"You should be fat Amy for Halloween"



  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    Haters gonna hate!

    Honestly, I had to Google fat Amy because I had no idea who that was. I like Rebel Wilson, but you look nothing like her so your "friend's" comment was clearly meant just to put you down. You are a beautiful woman!

    I'm also 5'2" and I started 3 months ago at 206. My scale said 180.2 this morning, so trust me this works! Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • ACC242
    ACC242 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Brianna, What a rude comment your "friend" made. Make no mistake, he is not your friend. Feel free to add me if you'd like some support and an accountability partner. As everyone before me has said, You absolutely can do this. Slow and steady. One day at a time. Best of Luck!!
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    I'd like to point out that Fat Amy as a character (if you look at Pitch Perfect and not Pitch Perfect 2, which is just terrible) is an awesome character. She's confident, self-assured, and at no point lives "in spite" of her weight. I mean, of all fat characters one can be compared to, I'd pick Fat Amy any day.

    That said, if this is someone you care about, have a real conversation about how that made you feel. If this is someone you know casually, stop knowing them casually. If they're unwilling to see why the comment hurt your feelings, then they're not very good friends.

    And you'll do great! I'm also 5'2" and started at 300 pounds, and I'm the laziest person in the universe -- just as long as you take care of yourself. I found that once the well of anger/frustration runs out, it can be really hard to keep motivated. Doing it for your own reasons is much easier place to work from.
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    gramarye wrote: »
    I'd like to point out that Fat Amy as a character (if you look at Pitch Perfect and not Pitch Perfect 2, which is just terrible) is an awesome character. She's confident, self-assured, and at no point lives "in spite" of her weight. I mean, of all fat characters one can be compared to, I'd pick Fat Amy any day.

    That said, if this is someone you care about, have a real conversation about how that made you feel. If this is someone you know casually, stop knowing them casually. If they're unwilling to see why the comment hurt your feelings, then they're not very good friends.

    And you'll do great! I'm also 5'2" and started at 300 pounds, and I'm the laziest person in the universe -- just as long as you take care of yourself. I found that once the well of anger/frustration runs out, it can be really hard to keep motivated. Doing it for your own reasons is much easier place to work from.

    Agreed. I suspect that your 'friend' wasn't making a positive comment about the character though. Maybe she could go as Regina George for Halloween?
  • myheartsabattleground
    step 1) punch her in the face
    step 2) break up with her
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I am so sorry someone said that to you. I hope you terminated that friendship!
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    gramarye wrote: »
    I'd like to point out that Fat Amy as a character (if you look at Pitch Perfect and not Pitch Perfect 2, which is just terrible) is an awesome character. She's confident, self-assured, and at no point lives "in spite" of her weight. I mean, of all fat characters one can be compared to, I'd pick Fat Amy any day.

    That said, if this is someone you care about, have a real conversation about how that made you feel. If this is someone you know casually, stop knowing them casually. If they're unwilling to see why the comment hurt your feelings, then they're not very good friends.

    And you'll do great! I'm also 5'2" and started at 300 pounds, and I'm the laziest person in the universe -- just as long as you take care of yourself. I found that once the well of anger/frustration runs out, it can be really hard to keep motivated. Doing it for your own reasons is much easier place to work from.

    Agreed. I suspect that your 'friend' wasn't making a positive comment about the character though. Maybe she could go as Regina George for Halloween?

    You're probably right that the friend was being more superficial than, "Hey, you should be this cool character with a lot of charisma and dimension!" Which is unfortunately. D:

    Also, solid Mean Girls burn.
  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Agree to the Selena Gomez resemblance! :smile:
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I would tell him he could be an @$$ hat for Halloween.
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    that's pretty awful coming from one of your friends... but I've been there too, people can be so unsensitive about body shaming... good luck for your weightloss, you can do it!
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    A Donald Trump mask perhaps?

    Don't talk that way about our next President! He's going to accomplish a lot for the Paleo crowd by getting us nuked back to the stone age. Then the healthy eating can commence. Minus a little radiation here and there. :D
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    Sometimes our friends may say hurtful things to us that they don't mean they way they sound. I know I'm guilty of having put my foot in my mouth many times! I'm sorry he said that to you but on the bright side it's been a good push to get you going!

    I was around 240lbs and a whole inch taller then you (and one year younger then you) when I realized I needed to lose weight. It took me a little less then a year to be back below 200lbs. You can do it as long as you put your mind to it! In all honesty my biggest game changer was cutting out fast food and purchasing a bike. :)

    Good luck!
  • nade0069
    nade0069 Posts: 109 Member
    Sometimes our friends may say hurtful things to us that they don't mean they way they sound. I know I'm guilty of having put my foot in my mouth many times! I'm sorry he said that to you but on the bright side it's been a good push to get you going!

    I was around 240lbs and a whole inch taller then you (and one year younger then you) when I realized I needed to lose weight. It took me a little less then a year to be back below 200lbs. You can do it as long as you put your mind to it! In all honesty my biggest game changer was cutting out fast food and purchasing a bike. :)

    Good luck!

    Biking is great! I bike to and from work as much as I can (3-5 days unless I am sick, like I am now, or weather happens).

    Your friend may not realize what they said hurt your feelings so speak to them about it. It is great that you are making this life change, but try to find other reasons to drive you.

    Good luck to you!
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    It's a mean thing to say.....but Fat Amy is pretty dam b*tching as far as I'm concerned!
  • amy102875
    amy102875 Posts: 38 Member
    Some friend, that's so rude! I'm 5'2", well maybe closer to 5'1". I started at 204 and am down to 136 now. MFP and walking with me fitbit helped me get there. Good luck on your journey! Feel free to add me.
  • kasleighx3
    kasleighx3 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey! I'm also 23. That's such an awful thing for your friend to say :(. I started on this app in January and lost about 18 lbs by June for my friend's wedding. Then I lost my motivation. Put a couple lbs back on and just recently started back up this week! Now using my family's Costa Rica trip in December as motivation. Clearly motivation is also my problem haha. Feel free to add me!
  • JessicaJFries
    JessicaJFries Posts: 20 Member
    Please feel free to add me!
    Im 5'3"n I have about 100 lbs to go!!! I log in everyday and I weigh in on Fridays
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    briannaj52 wrote: »
    Swanson83 wrote: »
    You can lose 10lbs by the end of October! Don't give up even when you feel like nothing is working this is a marathon not a sprint. I need to remind my self of that ALL the time! Hang in there!

    As hurtful as that comment was, I think that might have been the push that I need to finally get serious about losing the weight

    I'm with you on this. It's the kind of thing that when you are having a bad day you can replay that moment in your head and find yourself with strengthened resolve. Show her what your made of.

  • ilovecereal1982
    ilovecereal1982 Posts: 1,194 Member
    I'm debating on being a mountie again...I was the mountie a few years back and still have the costume as well as handcuff belt!! Torn though. ..also have a banana costume from last year....also your friend can go to hell!!!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    First off, ditch the "friend"! Then, do you for you. :smile: Slow and steady wins the race, but if you commit and use the app everyday for every bite, you'll be shocked at how successful you'll be. I highly recommend the getting started posts--tons of useful information.

    Good luck!

    I second all the above..including ditching the "friend".