Is weightloss really slow?



  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Bshmerlie wrote: »
    Here is another analogy about pacing yourself. If you had to cross the USA on foot which is 3000 miles would you really start out running? Be'd just start walking. You'd probably try and set little goals for yourself like walking 20 miles a day or something like that. You don't just start sprinting full speed because how far would you really get? That's how I think of this weightloss journey. I started out with 125 pounds to lose. There's no way to crash diet 125 pounds. So I'm just at walking speed. I'll even crawl if I have to...but I'll never stop. I've got 66 pounds to go and I have absoultely no doubt that I will get there. And its going to take probably until the end of 2016 to get to that final goal. But that's OK and thats actually pretty quick considering it took me over 20 years to put it on.

    What a GREAT analogy!!!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 359 Member
    I'm new to MFP and I want to tell everyone who posted how much I enjoyed this post and their comments. I lost 68 pounds pretty fast back in 2009-2010 and then put back on 80. I don't blame myself for the weight gain.... It was inevitable as appetite hormones kick in after a large and quick weight loss. I was so hungry I could bite the corner out of a table! I absolutely had no control over the voracious appetite I developed. I felt like I was starving all the time and so I ate. This time (and the final time I might add), I'm going VERY slow. It's taken 2 years to lose 40 pounds, but I've kept it off. I'll be happy with a consistent half a pound per week weight loss if it means I'll keep that half pound off forever. By the way........... I have 60 pounds to go so it might take a few years... but that's OK by me. :)
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I like this! thanks OP! The "be the turtle" thing is sooooo true.

    Soooooooo frustrating too because I feel like the slowest turtle on the frikkin planet and we all want to look good NOW.

    I can now say no to goodies at work. We just had cupcakes handed out about 10 mins ago and I said NO. A year ago I would have taken 2. For starters.

  • amb3rj0y
    amb3rj0y Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for the reminder! I will feel happy when I have lost 2-3 pounds in a week, but then feel discouraged because I still have 60+ pounds to go. Then I remember I was at one, point 80 pounds away from my goal. It's always a constant back and forth with me :D
  • Optimistical1
    Optimistical1 Posts: 210 Member
    Great post! I've been drive myself nuts excessively stepping on the scale 5x a day (like the number is magically going to go down in 2 hours).
    Thanks for sharing :)
  • kathrynjean_
    kathrynjean_ Posts: 428 Member
    I love this! So true. I try to remind myself every morning that today, I'm one day closer to my goal than I was yesterday. Sometimes it's easier to internalize that than others though, so thanks for the reminder :)
  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member

    Thanks for bringing this up. I have been faithfully eating 1,000-1,300 calories a day and exercising at a gym for an hour each time consistently for 16 months. I have lost 41 pounds and that is only 2.5 pounds a month. At first I was a bit frustrated at the message at the bottom of my food diary on MFP that always predicted that I would lose 8-10 pounds in the next 5 weeks if I kept doing what I was doing. But I was determined to lose anyway.

    But today I bagged up 14 pairs of too-big-for-me pants of 4 different sizes to donate to Goodwill. They will be gone forever, and so will those pounds. Gone is the worry I had over the poor knee I had to deal with. I can now climb the big staircase at work several times a day if I need to without any worry over my knee joints.

    I am very content and happy to continue with limited number of daily calories thinking I may have to stick pretty close to that range maybe even for the rest of my life. I eat very few desserts and "treats" but am satisfied with healthy and homemade foods for 99% of my meals.

    I still have maybe 25 pounds to go, but I am liking the person in the mirror and the way she looks now. 2.5 pounds a month has added up!

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member

  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    edited October 2015
    Bshmerlie wrote: »
    Here is another analogy about pacing yourself. If you had to cross the USA on foot which is 3000 miles would you really start out running? Be'd just start walking. You'd probably try and set little goals for yourself like walking 20 miles a day or something like that. You don't just start sprinting full speed because how far would you really get? That's how I think of this weightloss journey. I started out with 125 pounds to lose. There's no way to crash diet 125 pounds. So I'm just at walking speed. I'll even crawl if I have to...but I'll never stop. I've got 66 pounds to go and I have absoultely no doubt that I will get there. And its going to take probably until the end of 2016 to get to that final goal. But that's OK and thats actually pretty quick considering it took me over 20 years to put it on.

    Love this analogy!

  • lcurtiss01
    lcurtiss01 Posts: 1 Member
    Great post; thank you for sharing!
  • Suhrah623
    Suhrah623 Posts: 65 Member
    Awesome post!!! ☺️
  • psalms91v4
    psalms91v4 Posts: 5 Member
    Just stared using this fitness app, weight slow. Does it adjust your calorie intake when you loose weight , if so how much weight do you have to be at before it adjust your calorie

    I tried tonrest it by butting in 14 pounds less to see if it would change my calorie but it did not , so how does this help you with weight loss you never know when to decrease your calorie intake
  • beets4us
    beets4us Posts: 57 Member
    Needed to hear this!
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    psalms91v4 wrote: »
    Just stared using this fitness app, weight slow. Does it adjust your calorie intake when you loose weight , if so how much weight do you have to be at before it adjust your calorie

    I tried tonrest it by butting in 14 pounds less to see if it would change my calorie but it did not , so how does this help you with weight loss you never know when to decrease your calorie intake

    Well if you put in a goal of 2 pounds per week loss and it gave you a 1200 calorie goal for a woman or 1500 for a man than its never going to go lower than that. Which means it will always show 1200/ 1500 but you will in fact lose a a slower pace
  • DDAstrid
    DDAstrid Posts: 50 Member
    Weight comes of everywhere, sometimes it comes off of some places very noticeable and sometimes not. Sometimes the scale moves but the tape measure doesn't or visa versa. I think it is very important to have non scale victories and focus on the down ward trend. Weight loss may be slow but I am losing it faster than I gained it.

    <I think that's a very important truth to point out, this journey is not always about what the scales say. >
  • healthkickkath1
    healthkickkath1 Posts: 40 Member
    So true , slow and steady wins the race
  • MarcyKirkton
    MarcyKirkton Posts: 507 Member
    1 to 2 lbs per week is the standard advice for losing in a healthy manner. I don't know if that's the same for everyone, of course, since there are other health risk factors to consider. But at least for me, I've been losing 2 lbs a week steadily and it even feels fast enough. The rate gives me time, too, to work on my real issue, which is portion control when I'm hungry. I can wolf down food as though I'm starving, and that mental attitude really needs to change unless I'm going to end up gaining weight back. Since I'm one who HATES obsessing about diets, food, and all's really good for me to take my time and undo that thinking.

    I don't want to go through this again.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Nice post; thanks for all the good replies.

    But you want to talk slow? The "last" 2 pounds are ridiculous. Week after week after week of no change. It sounds petty but it's kind of infuriating.

    Good reminder to just calm down and plod on.
  • healthkickkath1
    healthkickkath1 Posts: 40 Member
    Great thread :)