Nothing is Happening

First time writing about fitness so cut me some slack


  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member

  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member

    I'm thinking the rest of your post disappeared? I've seen a couple of replies today that were 'eaten', but this would be the first OP that was sucked into the netherverse.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Nothing of what is happening?

    Your phone ate your post.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
  • CaseyGwaltney
    CaseyGwaltney Posts: 39 Member
    It won't let me post! What the heck
  • CaseyGwaltney
    CaseyGwaltney Posts: 39 Member
    Sorry guys my phone wasn't posting it, no need to make fun.

    I started using this app 1 month ago. 40 lbs is how much I would like to lose. It gave me the 1250 calories to work with and I have been so good at sticking within that!! My main meals are chicken, fish, rice, egg whites, frozen grapes, occasional peanut butter/ rice cake. Cut out 90% of sugar! Drink only water now(with flavor drops), around 18 cups a day! It's easy to keep track in my water jug lol.

    Also I have been going to the gym 5 days a week doing 50 min of various cardio and random arm leg belly exercises.

    MY DILEMMA!!!! I've only lost 2 lbs

    Help me understand what I'm doing wrong please!

    Thanks in advance!
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    Hi Casey,

    Welcome to MFP!

    Are you using a food scale to weigh all solid/semi solids? Measuring cups for liquids?
  • AshesToBeast
    AshesToBeast Posts: 505 Member
    Your calories are probably to low, 1,250 cals is not healthy, even more so considering your activity level
  • CaseyGwaltney
    CaseyGwaltney Posts: 39 Member
    Dang, I was just going of what the app said. I'm not a big eater, so that's prob why I haven't had a problem sticking too it.

    I haven't weighed any food, the meat is all prepackaged individually. I did measure the liquid though.
  • AshesToBeast
    AshesToBeast Posts: 505 Member
    How many pounds a week are you set to lose?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I posted these tips in your other thread. I'll repeat them here for any lurkers who happen on this post and have the same question. Maybe something will help you out.

    1. If it's been less than 3 weeks or so, don't sweat it! Normal fluctuations happen and unfortunately sometimes we stall for a week or two even when we're doing everything right. Give your body some time to catch up with the changes you're making.

    2. If you aren't already, be sure that you're logging everything. Sometimes people forget about things like veggies, drinks, cooking oils, and condiments. For some people these can add up to enough to halt your weight loss progress.

    3. Consider buying a food scale if you don't already have one. They're about $10-$20 dollars in the US and easily found at places like Amazon, Target, and Walmart. Measuring cups and spoons are great, but they do come with some degree of inaccuracy. A food scale will be more accurate, and for some people it makes a big difference.

    4. Logging accurately also means choosing accurate entries in the database. There are a lot of user-entered entries that are off. Double-check that you're using good entries and/or using the recipe builder instead of someone else's homemade entries.

    5. Recalculate your goals if you haven't lately. As you lose weight your body requires fewer calories to run. Be sure you update your goals every ten pounds or so.

    6. If you're eating back your exercise calories and you're relying on gym machine readouts or MFP's estimates, it might be best to eat back just 50-75% of those. Certain activities tend to be overestimated. If you're using an HRM or activity tracker, it might be a good idea to look into their accuracy and be sure that yours is calibrated properly.

    7. If you're taking any cheat days that go over your calorie limits, it might be best to cut them out for a few weeks and see what happens. Some people go way over their calorie needs without realizing it when they don't track.

    8. If you weigh yourself frequently, consider using a program like trendweight to even out the fluctuations. You could be losing weight but just don't see it because of the daily ups and downs.

    9. Some people just burn fewer calories than the calculators predict. If you continue to have problems after 4-6 weeks, then it might be worth a trip to the doctor or a registered dietitian who can give you more specific advice.
  • leighloh
    leighloh Posts: 25 Member
    I know this might be a silly question but...are you compensating for calories you lose during your workouts?
  • CaseyGwaltney
    CaseyGwaltney Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks Dianne!

    Ashestobeast, it says 1.5 lbs
  • CaseyGwaltney
    CaseyGwaltney Posts: 39 Member
    Nope leighloh! i dont even hold my phone during my workouts so it doesnt count any of those calories burned i guess. Idk if thats a good or bad thing.
  • siluridae
    siluridae Posts: 188 Member
    Dang, I was just going of what the app said. I'm not a big eater, so that's prob why I haven't had a problem sticking too it.

    I haven't weighed any food, the meat is all prepackaged individually. I did measure the liquid though.

    And there you go. You eat too many calories. Weigh your food from now on with a digital scale.
  • CaseyGwaltney
    CaseyGwaltney Posts: 39 Member
    I eat too many at 1250????
  • siluridae
    siluridae Posts: 188 Member
    I say you are not eating 1250 because you are not measuring correctly.
  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    edited September 2015
    I didnt lose anything for two weeks. Then lost quite a bit. As others suggest weigh your food. Your diary shows quick adds like 500 calories. Tighen that up and add each food. Once you do check your nutrition after a couple weeks then scale in. Maybe your not consuming enough.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I would suggest tightening up your logging. You're using the "quick add calories" alot. That's OK once in a blue moon, but it's not percise. Weigh everything on a digital scale. Good luck. B)
  • siluridae
    siluridae Posts: 188 Member
    And I see things like 1 cup, 1 spread in your diary. Weigh it in grams instead, that is accurate and does not leave room for any error.