and yes - that even works for a grown man!

    Only if you think that this relationship is not worth saving on any level and that you AND your kids are better off without him should you consider leaving -- not because of some careless words, even if they were hurtful.
  • yumyum613
    yumyum613 Posts: 7 Member
    I used to have someone in my life who treated me that way. We would go out to eat and when I'd order dessert, he'd say, "are you sure you should be eating that?" I felt like pummeling him. Well, 10 years after dumping that idiot, I have a man who thinks that the extra poundage I have is sexy! Our very first date, he told me that dessert is the essential ending to any good meal. I knew I loved him immediately. :love: I'm 80 lbs. overweight and my bf still thinks I'm sexy. There are good men out there, but they're hard to find sometimes.

    Keep it up and do what YOU feel that you need to do. Don't depend on a man for your happiness or your self-esteem. Get it from within (and this site) and continue the good work!
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    Hey come on people. It's a bit full on to tell someone to leave their husband! And I am sure it makes her feel a whole lot better knowing how fabulous your husbands are (I am sure they are lovely and I am genuinely relieved to hear so many of you have wonderful partners) !

    I think there is some truth in the whole reverse psychology thing. Some people are just a bit tactless. Also if you speak / think about yourself in a certain way, others think it's OK to think / talk that way about you too. First you have got to love yourself.

    He does love you, he wants you to look good because he knows that's what makes you feel good, which in tern probably gives you a better relationship as you are more confident.

    I also agree with the other comment. Maybe he feels if you lose weight and become more confident you might look elsewhere. He may be feeling insecure. That way he picks on the thing that bugs you most to make you less likely to stray. However, the alcohol gives him the confidence to say how he really feels, which is that he has noticed you taking care of yourself and he likes it.

    You need to lose the weight to feel good about yourself, not to gain compliments from hubby. If, once you have lost the weight, he is still an *kitten*, maybe he needs its time to consider a bit of cognitive therapy for him!

    Either way, focus on yourself and getting fit an healthy.
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Otherwise healthy? Are you serious? "Conflict" that children need to see and udnerstand does not include Daddy calling Mommy fat and gross and then getting a little amorous when he's hammered. Seriously, I don't know what your version of "otherwise healthy" is, but I think it's fair to say, this is NOT a healthy environment. Period.
  • carlfry
    carlfry Posts: 62
    Uhm, conflict doesn't include calling each other horrible names. "You're a fat slob and I'm embarrassed to be seen with you." just completely blows my mind away. There is no conflict there. He is an a**hole. Plain and simple. And FYI - if I called my Fiance a nasty fat slob and told him I didn't ever want to be seen with him, I'd HOPE he'd leave my *kitten* so quick I wouldn't have time to blink.
  • supercatie18
    supercatie18 Posts: 82 Member
    It doesn't matter if its 'reverse psychology' or 'Man talk' or whatever you want to label it... it is WRONG!! He knows it, and you know it, but just ignore him. I am 5'2 and would LOVE to be 135 and I haven't even had kids! He must be in pretty darn good shape to be so harsh on you!
  • TNH76
    TNH76 Posts: 47 Member
    My question for you is, why would you be with someone who called you names like that? What disrespect that is to you. I see you have kids, which makes it even worse. They don't need to grow up and hear that kind of talk. Total BS!

    Agreed, but walking out of an otherwise healthy relationship (if it is) is not great role modeling either. Children need to see conflict and need to see appropriate and healthy ways to deal with it. These are life skills that they will use for the rest of their lives. Your children should see that you are strong as a couple and that you will make every healthy attempt to overcome issues.

    With that said, maybe he was listening to your complaint and internalized it. Alcohol fuels emotions so he was prob really just loving you and wanted to show it.

    I would not mention the fact that he compliments you only when intoxicated. Instead I would be more proactive. I would say "Honey, you know when you complimented me the other day? It made me feel really good and it motivates me to keep pushing harder. Thank you." It will acknowledge what he said, how it benefited you, and open the door to say those kinds of things when he is sober (it may be difficult for him to do until he becomes more comfortable with complimenting you). Then compliment him every once in a while, and you kids. Make it a family effort to encourage each other.

    Don't forget to take the compliment and enjoy it. You have earned it. :)

    This was a great response!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    It sounds like he is horribly insecure and being down right cruel and hurtful
    I can't imagine a man ever talking to his wife or someone he cared about in that manner
    I think u need a serious one on one with him and explain exactly how what he does or says makes u feel...maybe consider counseling....regardless of your weight YOU need to build your self-esteem......
  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    So many of those comments are ridiculous and while they are meant to be supportive, they are not.

    Smack the *kitten* out of him, really? How about the other way round, a woman calls her husband a fat slob, should he also smack the *kitten* out of her?

    The OP is married, with children and while the things her husband is telling her are mean and unkind, I find it horrible that people immediately suggest to ditch him and kick his *kitten* to the curb, and suggest physical violence. What has he actually said to you, verbatim? Did he look at you and say to you "You are fat and gross!" and "I am embarrassed to be seen with you!"? Or is that something you THINK he thinks, and maybe an assumed feeling you extrapolate from your own insecurity?

    I believe you should try and get together with him and ask him about why he is shy about paying you compliments when alcohol reveals that he is thinking this way. Some people are not brought up to compliment others, but they can learn it. Tell him how it may affect your daughters, if they also feel that their Dad doesn't "like" their Mom.
    Tell him that his support is important to you, that it actually can help you reach your goal (and what he likes to see from you too) easier and earlier. Show him the kindness that you are hoping to get from him, instead of all the hateful things people have said about him here. People learn by example, and yes - that even works for a grown man!

    Only if you think that this relationship is not worth saving on any level and that you AND your kids are better off without him should you consider leaving -- not because of some careless words, even if they were hurtful.

    it's a pattern of behavior not an off hand comment. He's not pointing out -- "hey honey -- you've gained some weight and I'm worried about your health". The words she used were "fat" and "gross" and embarrassed to be seen with you". And what a skewed perception -- she gained some weight having HIS kids. We're not talking about years of self neglect here.

    It's one thing if he "just doesn't know how to compliment her" -- but he's on the other end of the spectrum. He's insulting her -- that's verbal abuse -- a form of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Maybe advocating physical violence isn't the rainbow and roses way to solve this issue -- but the point everyone's trying to make is she deserves better. Based on her description of the situation the man is an *kitten*. He's abusive. You don't change that type of behavior without a wake up call -- a dose of reality.

    Speaking as a former counselor who worked with victims and abusers. Abusers are slick -- paint a real nice picture for everyone around you -- but make sure you convince the victim that they are worthless. Convince them that there's no where else to go -- that your only option is to put up with the abuse. I think the majority of responses here are just trying to say that's not the case. She and her children deserve better than that!!!
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    Sounds like you need to ditch the husband. If my husband ever talked that way to me...under any circumstance, he would be gone. I have daughters. A man who is willing to degrade his wife or any woman, for that matter, belongs some place dark and alone. If someone talked to your daughter that way, you would be searching for physical restraint. Period. So why would you allow someone to talk to you that way? .....

    As a woman and mother of daughters as well.... i agree!! he should not be disrespecting you. you look good 'and should keep it up'....? don't even get me started.