He said iam obsessed??? Just venting. ..



  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Jboo7825 wrote: »
    At the end of the day,I have to do what's best for me, I know he is fine. His health issues is major & me being overweight is major also. He just loves my attention & lately its been about what I need & thats for me to stay focus I failed before bcuz of a similar situation & other issues but not this time. Thank for the positive feed back that was given and the negative I just laugh. Have A blessed nite everyone...

    He doesn't seem to be fine from what you've described. He's scared, bedridden, and you say you have to do what's best for you. He has major health issues. So do you. You don't have to exercise to lose weight (although it helps), but maintain a calorie deficit. He could be harboring some jealousy that you can do stuff that he can't, which is completely understandable. Why not try doing three or four 20-minute exercises instead, plus little things like parking the car far away or walking in place and/or dancing in front of the television? You could make him laugh by doing dumb dances! Just a few thoughts . . .
  • Jboo7825
    Jboo7825 Posts: 21 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    Oh it's been a year. Yeah a year of that would mess with anyone's head. He needs some help probably, yeah.

    I can imagine him feeling envious, maybe. Does he have any hobbies he could do from bed? Help him find a hobby maybe

    I don't use two hrs in the gym, I have a two hr break so iam home for 45 min then over to the gym that's rite here at home.
  • GETU1N
    GETU1N Posts: 1,811 Member
    Sometimes yall women just have to let us men vent. Don't think to much of it just keep doing you and show yourself what you've accomplished and he will notice. Lol then make him apologize!!
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    2 hours out a 24 hour day isn't very much. Maybe try a day or a chunk of time gym free and if possible make it time for him...I do Sunday because my hubby is off work then :)
  • Jboo7825
    Jboo7825 Posts: 21 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    My friend had a blood clot in her leg a couple of years ago and she was TERRIFIED. There's a time bomb in your leg. You're taking meds hoping it doesn't explode while they work. Every week, going in for shots. Afraid of every funny feeling. Having to watch your food so that doesn't get you sick too.

    He's not working, and unsure what to do with a kid who needs someone able around too, and probably just as scared ****less as my friend was.

    I mean don't stop working out, but do you need 2 hours every time?

    Yes I understand this oh so well because thats what he went through, but all that is over he take xarelto now, so no running bck & forward to the hospital to check inr every week no shots in the stomach the clot has shrunk in size. This is why I know he is fine, its major but under control he just over did it at work causing a lil sat bck.once again he loves the attention from me so I understand he's gonna complain he has all mobility & able to do for him self yes he & I both know its a scary situation but its under control so I will work on me.
  • Jboo7825
    Jboo7825 Posts: 21 Member
    GETU1N wrote: »
    Sometimes yall women just have to let us men vent. Don't think to much of it just keep doing you and show yourself what you've accomplished and he will notice. Lol then make him apologize!!

    Finally someone understand, I let him vent but wasnt looking for the attuide to sick with it & was woman enough to say yes love I have been spending more time on working out & i will figure this all out soon just please be patient..
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Jboo7825 wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    My friend had a blood clot in her leg a couple of years ago and she was TERRIFIED. There's a time bomb in your leg. You're taking meds hoping it doesn't explode while they work. Every week, going in for shots. Afraid of every funny feeling. Having to watch your food so that doesn't get you sick too.

    He's not working, and unsure what to do with a kid who needs someone able around too, and probably just as scared ****less as my friend was.

    I mean don't stop working out, but do you need 2 hours every time?

    Yes I understand this oh so well because thats what he went through, but all that is over he take xarelto now, so no running bck & forward to the hospital to check inr every week no shots in the stomach the clot has shrunk in size. This is why I know he is fine, its major but under control he just over did it at work causing a lil sat bck.once again he loves the attention from me so I understand he's gonna complain he has all mobility & able to do for him self yes he & I both know its a scary situation but its under control so I will work on me.

    Just because he is on a certain medication does not mean all is fine. He is obviously still very worried. Honestly, it sounds like you are just minimizing how he feels. This really sounds like all about you with a disregard to how he feels. It sounds like you are trying to say he is just complaining for attention.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Jboo7825 wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    My friend had a blood clot in her leg a couple of years ago and she was TERRIFIED. There's a time bomb in your leg. You're taking meds hoping it doesn't explode while they work. Every week, going in for shots. Afraid of every funny feeling. Having to watch your food so that doesn't get you sick too.

    He's not working, and unsure what to do with a kid who needs someone able around too, and probably just as scared ****less as my friend was.

    I mean don't stop working out, but do you need 2 hours every time?

    Yes I understand this oh so well because thats what he went through, but all that is over he take xarelto now, so no running bck & forward to the hospital to check inr every week no shots in the stomach the clot has shrunk in size. This is why I know he is fine, its major but under control he just over did it at work causing a lil sat bck.once again he loves the attention from me so I understand he's gonna complain he has all mobility & able to do for him self yes he & I both know its a scary situation but its under control so I will work on me.

    Just because he is on a certain medication does not mean all is fine. He is obviously still very worried. Honestly, it sounds like you are just minimizing how he feels. This really sounds like all about you with a disregard to how he feels. It sounds like you are trying to say he is just complaining for attention.
    I don't see how you get all this from the op posts!
    Op, I think you should and must continue on with your program or there will be 2 people sick in bed, lol!
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    Yeah sure love, just watch out for when he doesn't "bother" you for attention anymore. ;)
  • Jboo7825
    Jboo7825 Posts: 21 Member
    Healthygreek, me either really I wanted to know has anyone else had to deal with a situation of their spouse or significant other feeling a certain way about the lifestyle change. It turns in to a post about his blood clot & oh how I need to be compassionate about his situation. But any person in their rite mind that loves & care for someone, as I do for this man would be there in the time of need. I've had sleepless nites and long days worried if he would be in better health, and to know those days have passed & he's in much better health than he was is great on me. I know also well the dangers of a blood clot, so when I know he's fine trust and believe me. He has adapt to me being here sitting on the sofa or in bed watching t.v but its been none of that in the past weeks, he dont know & will never know how it feels to be overweight because he is lean very lean.

  • Jboo7825
    Jboo7825 Posts: 21 Member
    ohmscheeks wrote: »
    Yeah sure love, just watch out for when he doesn't "bother" you for attention anymore. ;)

    Hey iam not worried about that at all. A very confident woman here.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Jboo7825 wrote: »
    Healthygreek, me either really I wanted to know has anyone else had to deal with a situation of their spouse or significant other feeling a certain way about the lifestyle change.

    Yes, when I quit drinking and my husband did not, the relationship wound down and ended, which was for the best.

  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Jboo7825 wrote: »
    Healthygreek, me either really I wanted to know has anyone else had to deal with a situation of their spouse or significant other feeling a certain way about the lifestyle change.

    Yes, when I quit drinking and my husband did not, the relationship wound down and ended, which was for the best.

    But is this really the same as what the OP is going through?

    You chose to quit drinking. Your husband chose to continue drinking. Choice involved on both sides, and I can see why the relationship ended when you chose to go different ways.

    Here, the OP is choosing to take care of herself and workout. Don't you think her boyfriend would love to join her if he could? He's pretty helpless here.

    Not saying she should give up what she needs and sit by him and hold his hand all day. But it's not like so many stories we see here where one partner is saying that they want to go for a walk and their partner chooses to sit on the couch and play video games.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Can you compromise by taking 2 rest days maybe? He chooses what you do together one of the days and choose on the second.
  • choppie70
    choppie70 Posts: 544 Member
    This is not weigh loss related, but I think it fits into your situation.

    When I first had my daughter, my husband started feeling very left out. I spent so much time taking care of her , that I was not spending the time with him that I used to and he felt a little left out. It was not that he didn't love the baby, or that he didn't help me take care of her (He was home with her during the day while I worked, and I was with her at night while he worked). He started feeling a little resentful towards me.

    I had to make a conscious effort to make sure that I was spending time with him as well. I let him make the choice of what we did during our time together.

    I think it may be a combination of things for your SO. He is injured so he cannot do what he normally does. And you are taking charge of your situation. He may feel like he is not in control anymore. A relationship takes time and work. You may have to compromise and make sure you are spending time with him.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Choppie, what you describe is a very common scenario. I'm glad you were able to work it out.

    Compromise and balance is the key.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,406 Member
    Oh for crying out loud your adults and on the day you could spend time together he chose not too and went off to pout. Put your health first you have a child to take care of take care of him but he's an adult not a child he should be acting like an adult. No I'm not harsh have had a blood clot and I didn't expect the world to wait on me and I let my family still have a life. Life goes on.
  • Jboo7825
    Jboo7825 Posts: 21 Member
    Oh for crying out loud your adults and on the day you could spend time together he chose not too and went off to pout. Put your health first you have a child to take care of take care of him but he's an adult not a child he should be acting like an adult. No I'm not harsh have had a blood clot and I didn't expect the world to wait on me and I let my family still have a life. Life goes on.

    LoL you read my post, yes I was actually in bed with him, he chose to go to the sofa because he knew I had to go for a few because I set a goal for myself to be active 5day a week. Lord knows I was not expecting him to have a minor set back. Some dont understand its not major where he just got to be in bed all day he is not depressed, he has adapted to the other lifestyle I had of no activity unless we was going out.. Thank you...