NO Fast Food - month of June



  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Sounds like a plan prashley! :drinker:

    How's everyone doing? Day 2 here. So far so good!
  • uniquesoul73
    uniquesoul73 Posts: 151 Member
    excellent idea...count me in!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    excellent idea...count me in!

  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I passed my first trial today! My husband passed his PT test with great numbers, and he wanted to celebrate by having Anthony's Pizza at the BX. Normally when we do this, I end up caving and getting Manchu Wok. Not today! Instead, I bought a protein shake from GNC and a granola bar from the commissary. 300 cals and 28 grams of protein. I'm proud of myself!:happy:

    I'd also like to mention that another goal I set for myself for the month of June is staying away from carbonated beverages! I have no problems staying away from pop, but an occasional energy drink (Full Throttle or Red AMP) is my weakness!
  • blackhawk71
    Thanks Shannon, I'm with ya!

    For me, I'm adding junk food and pop to the challenge. I'll be checking in; it's going to be a long month!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I try to stay away from pop in general. Staying away from fast food will help that though - they seem to go hand in hand. We usually don't have pop at home so I'm ok there. My biggest issue is going out to eat, I usually order iced tea but sometimes I just want a pop. I'll make a more concerted effort with that this month as well.

    I picked up doing turbo fire, I'm in week 3. I figure with all this work I'm doing for that, I need to make an effort with my eating as well or its all for naught. So, between the two I hope to maybe get down to 140 pounds this month. I'm hovering around 144/145 and have been for some time. So, this is it!!

    Oh, and all that talk about Subway made me want it - that was my lunch. Haven't had it in some time so it was great.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    How's everyone doing? I ended up at Burger King on Saturday. It was a very busy day and I was starving! It is what it is - back to the no fast food today!! Maybe I'll plan better next time I have to drive around the state all day.
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    I failed the first 2 days. :grumble:

    But I haven't had fast food since then! And I am going to make it the rest of the month without it!
  • chelle4282
    chelle4282 Posts: 58 Member
    What a great challenge! I just came across this today.

    My biggest downfall is in the morning. Sometimes I rush out the door and just go through the drive-thru for breakfast. It's really hard to find healthy breakfast choices at ANY fast food joints. Thanks for the idea!

    From here on out (at least for June!), no more drive-thrus!
  • shamcc
    shamcc Posts: 3
    That's a great goal to have! You will actually notice a difference after not eating it for a full month. If you happen to eat some fast food after your goal of avoiding it for 1 month, I guarantee it will make your stomach sick and bloated!! I avoid fast food at all costs because I feel like crap after eating it, after avoiding it, like you are doing now! Stick with it! You will be glad you did!
  • rmdemattia
    rmdemattia Posts: 26
    I have failed too! Chick-fil-A and Taco Bell have won this past week!
  • chelle4282
    chelle4282 Posts: 58 Member
    Only day 2, but I avoided the McDonalds drive-thru this morning! I so badly wanted a LARGE caramel frappe, which is what I used to get there a couple days a week. Those things are so delicious, but not worth the calories.

    Thanks again for this challenge! It's the reason I didn't stop today. :)
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    rmsadler - Taco Bell and Chick-fil-a are hard to resist. Its ok - today is a new day - move on from here.

    chelle - Woo hoo! Success! Way to avoid the McDs!

    I've been doing good. We even had pizza Monday night. I ordered a salad. I did have one piece but that wasn't too bad. With my workout I had plenty of calories so it worked out. The salad helped keep the pizza to one piece for sure.
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    1/3rd of the way in and I still haven't caved!! I try to remember my promise to this group everytime I pass Mcdonalds in the morning on my way to work.....their breakfast is my weakness!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    1/3rd of the way in and I still haven't caved!! I try to remember my promise to this group everytime I pass Mcdonalds in the morning on my way to work.....their breakfast is my weakness!

    Way to go! That's awesome that you are holding strong. Just the simple commitment here has helped us and that's wonderful. Nothing else to it but to say that you will not do fast food. It's amazing!

    Still good here for the week. This weekend we'll be home so its not likely that we'll be stopping for fast food, which is great!
  • chelle4282
    chelle4282 Posts: 58 Member
    Jamie - Their breakfast is my weakness too! It's so easy to just drive thru when you're in a rush in the morning.

    Each time I think about going, though, I just think about this challenge and the craving is squashed. Amazing how that works!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I gave in today and got taco bell for lunch. I can't help it but it was worth it. I've been thinking about all this bad food lately. I've never been one for food deprivation, just moderation. So, I'll give myself this and now I need to move on.

    Hope you are all doing well.