Eating junk cause its there



  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Toss out the candy, it's not any better for your kids to have it in reach than it is for you. Set the same healthy standards for your kids as you do for yourself. They may temporally get mad at you, but they'll be healthier and not struggle as much with healthy choices as adults.

    I remember, as a child, my bag of Halloween candy always disappearing 1-2 days after Halloween. I would get in crying matches with my father over it, but now, as an adult, I don't crave sugary foods very often. I was never allowed soda as a child, I fought with my parents over it and and snuck it behind their backs, but it was never allowed in the house. Now as an adult, I can't stand soda and will not drink it.

    Throw out the candy, let your kids get mad at you. When they grow up to be healthy adults who do not struggle as much with healthy choices as everyone else, they will thank you it.

    Problem is, it doesn't always work this way. Restricting something and labeling it as bad can make it much more desirable to people. I think teaching children how to moderate their intake is better than just throwing away their Halloween candy behind their backs.
  • shannon4000
    shannon4000 Posts: 8 Member
    I was just saying to my co workers how my co workers will bring in food junk and stuff and I will eat it. I never buy the stuff but if its there I want it.