lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
Hi girls, and welcome to WEEK FIVE of our Bikini by July 4th Challenge!!! I can't believe we're now more than half way through this challenge and we just have three weeks left to go! I feel like, for me, it's time to kick it into high gear!

So this week's check-in...
Current weight:
Pounds lost since the start of our challenge:
Question of the week: How did you determine your goal weight? Will you make your goal weight this summer?

I hope everyone has an AWESOME week getting bikini ready!!


  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Current weight: 144
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 4lbs

    Question of the week: How did you determine your goal weight? Will you make your goal weight this summer?
    I keep changing my mind on my goal weight, I'm trying to go by how my clothes fit and I'm a solid 6/8, but with another 10-15lbs to go I really feel like I could end up being a size 4. Which just blows my mind! As a 33yrs old mom of two I'm counting on being in the best shape of my life THIS year!
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    So this week's check-in...
    Current weight: 125
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 2ish
    Question of the week:
    How did you determine your goal weight? I set my original goal weight at the weight I was when I got married. But I quickly determined, after reaching that goal, that I hadn't given myself enough credit...I could do more!
    Will you make your goal weight this summer? Done. :)

    Gosh, I think I missed last week's check-in! OOPS!! Guess what!?! I WORE my bikini to the pool on Friday!!! WOOT for me! :) LOL I won't say I looked good, 'cause I still want that six-pack, but I felt comfortable in my own skin and what more can a girl really ask for.
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    Current weight: 144
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 4lbs

    Question of the week: How did you determine your goal weight? Will you make your goal weight this summer?
    I keep changing my mind on my goal weight, I'm trying to go by how my clothes fit and I'm a solid 6/8, but with another 10-15lbs to go I really feel like I could end up being a size 4. Which just blows my mind! As a 33yrs old mom of two I'm counting on being in the best shape of my life THIS year!

    I'm right there with ya! I'm a 35 year old mom of 3 and I'm in THE best shape of my entire life. If I can do this anyone can! I am wearing a 6 right now, and I have never ever worn that size....the smallest I remember being (even in high school when I wasn't "large") was a 7/8. Crazy good stuff.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    So this week's check-in...
    Current weight: 126
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 4
    Question of the week: How did you determine your goal weight? Picked one that was a round number, nicely within a healthy BMI and that I know I look good at.
    Will you make your goal weight this summer? I should get my final weight of 115 by September 1, just about... I am hoping to lose at least 1lb per week which would get me there with 10 days to spare. Realistically it might take longer, I didn't factor in a last-minute working trip to Trinidad for 3 weeks with no access to calorie counts or exercise equipment :s
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Current weight: 122

    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: Pounds lost since my start weight is 1. But I actually put on two pounds in the middle there (ek!), so have lost 3 :P

    Question of the week: How did you determine your goal weight? My goal weight is what I call my "happy" weight. I used to weigh this much and when I get there I always feel confident and happy with how I look and I know I don't want to go any lower!

    Will you make your goal weight this summer? YES! I'm hoping to make it inside the next month!
  • cariandy
    cariandy Posts: 175 Member
    So this week's check-in...
    Current weight: 144
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: between 2 and 4

    Question of the week: How did you determine your goal weight? I am determining my goal weight by the way my clothes fit! I am in all 6's and 8's!!(depending on the store!) Woo hoo! some are even falling off! After i had my daughter, I made it down to all all time low for me of 128-130..I was too skinny (even though I didn't think so at the time!) my face looked weird and my skin was even a bit rashey! I couldn't maintain it and felt bad when I gained some weight back (to a healthy weight for my height 140) so though i am tempted to make it lower, I am sticking with 140! that will make me a solid size 6! and at 5'7.5 that is pretty good!

    Will you make your goal weight this summer? Yep! :oD my goal is most importantly MAINTANANCE!!! they say losing is the easy part..(which scares me, cuz losing isn't easy!!) I want to make sure I can stay at a healthy weight and gain more strength and confidence and enjoy life to the fullest with my family! :o)
  • natmadc
    natmadc Posts: 116 Member
    will post wednesday
  • jannapurna
    jannapurna Posts: 49 Member
    Current weight: 153.5
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 8-ish

    Question of the week: How did you determine your goal weight? Will you make your goal weight this summer?

    I have mini-goal weights, the first of which I met last week when I got down to 155. My 8wk Bikini by July goal weight was 150, and I'm now feeling confident that I can meet that. I'd LOVE to lose more than that, though. I'm 3.5lbs off and I certainly don't feel ready to be seen in a bikini.
    Goal #3 is 145, and goal #4 is 140. I think I'll be able to get to 145 by the end of the summer. Hopefully!

    For this week: I've just finished day 6 of the 30 Day Shred, so I'll be continuing with that and switching to level 2 mid-week. I'll continue biking to work every day and doing hot yoga 4 or 5 times a week (it's hard to go when it's so beautiful outside!).

    Only THREE WEEKS LEFT! EEEEEKKK!!! That's a huge kick in my *kitten*.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Wow an 8 pound loss so far is awesome!
  • swimmer23
    swimmer23 Posts: 70
    Sorry everyone :( I can't weigh in this week, I don't have access to a scale!!! Next week for sure
  • Current weight: 151
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 5.5 - no change from last week so time to kick it into high gear!

    How did you determine your goal weight? Will you make your goal weight this summer? My goal weight is based on slow steady post pregnancy weight loss. This first goal weight (140lb) is a weight I want to reach and maintain for a while before I decide whether to shoot for more. 140 by the end of the summer!
  • pixycats
    pixycats Posts: 62
    So this week's check-in...
    Current weight: 132
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 8!
    Question of the week: How did you determine your goal weight? Will you make your goal weight this summer? My goal weight is the one that I weighed at most of my life, and I usually just feel good and healthy at that weight. I think I'll make it this summer, close if not all the way there.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    So this week's check-in...
    Current weight: 114.9
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 2.5 lbs (0.2 lbs since last week)
    Question of the week: How did you determine your goal weight? Will you make your goal weight this summer?

    I'm really stepping it up this month! I don't now if I'll hit it but I think I'll get pretty close :bigsmile:

    What's your workout schedule look like this week?

    Monday 6th: 6 Week 6 Pack & Top Fit
    Tuesday 7th: 5K Race
    Wednesday 8th: 6 Week 6 Pack & Top Fit
    Thursday 9th: 6 Week 6 Pack & run
    Friday 10th: 6 Week 6 Pack & run
    Saturday 11th: DAY OFF
    Sunday 12th: DAY OFF
  • 3girlmommy
    3girlmommy Posts: 24 Member
    So, I totally forgot to check in last week!!!! Sorry!!!!!

    This week's check-in...
    Current weight: 146.3
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 2.7

    Question of the week: How did you determine your goal weight? I don't exactly have a "goal weight". I've lost 65lbs since I had my baby in July so I'm super happy with my weight currently.....BUT I'd love to be 135 eventually. First, I'm aiming for 140.

    Will you make your goal weight this summer? I'm gonna try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RPNKA Posts: 28
    Current weight: 159.8 (1 lb gain)

    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 4.5

    Question of the week: How did you determine your goal weight? I wanted to be comfortably out of the BMI overweight catagory

    Will you make your goal weight this summer? Maybe, but definitely by October ! I have 29.2 lbs to go to hit MFP goal!
  • SoUnaware
    SoUnaware Posts: 85 Member
    Weight: 123.5
    Pounds lost since the start: 3.5
    I have seriously plateaued and this makes me sad. I ate GREAT last week. Time to SERIOUSLY start hitting the gym this week and break this plateau!

    How did you determine your goal weight? For the challenge? I just wanted something realistic, so I took the average 1 pound lost a week and applied it. My goal weight was 119-121, or a 6 to 9 pound loss.

    I have lost almost two inches around my waist since the start, but that's plateauing too. So hopefully some time at the gym this week can get both the scale and the tape measure moving even just the tiniest bit.

    Will you make your goal weight this summer? My goal is to make my goal weight by September :)
  • SoFancySoBlessed
    SoFancySoBlessed Posts: 224 Member
    Current weight: 191.8
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 10.8
    Question of the week: How did you determine your goal weight? Will you make your goal weight this summer?


  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I will be checking in tomorrow. :) I'm hoping to see some movement on the scale. I cheated and looked this morning and it wasn't good. I've been getting my workouts in... just not seeing the lbs drop. I may skip the scale next week and check in with my inches lost.

    Great work to all the "losers" out there! I'm sure you're going to look in those bikinis! Woo hoo!!
  • mollyanne01
    mollyanne01 Posts: 34 Member
    Current weight: 124.5
    Pounds lost: .5 (FINALLY!)
    Question of the week: How did you determine your goal weight? Will you make your goal weight this summer?
    1) I picked a number that I really, really, really wanted to be at...but guess what?
    2) I really don't think that's going to happen. And honestly, I'm okay with that. I'm out on the boat sportin' that bikini every weekend and I feel great. I'm still working on toning up and that's probably what I should have focused on in the first place. Now that I have that straightened out...if only I could put down the wine!
  • mollyanne01
    mollyanne01 Posts: 34 Member
    Current weight: 191.8
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 10.8
    Question of the week: How did you determine your goal weight? Will you make your goal weight this summer?


    10.8! That's awsome!
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