nothing can motivate me ..

i need help badly... i wanna lose ove 30 kgs but i cant even achieve 1 kg goal.. nothing can motivate me.. i hate my body but i still cant resist food.. sometimes i feel like i m not normal... if i m not comfortable with my body then y cant i stop eating..


  • HeatherCarnes76
    HeatherCarnes76 Posts: 52 Member
    Well, for me, it was what I believed. I thought I could never change.....but I did. You can too. It does take time. I hated my body and honestly I still do. Believe you can create change for yourself. It truly does help.
  • hiraraeesi
    hiraraeesi Posts: 16 Member
    thanx for replying.. i hope u can understand what i m going through with.. bcoz of this self hatred i ve lost my confidence and motivation.. i only find releif in eating.. i even am in the edge of losing the love of my life just bcoz he thinks i am selfish and just dont care about my body and the way i look..
  • bozzi2002
    bozzi2002 Posts: 19 Member
    You have to believe that something can motivate you, I am convinced there is something to motivate you, the only question is what is the thing. For me; jeans. You know that we should always remember, we can do it, we will do it, nothing will stand our way, I am sure you can lose all 30 kg! Do it! Don't ever think you can not.
    Do yourself a list of benefits you will earn by eating healthy and be thin.
  • SiSePuede05
    SiSePuede05 Posts: 4 Member
    It is a struggle to get started, but trust me you don't want your motivation to become mine. I'm not even 25 years old and I weigh over 300 lbs. I was just diagnosed with high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. That is my motivation. If I don't change my life, I won't have one to live. My advice to you is to not think about how much you weigh or what you want to lose. Instead, think about what you want to gain. You want to gain confidence. You want to gain health. You want to keep your relationship. Don't do it just for your looks. Do it for everything else. And then take it one day at a time. When you find yourself wanting or reaching for something unhealthy, stop yourself and debate what would be a better alternative. Want a glass of soda? Reach for water instead. Want a chocolate chip cookie? Get your sugar fix from a serving of fruit. Moderation and proper serving sizes is keep to keeping a healthy life. Don't plan too far in advance and try not to get down when you have a setback because it will happen. But keep in mind what you want and put the work into and you'll get there.
  • Aani15
    Aani15 Posts: 172 Member
    I think, looking at 30 kg from the very beginning is not a productive approach.
    Break down your goal into small ones like 5 kg loss/month (realistic goals).

    You are going through comfort eating. I have gone through it as well so have many others.
    And trust me, if you expect someone can motivate you more than yourself then it is not true.
    As adults, we have the capacity to change the course of our lives.

    Check success stories in the community section.
    You will be amazed to see pictures of so many people who have lost incredible amount of weight.
    I love to read stories of real mums who did it for their kids and families, very inspiring!
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    You just need to start. Once you start exercising and paying attention to your calories/nutrition you will get into a rhythm. You will slowly see results which will encourage you to continue and form new habits. Hopefully by then it will turn into a lifestyle change. The hardest part is starting though and committing to it with purpose. Good luck.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    You have to want to change to change. if you don't, failure is imminent. bottom line
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Motivation only takes you so far. Discipline is what enables you to push on even when you don't feel like it.
  • SamanthaPeake
    SamanthaPeake Posts: 54 Member
    No one can motivate you but yourself. The only advice I can give is just to start. Start eating healthily right now, this second. I'm only a month in, my main motivation is that I've done it for 20 odd days and I'm not going to undo all my hard work. Plus I've lost 12lb. It's an amazing feeling. Try it!! Do it now. You absolutely can!!!
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    hiraraeesi wrote: »
    i need help badly... i wanna lose ove 30 kgs but i cant even achieve 1 kg goal.. nothing can motivate me.. i hate my body but i still cant resist food.. sometimes i feel like i m not normal... if i m not comfortable with my body then y cant i stop eating..

    Its really hard to do anything when you hate your body.
    Thinking the time you put in wont change anything.
    Asking your self, why even bother. You could do this for weeks at a time and not see the changes you made.

    So here is the deal
    The 1st thing you need to do is find the body that you want.
    Go to

    2nd step. On paper, write down the steps, you need to take to get the body you want.

    3rd step. On paper, write down what you typically eat. And ask your self, will this help you get the body you want?
    Figure out where you can reduce the size of your portions.

    4th step.-- When you eat, ask your self, will this help you get the body you want.

    Find the people/classes at the local gym.

    Once you can do this for 1 day.. then it will be come 2 days.
    2 days will be come 3 days, etc... etc.. etc..

  • tigersangel247
    tigersangel247 Posts: 11 Member
    edited September 2015

    I understand where you are coming from, I feel the same way a lot. I have a long way to go, but it seems like I'm always just starting over. This book has helped me a lot.
  • hiraraeesi
    hiraraeesi Posts: 16 Member

    I understand where you are coming from, I feel the same way a lot. I have a long way to go, but it seems like I'm always just starting over. This book has helped me a lot.

    thanku so much..

  • hiraraeesi
    hiraraeesi Posts: 16 Member

    I understand where you are coming from, I feel the same way a lot. I have a long way to go, but it seems like I'm always just starting over. This book has helped me a lot.

    thanku so much..

  • hiraraeesi
    hiraraeesi Posts: 16 Member
    edited September 2015
    thank you so much guyz.. i wasnt expecting this much support ... i ve tried everything and every diet.. but never succeeded coz i couldnt continue for more than a week.. but this weight amd body ruining my life.. but i beleive this time i will do it for the sake of my happiness
  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    Stop seeing it as dieting and denying yourself food. That's not what weight loss is about. It's about changing your relationship with food. If you eat foods that are better for you you can often eat more volume because "empty" foods like chips and sweets are loaded with calories (let's not even get into the sugar, salt, and chemicals). You'll also start to feel more motivated. Your energy levels will rise as will your general outlook on life.

    The key for me, with sweets, is to not even start. Some people have a "cheat" day where they go out for beer and pizza or something like that. If I did that I'd end up eating a whole cake then I'd crave sugar all week. I'm better if I just say "No" to sweets. No cheat day. I do, however, keep high quality dark chocolate in the house. If I get that sweet tooth in the evening I grab a square of chocolate and that works for me. I got something sweet and didn't wreck my day and start myself on a down hill slide.

    Good luck. Only you can change you. No matter how many people support you it's up to you in the end. Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? Yes. Will you have set backs? Without a doubt. Welcome to the club.
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    hiraraeesi wrote: »
    i need help badly... i wanna lose ove 30 kgs but i cant even achieve 1 kg goal.. nothing can motivate me.. i hate my body but i still cant resist food.. sometimes i feel like i m not normal... if i m not comfortable with my body then y cant i stop eating..

    Its really hard to do anything when you hate your body.
    Thinking the time you put in wont change anything.
    Asking your self, why even bother. You could do this for weeks at a time and not see the changes you made.

    So here is the deal
    The 1st thing you need to do is find the body that you want.
    Go to

    2nd step. On paper, write down the steps, you need to take to get the body you want.

    3rd step. On paper, write down what you typically eat. And ask your self, will this help you get the body you want?
    Figure out where you can reduce the size of your portions.

    4th step.-- When you eat, ask your self, will this help you get the body you want.

    Find the people/classes at the local gym.

    Once you can do this for 1 day.. then it will be come 2 days.
    2 days will be come 3 days, etc... etc.. etc..

    That advice is far to practical and will only help to achieve the desired results. Nobody wants to hear that kind of planned, rational thinking on this forum. :)
  • tomnev1
    tomnev1 Posts: 184 Member
    It's very hard to motivate yourself to lose a big amount of weight.
    Here's the deal.

    Tell yourself that you will lose 1kg in one week.
    Just 1kg. Just one week.
    People (family especially) may not be on your side - deal with it. It's your body not theirs.
    Tell your friends that you are not going out this weekend. (If you have to go, drink so you don't drink or just tell them you don't want to drink.)
    Do your grocery shopping in the morning, or shortly after a meal. Don't allow yourself to have crap in the house - the Pope isn't going to call in for a visit.
    Write down (or record on this app) everything, and I mean everything, even the good stuff.
    Drink eight glasses of water/day but mix it up. Just have one when you get up, another shortly after breakfast.
    Take all the candy/cakes/biscuits/white bread and throw it in the bin. (Or give it to a homeless charity.)

    It's very hard. Everybody here has been throw what you're going throw and we feel your pain.
    YOU CAN DO IT but only when you stop reading people who write "You can do it" and start being the person who writes "I am doing it." There's no magic formula. You know it's in your control.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    @hiraraeesi I also struggle with motivation. When everything just seems too hard to care. I've been trying to lose weight on here for 18 months. I started out strong and lost 35lbs. Then I lost motivation and have been trying to get it back for nearly a year. My problem is the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm totally ok with how I look. Seriously, I'm cute as hell even though I'm 40lbs over weight. Yes, and humble too. lol.

    But, I'm scared of dying young and leaving my small children. (OK. let's be honest. I'm scared of dying in general). So, I want to get healthy to live as long as possible and with good quality of life. Yes, I'm only 37, but from what I hear weight loss only gets harder.

    I think motivation has to come from happiness, not fear and that is probably why I'm failing. I'm much healthier than I was when I started this. I can run 5 miles even being overweight. But, if I was 40lbs less maybe I could run a marathon? Maybe I would have more energy? I've tried fat. It's not that bad. But what if I'm missing out because thin is soooo much better?

    Just keep trying. If you want this to work forever, you have to change for life. That is a long time. Focus on one day. Don't beat yourself up if you have a day where you overeat. Seriously? Are you going to be able to avoid overeating every day for the rest of your life? Nope. Not realistic. I think we win when the good days outnumber the bad.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    As others have said, only you can motivate you and, really, motivation only takes you so far. The reality is, motivation comes and goes. You can't rely on it to carry you through any long term "project", weight loss included. The secret to success is a combination of determination, dedication, habits and commitment.

    When you make the decision to make the necessary changes and are truly committed to it, it will happen but you have to want it first. The sad truth is, until you really want it, it's just not going to happen. Ask almost anyone who has been in your position and they'll tell you it's almost like a light switch being flipped; you're suddenly just ready and willing to do what is needed to make it happen.

    The good news is, MFP makes it easy. You don't need to change what you're eating, you just need to eat less. You don't have to go hungry, you don't have to eat rabbit food and dry chicken breast or buy expensive organic food, you simply need to let MFP figure out your calorie goal, log absolutely everything you eat and make sure you're staying close to that goal every day. If you can do that, you can lose weight.

    Whatever decision you make, I wish you the very best.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    hiraraeesi wrote: »
    thanx for replying.. i hope u can understand what i m going through with.. bcoz of this self hatred i ve lost my confidence and motivation.. i only find releif in eating.. i even am in the edge of losing the love of my life just bcoz he thinks i am selfish and just dont care about my body and the way i look..
    Just wait til he thinks your selfish bc you want to workout!lol for reals will happen.

    look here I know where you are. I have been there. But the only way to get that confidence back is put down the (whatever your fave food to munch out on) and go walk! Like now! So you don't probably hace energy for a full workout so walking is perfect. Make a 5 min goal do something for just 5 min a day then bump it up as you go. You will get more energy, you will accomplish things you never thought and then comes the confidence and wait what? Omg my shirt looks like pajamas bc I lost so much weight! Yes I am frickin serious! This can and will be you if you want it! I know no amount of cookies or ice cream can ever make me feel that good, I like myself so much more for my food choices are healthier than ever:)