Husband says he's supportive, but really isn't.



  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    My husband is wise enough, or perhaps just well conditioned enough, never to say anything negative about my weight. But even without him saying so, I know he finds me far more attractive slimmer and fitter than what I am currently. I don't expect him to be equally attracted to me in any physical condition. He's only human.

    I would tell him that his comments mess with my head and are probably more harmful than helpful. Then work on you for you.
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    Personally I would not have another child given the circumstances you described.

    Also, I'd watch Divorce Corp before doing anything to strain a marriage. Actually, everyone, married or not, should watch that. The world needs more justified outrage.
  • NikkiBiggestFan
    NikkiBiggestFan Posts: 25 Member
    I'm so sorry your husband is like this. I am so thankful my husband has always accepted me for who I am. Big or small. My twins will turn 1 year next month and I will attempt to get pregnant within the year or next. I want to lose weight before attempting. He has never even noticed my weight gain or at least doesn't act like he notices. I don't know how I would feel if I had him pressuring me.

    Ummmm the OP is venting about her husband and you respond with how wonderful your husband is. Like who does that?
  • NikkiBiggestFan
    NikkiBiggestFan Posts: 25 Member
    Op, just tell him how you feel. He may not even realize how much this is bothering you and may consider his words "constructive criticism".
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I'm sorry you're dealing with sounds like your husband has more issues than just weather you gained 6 lbs or if you're going to have a baby...Its time for a talk. What else is going on in his head? Most men could care less weather you gain a few or lose a few...If you want to lose some weight, do it only for you....His opinion is important, yes...but you have to live with yourself and your body, not him. Again...It sounds like it's time for the two of you to sit down and talk. My first question during this type of talk is usually " What am I not getting, what aren't you saying? " Good luck xo