Kind of Cool Fitbit thing



  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    Great post. I did the same and it says it's off by 122.5 calories, but I know weight loss isn't linear and the day after my weigh in I was a pound lighter and didn't log it. The Fitbit is very accurate though and I'm so glad I got it.

    It turns out, I should have lost 8.8 pounds in this time; I, in fact, lost 8.2. So I then took the difference, divided by 35 to get the calories this equals and then divided by 30 to find out how off my info was each day. It was exactly 70 calories - an insignificant amount.

    For those of you that were confused like me, she meant she multiplied the difference (.06) by 3500, then divided that by 30 to get 70.

    The steps are (if you want to initially keep everything in absolute value):
    • A=(30 Day Average Calorie Burn - 30 Day Average Calorie Intake)*30
    • A/3500=B (The amount of weight you should have lost)
    • B - Actual Weight Loss = C (difference)
    • (C*3500)/30 = The "error" in calorie consumption.

  • chelleb1974
    chelleb1974 Posts: 69 Member
    This is great to read! I bought a Fitbit a week ago and love it, and was wondering about the accuracy of the calories burned in a day. I thought of calculating it out (I love math, hah) and hadn't gotten around to it yet. I think I will give it a month and see if I lose and then re-assess. I do log as accurately as I can (probably 90% accurate), so if I stop/don't lose I will re-assess the fitbit numbers (and my logging). My first weigh in is tomorrow (didn't get on the scale when I first re-started MFP...waited a few days) so we'll see how it goes.
  • rune1990
    rune1990 Posts: 543 Member
    I was off by approx 93 cals per day (and that is totally attributed to my logging) which works out to .8 lbs over 28 days!

    I love my charge HR. I can't wait to calculate this at a years time.
  • CazzieH123
    CazzieH123 Posts: 15 Member
    I have the fitbit surge. And I love it. Best thing I ever bought! It's 100% accurate. And that works for me
  • winddancinash
    winddancinash Posts: 25 Member
    I just bought the Charge HR two days ago, and I ADORE it! Love being able to see the calories I'm burning just from moving around and doing everyday things.
    I'm still trying to figure some stuff out with it though. Does it take anyone awhile for it to sync to MFP?
  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    This is fantastic! I can't wait until I've gone a month of proper logging (again) to do something similar. As it is, I'm now just writing down my stats for the week and how much I should've been losing; to see if I'm getting there.

    Of course, I also have to be consistent in weighing myself... :smile:

    But this makes me very happy. I also have an HR and sometimes it feels like the burn is quite high; but then I also have days when I walk close to 30k steps.
  • newyorkcitymom
    newyorkcitymom Posts: 48 Member
    Also, ifyou can mentally handle it, I find weighing every day helpful. It may seem obsessive but actually it helps me NOT obsess over any individual day's weight but to see the averages week over week and the overall trend. I sync to trend weight, which also helps to focus on the trend.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Also, ifyou can mentally handle it, I find weighing every day helpful. It may seem obsessive but actually it helps me NOT obsess over any individual day's weight but to see the averages week over week and the overall trend. I sync to trend weight, which also helps to focus on the trend.

  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Knowledge is power!!! I've always loved the data I get from syncing MFP with Fitbit. It really helps me see where I am with calories in vs calories out and that the bigger the difference, the better the scale is each week. Don't get me wrong - I don't ever starve myself (food addict big time!) but it just gives me some comfort in being able to see the data and get positive results - that the scale decreases.