When do you past on your Clothes that are Too BIG?



  • penguinparty510
    penguinparty510 Posts: 12 Member
    Personally I've made peace with the fact that my weight will fluctuate. Like between three or four dress sizes or 10 - 15 lbs or so. Just depends on how lazy/motivated/emotional/etc I'm at in my life at the moment. So I keep a "core" wardrobe that is what I consider a reasonable size for me. If that starts getting too tight I know I need to get a tighter rein on my eating and I'll bust out the "fat" clothes if needed.
    Right now I'm seeing how much I can lose with calorie restriction only; if I lose a dramatic amount I'll probably treat myself to a few new pieces!
  • Strawblackcat
    Strawblackcat Posts: 944 Member
    I consigned mine to a local thrift shop that benefits a shelter for abused women and children. I liked the cause, they take anything, and they give you a decent amount of money back for your stuff. They take other things too -- I once bought a pearl necklace there for $20!