Eating Habits? (How to eat Healthy)

I am curious to see how you all are eating? As in, I cannot for the life of me figure out whats good for me to eat to one fill me up, but not have so much sugar and carbs and all the stuff I should not have. So, I am looking for tips. Heres what I had today so far. I feel like im starving right now! I work a 11a-9pm Shift and I am trying to train my body how and when to eat.. Its jut not working so great. The time is now 6:24pm.

Take a look at what ive eaten thus far today. Commentary is great!

1 Cup Honey Bunches of Oats
½ cup Horizon organic fat free 2% milk.

Snack 1: 25 Cherries (1:20pm)
Lunch: (3pm)
Mrs. Baird's - Split Top White Bread, 2 slice
Boar's Head - Deli Sliced Mesquite Smoked Turkey, 2 oz
Boar's Head - Baby Swiss Cheese, 1 oz
Green granny smith apple
Romaine lettuce 3 ½ cups and Kraft seven seas viva Italian dressing

Snack 2: (5:30pm)
Frito Lay Corn Chips Snack Bag 1oz

Dinner: (7pm)
Lean Cuisine - Chicken Teriyaki Stir Fry
1 Green Apple

Heres a little bio .. Im 23.. Work out 4-5 times a week 45mins of cardio (30—Elliptical 15—Treadmill) I do about 200 crunches a night. Hmmm Im 6ft and weigh 300 at this time. Really looking for any ideas with food.. I used to be a fast food junkie.. So eating in is new…and Im kinda lost as to what to eat!


  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    Great, but use whole-wheat bread instead of white and try something better like Wheat Thins to substitute for the chips.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    feel free to have a look at my diary if you want... it's public *S*

    edited to add:
    your choices will have quite a bit of sodium in it... might want to have sodium shown in your diary to track it.. too much sodium will make you retain water :(
  • anharrison
    anharrison Posts: 74 Member
    Options has some great recipies. I know I get stuck in ruts eating the same thing over and over again, it's hard to get creative.

    Breakfast: fiber bars, instant oatmeal packets, fresh fruit, whole grain toast, a bagel w/ fat free cream cheese
    Lucnh: Frozen dinners (be careful with sodium), yogurt, sandwiches, string cheese
    Dinner: anything from quick baked chicken breast (you can do a lot with chicken!) to pork chops to pot roast. In a pinch like tonight, I'm eating Campbell's Chunky been and noodle soup poured over instant mashed potatos......get creative :D
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Maybe try for something more filling for your breakfast? I found when I ate a bowl of cereal & juice, it did not keep me full for very long. So I switched to 1/2 cup oatmeal w/ berries & juice. Just recently, switched to an omlette (2 eggs w/ veggies - whatever is on hand) & juice. Both fill me up til nearly lunch time.

    My diary is also public (I believe?)
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    Thank you all for your posts, I will def try to switch it up!
  • finafilms
    finafilms Posts: 40
    I would also add more vegetables. Even though fruit is good for you it is full of sugar, so instead of an apple try cucumber, jicama, or another vegetable that is not sugary (stay away from carrots or sweet potatoes unless it is right after a work out). I agree cut out chips, & try whole wheat instead of white.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    You can look at my diary too, I think it is public......I would make sure you add a protein at your breakfast too. I love egg beaters, or you can eat one reg egg and add egg whites to it....turkey bacon too, or cottage cheese with yogurt or fruit. As an afternoon snack, eat yogurt and fruit instead of those chips. You want some diary in your diet, make sure you get enough protein. I would add veggies to your lean cuisine at night. I love lean cuisines but always add brocolli, green beans, mushrooms, whatever veggie you like. Make sure you get 2 to 3 svg of fruit a day, 4 to 5 svg of veggies, 3 to 4 of bready type of carbs, and make sure there is plenty of fiber in them.....protein at every meal and some dairy.....mix it up to make up your total calorie intake and you should be good to go!!
  • NewDawn31
    NewDawn31 Posts: 27 Member
    I am in love with fat free greek yogurt. Fat free with 20 grams of protein, so it really fills me up. It does have some sugars though, each brand is a little different. I buy mine from a local farmers market. #addicted
  • teacher370
    Wish I could help, but what has worked for me is to reach for the 3rd day. Today is the 1st day BACK on the wagon. I had lost 28 lbs., but I'm sure I gained about 20 of them back in the last month. Today, I ate:

    instant brown sugar & cinnamon oatmeal

    grilled tilapia
    green beans w/ garlic & olive oil

    microwave popcorn

    tuna casserole (my recipe)
    sweet peach tea

    cinnamon Cheerios (dry)

    This is a great day for me! I'd better go to bed before I fall off again. It's not an option for me. I'm 46 and I need to watch my health.
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    I would also add more vegetables. Even though fruit is good for you it is full of sugar, so instead of an apple try cucumber, jicama, or another vegetable that is not sugary (stay away from carrots or sweet potatoes unless it is right after a work out). I agree cut out chips, & try whole wheat instead of white.

    Truthfully the chips were NOT on my meal plan for today but i was soo hungry and my co workers brought in a big box of those idv snacks and i caved.. I will wrk out extra hard tonight.. Im trying to space food out..But really hungry every hr-1.5 is crazy. I would go to chick fil a and get a kids meal and that would last me like 6 hrs. This is crazy to me!
  • xxsweet
    xxsweet Posts: 21
    Ok, first of all despite it's purpose, I find that having cereal or breakfast is a bad idea.. especially sugary cereal. Try eating eggs in some form for breakfast more often (with hole wheat/whole grain toast) or oatmeal and a glass of milk (if you can/will/like to drink it).

    White bread is ok sometimes, but it's better to have grains with a lot of fiber most of the time (and less sodium). Don't eat bread that contains high fructose corn syrup.

    PROTEIN AND FIBER make you full easier, and keep you satisfied longer.

    If you're only a little hungry make sure you drink water first (sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger).

    Eat 4-6 fairly small meals a day rather than 3 big ones. Avoid excess sodium,trans fats, and of course excess sugar (try eat minimal sugar in your usual diet, that way you can indulge at special occasions without it taking much of a tole on your health and weight).

    It's best to usually not eat too close to when you go to sleep, that way you can burn most of it off.

    I hope this was helpful and sorry it's kinda long.. lol. Good luck! It's great your trying to be aware of your health choices.
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    I am in love with fat free greek yogurt. Fat free with 20 grams of protein, so it really fills me up. It does have some sugars though, each brand is a little different. I buy mine from a local farmers market. #addicted

    I like yogurt a lot, but realized that little 4-6oz has too much carbs sugar. But i havent tried the greek type..So i will def. check it out! Thanks!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I also have to add that I was/am always a hungry person...Just hungry all the time. I've noticed that once I started eating more veggies & just plain healthier, it hasn't been so bad. I still have my hungry days, just fewer of them :P
  • gmann1973
    gmann1973 Posts: 247
    6 am protein drink followed by 45 min cardio
    8 am turkey sausage, egg white, cheese on whole grain muffin
    10:30 am protein drink & 1 large banana
    12:30 pm health choice tv dinner(at least 19 gram protein)
    3 pm protein shake & apple
    4pm low carb low cal preworkout
    4:30 to 5:30pm weight training
    5:45pm creatine
    6pm protein drink
    7pm(or as close as I can get) some type of sald with stake or chicken
    after dinner I walk at least 2 miles

    this is how I eat. everything dead, on but dinner, sometimes I have to eat fast food but I try to get best thing on menu
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Instead of cheerios for breakfast try a bannana, oatmeal, or bran buds. Also have some cottage cheese, greek yogurt, or a protein shake with it; It'll help you feel full. For your snack sub your chips with almonds and some strawberries or blueberries.
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    Thank you all for your comments! Today I did better I had oatmeal.. Instead of sugary cereal! One day at a time right?
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Try to eat lean protein and complex carbs at every meal, and eat 5 or 6 hours a day. Your body works harder to break these kinds of foods down, so your metabolism increases. Your sugar/insulin levels stay level, so you don't have a sugar crash where you feel awful and grab something convenient (like Fritos). I am trying to do this myself, so I sympathize. I just order a "eat clean" book to give me more specific food options. The less ingredients and the less processed it is, the better it is for you. Good luck. I have recently found that I am less hungry now and I crave "bad" snacks less and less.
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    dixiedavidson Thank you for your tips. Ill search vigorously for different soulutions. I have type 2 diabetes, so I also have to figure out what I should and shouldnt eat. And on top of that I really dont like meat so much. So i have to figure out where to get my protein, because I only eat chicken.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    My weekdays usually follow this pattern:

    Breakfast: EGGS (usually in the form of crustless quiche cups - pour a mix of whisked eggs, meat, and veg into a greased muffin tin, bake @ 375 for 20 minutes, voila! breakfast cups)

    Lunch: A big salad with a variety of lean meat, olive oil & vinegar, spices, bit of cheese, almonds, etc.

    Dinner: A protein and a vegetable - tonight's dinner - grilled steak and asparagus.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Chicken is great! I don't eat much red meat either and no fish. Also eggs, nut butter. I cheat and use protein powder in a smoothie as well.