Online Dating and Weight Loss



  • jenttifer
    jenttifer Posts: 90 Member
    Damn double posts... :(
  • pkpzp228
    pkpzp228 Posts: 146 Member
    It's hard to get a date when you have no self confidence...

    I think that right there says it all. Your right to happiness or ability to be loved has NOTHING to do with your weight and you should never limit yourself based on it.

    Love is a choice, something that you create for yourself and it begins with learning to love yourself. You can spend your whole life trying to make things right before you allow yourself to be happy or you can be happy with who and where you are right now.

    The universe has a way of reflecting positivity into your life.
  • misssmiles
    misssmiles Posts: 207 Member
    i met my boyfriend (hopefully husband) on eharmony. I was 30lbs heavier. I have always been confident until a horrible break up left me hurt and depressed. I started my online dating with however this site allows you to pick and the guys to pick you... i found this left me with many creepers. eharmony is a much safer site in my opinion. Because it does cost a bit more i was confident that they guys i met would actually be interested in me and in a relationship instead of just a random hook-up.

    all the best to you! and remember that the sexiest thing about you is your confidence!!
  • Dwight256
    Dwight256 Posts: 6
    Thank you for the feedback, folks. I'd agree that I have plenty to offer, not withstanding my weight, and I'd rather not wait a year if there's a chance I can find someone I'm happy with before then. So I'll try some of the free sites, with the knowledge that I should expect some rejection. Hopefully my progress here will help bolster my self-esteem a little.

    Worst comes to worst, I'll just take a break to lose the rest of that 70 lbs first. But I'll take a few chances in the meantime. Thanks.
  • trp1978
    trp1978 Posts: 20
    This topic is about a month old now, but I just found it today so I thought I'd add a few comments. Also, if the OP has an update, I'd love to hear it.

    I really think that deciding to do the online dating thing should happen when you are feeling confident - if you can do that at your current weight, that's great, but if you are having any self-esteem issues right now I'd wait.

    My reason for saying this is that I set up an OkCupid profile a little over a month ago, and now that I've been talking to a few guys for a while, I find that I am afraid to meet them in person because I'm convinced that when they see me, they will be disappointed. I did put up what I think are accurate pics weight-wise, but they were taken in the winter, and I'm fairly covered up in them, and now it's the summer, and I can't exactly show up in a sweater and coat! : ) I really, really (really!) wish I was one of those people who could just say, "Screw it - if they don't like me because I'm 20lbs overweight then they suck!" but I'm just not there right now. There is one guy in particular who I've really enjoyed talking to, but he is very athletic, and I just can't stand the thought of him being disappointed by my appearance so I keep turning down his requests for dates. At this point, I wish I just would have waited until I was feeling more confident in myself because there's no way in hell I'm going to tell him, "Oh, let's meet in a few months when I'm skinnier," (I like to keep my raging insecurity to myself, thank you! - well, outside of MFP, I guess) so now I'm either going to have to suck it up and meet him when I feel bad about myself or just blow him off, which sucks because he seems like a great person and won't know why I'm doing it. : (

    Sigh. So really evaluate your own confidence level. What's funny is that the reason I signed up to begin with was to boost my confidence - which worked at first because women traditionally get a lot of messages, and I was no exception. But now that it's coming to a point where I can't hide behind my witty emails, I'm terrified, and it's hurt both myself and possibly others (though I may be giving myself a little TOO much credit here, ha ha). I hope you have more confidence than me, though, and you're able to enjoy yourself and meeting people at any weight! It's really a much better way to live, and maybe some day I'll get there too.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I did put up what I think are accurate pics weight-wise, but they were taken in the winter, and I'm fairly covered up in them, and now it's the summer, and I can't exactly show up in a sweater and coat! : )
    Have you considered putting up some more pics of you in summer clothes?
    There is one guy in particular who I've really enjoyed talking to, but he is very athletic, and I just can't stand the thought of him being disappointed by my appearance so I keep turning down his requests for dates. At this point, I wish I just would have waited until I was feeling more confident in myself because there's no way in hell I'm going to tell him, "Oh, let's meet in a few months when I'm skinnier,"
    Why not tell him that one of the things you admire about him is that he is athletic, and that's something you aspire to. Maybe you can talk about how he keeps in shape?

    And just maybe his photos were taken before he put loads of weight on lol!
  • trp1978
    trp1978 Posts: 20
    Given my insecurity-laden post from a few days ago, I thought I'd post an update. I actually went on a date with the guy after all, and it went great. I'm 90% sure we'll see each other again. Who knew? : )
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Good for you, and I'm really happy it went so well! :bigsmile: