Believe in Yourself.

This isn’t a thread asking for advice. This isn’t a thread that will help you in any way, shape or form physically lose the weight you want to lose. I just wanted to share a little something..

I’ve always been over-weight, for as long as I can remember. I was an overweight child, an overweight teenager and an overweight 20 something. I found (and still do at times) a comfort in food and soon I kind of relied on it to fill me up in other ways than just physically. When I was around 22 (only a couple of years ago), I decided to make some changes and start working out at the gym – which I did do. I managed to get to a nice manageable size though still ‘technically’ overweight, I oozed this newfound confidence. I didn’t feel I had to hide away from the world and little by little, I started coming out of my shell. I stopped being so shy and timid, stopping being so afraid of looking people in the eye – and one night, I was invited for a ‘night out’ with my friends.

I spent weeks planning what I was going to wear and I actually felt like I had a pick of more outfits than I had before my little chunk of weight loss happened. I found this beautiful, beautiful, bold pink dress. I have pixie features (hence the user name) so this pink dress was cute, quirky and totally me! At this point, I had NEVER dared to wear anything with even a hint of colour – instead sticking to blacks and ‘cover ups. I detested my body for as long as I could remember so choosing this bright pink little dress WITHOUT a cardigan over the top was a huge step for me.

I remember spending hours that evening getting ready, putting on my make up, making sure my freshly styled blonde hair was looking good. I even did a spray tan on myself! I slid into this little pink dress and my little black heels and literally gave myself a thumbs up in the mirror. Big deep breaths in and out and I made my way out of the door to meet my friends. I was so NERVOUS and SO self-conscious. I felt very exposed and out of my comfort zone in this outfit! It matched my personality to the T but in the past, I had refused to let myself show that ‘bubbly side’.

After a while, I started to gradually overcome my anxiety about what I looked like and whether my tummy was poking out or my arms looking wobbly – I actually started enjoying the night with my friends. I danced on the dance-floor with a huge smile on my face! After about 10 minutes of dancing, a man (I say man – he must have been around 19/20) started ruffling my hair from behind trying to get my attention. I turned and asked if every thing was alright and he didn’t answer me. Shrugging, I continued dancing with my friends. Still, this ‘man’ kept ruffling my hair trying to get a reaction out of me. I turned to him with a confused face expression and then started to walk away slightly. The third time he got my attention, he turned to me – looked me square in the eye and said .. “ You are FAT”.

I can literally remember the way my heart quite literally dropped and I just stood there, staring at this man and having absolutely nothing to say to him. I couldn’t speak, I was lost for words and hurting so very, very badly. In one single second, this man had crushed everything I had worked for. I left the club, went home and threw that pink dress in the trash.

After that, I gave up on myself. I didn’t want to play the game anymore. I didn’t want to lose weight only to be called names. I just didn’t want to do it anymore. I shunned exercise, I turned my back on healthy food and I just let myself ‘be’. I ate, I gained and I stopped going out with my friends and I stopped buying little pink dresses. It was in April of this year that my doctor told me that I’d gained weight and needed to be healthy again. Enter the rollercoaster of emotions. I rapidly dropped 25 lbs – I was in panic mode – and then I found MFP.

The point of this post? I wanted to thank each and every one of you that has helped turn this process into a positive step. Before I discovered this community, I was sad, lost, afraid of how my body reacted to certain plans, afraid of calories, clueless as to what I actually needed and now? I’m happy. I’m still afraid to walk into nightclubs and I’m still afraid when men try and get my attention – but I’ve come so far and I’ve done this for me. Not for the man in the club. Not for anyone but me. And I couldn’t have done it without all of you.

For anyone out there that wants to give up because the road ahead looks hard, please don’t. Please stay strong and trust yourself. You can do this.


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,619 Member
    Positive affirmations that encourage improvement work...................with everyone. Good job OP.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    You can do it. I believe in you.

    The time is going to pass whether you make the changes or not. Might as well make them.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Thanks for sharing, Pink.

    You're still young. I urge you to talk to your friends and other people you trust about your anxiety with men in this regard. What this young man thought of you has no bearing on who you are and what your self esteem should be. No man in a club should have that power over you. You should not be anxious of men trying to talk to you.

    At a guess, this young man is a pre-rejector. Because he feels rejected by women, he rejects them before they have a chance to reject him. Don't let his emotional problems cause you to not dance in a club for fear of other maladjusted men.

    I occasionally still get a drive-by "hey fat momma" "Hey, fat bottom!" (but of course they use a different word) when I'm street running. But those comments, though aimed at me, have nothing to do with me. Their comments have more to do with their own insecurities than the size of my tush.

    Don't let men have this power. Talk to some people you trust about this. Get their tactics for preserving self esteem in the face of criticism. Learn from them, find a mentor. <3
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    Thanks for sharing, Pink.

    You're still young. I urge you to talk to your friends and other people you trust about your anxiety with men in this regard. What this young man thought of you has no bearing on who you are and what your self esteem should be. No man in a club should have that power over you. You should not be anxious of men trying to talk to you.

    At a guess, this young man is a pre-rejector. Because he feels rejected by women, he rejects them before they have a chance to reject him. Don't let his emotional problems cause you to not dance in a club for fear of other maladjusted men.

    I occasionally still get a drive-by "hey fat momma" "Hey, fat bottom!" (but of course they use a different word) when I'm street running. But those comments, though aimed at me, have nothing to do with me. Their comments have more to do with their own insecurities than the size of my tush.

    Don't let men have this power. Talk to some people you trust about this. Get their tactics for preserving self esteem in the face of criticism. Learn from them, find a mentor. <3

    This. But I still wanted to slap the snot out of him when I read that. What a horrible human being he is! :s

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Oh my goodness, your share has brought tears to my eyes. As someone who was overweight up until my 40's, I can so relate. Thank you for sharing this, you have such a beautiful spirit.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Thank you all <3

    I still remember the look of pure hatred and disgust on his face as he said it to me too! I think that's a moment I'll always remember but I won't let it define me, that's for sure. I think many of us have experienced that kind of thing here and there and the hurt it causes is on another level entirely! It's awful. And I just hate to think that others have had to deal with the same kind of upset
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Oh my goodness, your share has brought tears to my eyes. As someone who was overweight up until my 40's, I can so relate. Thank you for sharing this, you have such a beautiful spirit.

    As do you - truly x
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    The third time he got my attention, he turned to me – looked me square in the eye and said .. “ You are FAT”.

    Do some blokes still try negging when they are on the pull?

    Damn, things haven't changed much I see...
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    So some jackanape, that has a very tiny member (I'm talking maggot sized), had to make himself feel better by attacking an innocent young woman. Great job moving past it!
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I always remind myself that the things we say, even the throw-away comments, have power we can't imagine. And a lot of mean people who never give a second thought to the power of their words have been spoken to that way themselves too often. Not that it makes it okay, but it makes my reaction to pity them rather than take their words to heart. Well, at least some of the time!

    @PinkPixiexox Keep on smilin' all the way to your goal :smiley:
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    Thanks for sharing, Pink.

    You're still young. I urge you to talk to your friends and other people you trust about your anxiety with men in this regard. What this young man thought of you has no bearing on who you are and what your self esteem should be. No man in a club should have that power over you. You should not be anxious of men trying to talk to you.

    At a guess, this young man is a pre-rejector. Because he feels rejected by women, he rejects them before they have a chance to reject him. Don't let his emotional problems cause you to not dance in a club for fear of other maladjusted men.

    I occasionally still get a drive-by "hey fat momma" "Hey, fat bottom!" (but of course they use a different word) when I'm street running. But those comments, though aimed at me, have nothing to do with me. Their comments have more to do with their own insecurities than the size of my tush.

    Don't let men have this power. Talk to some people you trust about this. Get their tactics for preserving self esteem in the face of criticism. Learn from them, find a mentor. <3
    That or he was trying to do what pick up artists calling negging - making her feel bad in hopes that she'll try to prove herself to him. Either is fairly vile behavior.
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    So some jackanape, that has a very tiny member (I'm talking maggot sized), had to make himself feel better by attacking an innocent young woman. Great job moving past it!

    Oh gross! Maggot member. Probably true, too.

    I'd rather weigh 1000 pounds than be him. Glad I don't have to make that choice, though, I don't think they make bicycles for 1000 pound women!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    WBB55 wrote: »
    Thanks for sharing, Pink.

    You're still young. I urge you to talk to your friends and other people you trust about your anxiety with men in this regard. What this young man thought of you has no bearing on who you are and what your self esteem should be. No man in a club should have that power over you. You should not be anxious of men trying to talk to you.

    At a guess, this young man is a pre-rejector. Because he feels rejected by women, he rejects them before they have a chance to reject him. Don't let his emotional problems cause you to not dance in a club for fear of other maladjusted men.

    I occasionally still get a drive-by "hey fat momma" "Hey, fat bottom!" (but of course they use a different word) when I'm street running. But those comments, though aimed at me, have nothing to do with me. Their comments have more to do with their own insecurities than the size of my tush.

    Don't let men have this power. Talk to some people you trust about this. Get their tactics for preserving self esteem in the face of criticism. Learn from them, find a mentor. <3
    That or he was trying to do what pick up artists calling negging - making her feel bad in hopes that she'll try to prove herself to him. Either is fairly vile behavior.
    So calling her fat was meant to attract her? Wow. That's messed up. Does that work?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Azuriaz wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    So some jackanape, that has a very tiny member (I'm talking maggot sized), had to make himself feel better by attacking an innocent young woman. Great job moving past it!

    Oh gross! Maggot member. Probably true, too.

    I'd rather weigh 1000 pounds than be him. Glad I don't have to make that choice, though, I don't think they make bicycles for 1000 pound women!

    I was going to say wo2wsfc5mhkn.jpeg
    But that would be giving the jerk too much credit!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Azuriaz wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    So some jackanape, that has a very tiny member (I'm talking maggot sized), had to make himself feel better by attacking an innocent young woman. Great job moving past it!

    Oh gross! Maggot member. Probably true, too.

    I'd rather weigh 1000 pounds than be him. Glad I don't have to make that choice, though, I don't think they make bicycles for 1000 pound women!

    I was going to say wo2wsfc5mhkn.jpeg
    But that would be giving the jerk too much credit!

    HAHAHA! Amazing!!!!! :D
  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    edited September 2015
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Oh my goodness, your share has brought tears to my eyes. As someone who was overweight up until my 40's, I can so relate. Thank you for sharing this, you have such a beautiful spirit.

    Yes...She sure does. Ive been ridiculed in my past even emotionally abused at times because of being 20 pounds overweight. I'm so glad this didn't derail you. Im a firm believer in losing for yourself. People can be so mean and judgmental to the point of self hatred and or becoming introverted and losing all self confidence. Keep your head high because you have helped yourself (and many others)you have acchieved so many goals. You have so much to be proud of!!
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Azuriaz wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    So some jackanape, that has a very tiny member (I'm talking maggot sized), had to make himself feel better by attacking an innocent young woman. Great job moving past it!

    Oh gross! Maggot member. Probably true, too.

    I'd rather weigh 1000 pounds than be him. Glad I don't have to make that choice, though, I don't think they make bicycles for 1000 pound women!

    I was going to say wo2wsfc5mhkn.jpeg
    But that would be giving the jerk too much credit!

    Waaay too much credit!
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    WBB55 wrote: »
    Thanks for sharing, Pink.

    You're still young. I urge you to talk to your friends and other people you trust about your anxiety with men in this regard. What this young man thought of you has no bearing on who you are and what your self esteem should be. No man in a club should have that power over you. You should not be anxious of men trying to talk to you.

    At a guess, this young man is a pre-rejector. Because he feels rejected by women, he rejects them before they have a chance to reject him. Don't let his emotional problems cause you to not dance in a club for fear of other maladjusted men.

    I occasionally still get a drive-by "hey fat momma" "Hey, fat bottom!" (but of course they use a different word) when I'm street running. But those comments, though aimed at me, have nothing to do with me. Their comments have more to do with their own insecurities than the size of my tush.

    Don't let men have this power. Talk to some people you trust about this. Get their tactics for preserving self esteem in the face of criticism. Learn from them, find a mentor. <3
    That or he was trying to do what pick up artists calling negging - making her feel bad in hopes that she'll try to prove herself to him. Either is fairly vile behavior.
    So calling her fat was meant to attract her? Wow. That's messed up. Does that work?
    I couldn't personally say, I have no interest in being a pick up artist - even if it works, it wouldn't be a basis in human interaction I'd care for. There is, however, a whole community of people (Pick Up Artist - PUA) that subscribe to methods such as that, and a whole host of other unsavory methods to get women. I'd tend to believe that PUA techniques don't work but are perceived as working because they give some guys enough confidence to approach women that they wouldn't have had, and because of sheer numbers: hit on a few hundred women, even in a nasty manner and you'll probably get at least one reaction.