Head aches, but from what?



  • KaneWorth
    KaneWorth Posts: 19 Member
    rockmama72 wrote: »
    It could be lack of water, could be stress, could be low calories... try downing the water and do some gentle stretching/meditating-type stuff for a few days and see if it helps. And also, you're a young guy and eat about the same amount of calories as this 43-year-old woman... I'm betting you burn more than I do. Eat up, my friend.

    Believe me as soon as I've got to the finish line next week I'm going to be eating plenty of the good stuff
  • KaneWorth
    KaneWorth Posts: 19 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    You are a 22 yo male eating 1300-1700 calories per day? Eat more.

    (How tall are you btw?)

    This is probably the case, I'm 5'10 by the way. Im nearly at the date where I go on holiday anyway so I'll be upping the calories a bit anyway plus the time off the gym may help
  • KaneWorth
    KaneWorth Posts: 19 Member
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    I agree with yarwell. It's very likely a lack of sodium. Have some chicken broth, or put a little salt in a glass of water and drink it and see if you feel better. If it helps that was the problem.

    Salt water check. Doing it now. Thanks man
  • KaneWorth
    KaneWorth Posts: 19 Member
    Okay I appreciate all the help and quick responses you guys have given me and would like to thank you all!
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    just to add in, im a migraine sufferer and if i go most of a day with no starchy carbs, i get headaches that don't leave until i get some starch sugars! try eating a slice of toast, sounds crazy but worth thinking about x
  • SFCStank
    SFCStank Posts: 25 Member
    When it comes to headaches for me the usual culprits are:
    1. Not enough water.
    2. Eating too few carbs: I need a minimum of 35% of daily intake to be carbs to feel good.
    3. Not eating enough calories. I need 1650 net calories minimum. I usually net 1800 calories with medium physical activity and eating back exercise calories.

    So I would look to water intake first and go from there.

    Quoted for Truth.

    Dehydration and lack of Carbs (if you don't have allergies) can be murder on the brain. Brain cells derive energy from carbs. they cannot use protein or fats.

    Headaches can also be caused by a build up of toxins in the brain. So if increasing your water / carbs don't take them away - schedule an appointment with your Dr. and get it checked.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    KaneWorth wrote: »
    It could be sinuses from the weather changing or a host of many things.

    This may be it actually, it is getting very cold here but in some days it's still warm, British weather is terrible lol

    Have you recently turned the heat on? Until the dust burns off the radiators, I have problems. Now I blast the heat and leave for a few hours.