2015 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • anewmannn
    anewmannn Posts: 12 Member
    Looking for a mentor! 4.5 months ago I had a baby via c-section. Started a "lifestyle change" in august. Down 12 lbs so far. Looking for someone to keep me motivated, check in frequently and hold me accountable. Msg me ☺
  • AnakinsMom02
    AnakinsMom02 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! Adopt me! I'm new, for the first week I carb cycled (poorly) but I am pretty sure that it might be a bunch of crap (or maybe not) so I am thinking about just watching calories instead. Hell I don't know. Anyways I am down almost 5 lbs and would like to lose about 45 more.
  • jennlloyd94
    jennlloyd94 Posts: 11 Member
    Looking for a mentor! I've been trying this weight loss stuff for nearly 2 years and never got anywhere. I've now addressed the issues before and I've completely changed my diet, im now motivated and committed to change for the better so I can begin to 'love' myself. Anyone willing to adopt me to help keep me motivated/offer support would be great! Especially as I am now I'm my final year as a nursing student so have lots of placements and essays to do and I don't want to resort to comfort eating again! Currently been at this for 2 weeks and have lost 5 inches off my waist and 2 off my hips... its looking up! Anyway I want to lose around 40-60lbs by next October. I started at 196lbs but I don't have any scales here so going my inches for now!
  • BradCzumo
    BradCzumo Posts: 15 Member
    This post is older but im sure it will come back in the next few months. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask and i will answer to the best of my ability. In the new year Ill be grabbing 2 or 3 noobies :) if thats how this works haha

    Insta: Brad.Czumo
  • TiffanyStayStrong
    Please Help! This Newbie needs a mentor badly. I don't know what to do. Even when I go to the gym I am just kind of looking at a the equipment like uuuuhhhh what next. I need a routine. I need a plan. I need some help. I have some health issues and my doctors all feel like if I lose weight I will feel better and Lord knows I hope they are right because I want to be able to live a long healthy life with my family especially for my wonderful children. I have been trying to loose weight for sooooo long but I seem to just gain or lose 5 and gain 15. I was prescribed a medication at one point and it caused me to gain a significant amount of weight and I was weighing 220 lbs at 5'4 everything hurt on my body with that much weight on my joints! I have lost 30 lbs but I need to lose 60 to 70 more. I have set a realistic goal of 50 lbs but who knows. I might make it to the 60 or 70 with the help I need. I need to know what to eat, what to drink, what to do at the gym, how many sets to do at the gym....I am soooo confused it makes me just want to give up!
  • YuladyCampbell
    YuladyCampbell Posts: 4 Member
    New to MFP and would appreciate some guidance in the world of weightloss. Im a full time student, wife, and mother of 2 very active boys. Id like to lose weight and be a better role model for my family but I need help to stay on track.
  • tinker405
    tinker405 Posts: 18 Member
    I am looking for a mentor. My name is Cheri just had hip sugury And after a couple of months in bed I find it hard to get motivated to do anything . If I had someone to be accountable to.so If there is any one who could help
    Thanks a lot. Cb
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    I would love to volunteer to mentor someone :) or multiple someones lol
  • SamanthaLeeann1
    SamanthaLeeann1 Posts: 12 Member
    I feel that I am finally at the stage where I can become a mentor to a few people. I have been on MFP for months now and started my fitness and health journey in January. As of today I have lost 65 lbs of my goal of 100 pounds. I have my ups and downs but MFP has been such a blessing. Feel free to add me and/or send a message!
  • snowiebuggie
    snowiebuggie Posts: 49 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hello I would love to have a mentor as I find that It would be nice to have someone to talk with when I find myself struggling. :)
  • preyaticintent
    preyaticintent Posts: 46 Member
    A mentor sounds great. Someone to chat with and discuss my goals and milestones.
  • anglasue1982
    anglasue1982 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I would love to help people get healthy, make lifestyle changes, and loose some weight! I've struggled with weight for as long as I can remember. I finally feel like I have that area figured out and want the opportunity to help others. I have ran for nearly 12 years, done pleanty of hiit, lift regularly, found ways to work out even when I thought I couldn't, and love anything fitness related. Food is where its at though and it can make or break weight loss, I have learned many lessons and believe each person needs to make these decisions for themselves based on lifestyle and health goals. I am also a healthcare professional and have insight into what not losing the weight can do to a person.
  • ashii111
    ashii111 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey m a noob. Got 30 kg to lose. A mentor sounds good.
  • jameseylefebure
    jameseylefebure Posts: 234 Member
    hey noob here!! Managed to get from 26 stone down to 18 on my own, but really really struggling now with diet and exercise. (mostly down to confidence on the exercise side) would be very much looking for a mentor who's looking for someone who could help me out a little!!

    Exercise wise I'm definitely looking for more cardio based - I used to go to the gym years ago and have a very big fondness for running!
  • grrringa
    grrringa Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Mila and I'm 18yo! Im a noob and am recovering from an eating disorder. Im currently at 52.1kilos (1.66meters) and I really need to gain muscle and loose fat (im at 19.8% fat). I would love a mentor as it is really hard for me to get to my 1900+kcal daily goal and figure out exercise habits. I also try to eat mostly vegetarian or vegan meals. Any help is greatly appreciated <3
  • EMMYJ15
    EMMYJ15 Posts: 2 Member
    Have lost some weight and still need to lose a lot more!
    My mind is laser focused on changing my whole life, lifestyle. In the last year I have done quite a bit to do this, but would appreciate friends, mentors who get it.
    Have not actually weighed myself. But have a good idea of how much I have yet to go.
  • cehris
    cehris Posts: 4 Member
    edited October 2015
    My goal is to lose some Weight/Fat and tone up for December. And walking into 2016 with a new lifestyleI need to set these habits now, and with a little motivation and support I know I'll achieve my goal. I would love to get adopted. It would be nice to have someone push me and motivate me.

    26 years Old
    204.0 lbs
    Loves Basketball
    Loves drumming

  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,227 MFP Moderator
    Hey guys - if you're looking for a mentor, take a look at the first post in this discussion. It has links to members pages who have volunteered to mentor folks. Start clicking on names, and see if you can find someone who you'd like as a mentor... then send them a PM to see if they'd be willing to mentor you. I mentored last year, and I can vouch that most (or at least some) mentors don't actually check this discussion. It's up to YOU to seek out a volunteer. :) Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • eoin21
    eoin21 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi everyone, I can take on 2-3 people as a mentor.

    Just to introduce myself my name is Eoin and I'm 26, I've been an active member and user of MFP for two and a half years now. So just over two and a half years ago I weighed 27 stone and was clinically obese, I've now lost my goal weight of 168 pounds and I am now on my new goal of bodybuilding.
    Since my weight loss journey began I have now completed two half marathons (PB 2hrs 2min) and a fitness/bodybuilding show, in my spare time I have been educating myself through courses to become a personal trainer and a sports nutrition course to help improve my own knowledge but also to help people struggling with the difficulties I faced. The experiences and knowledge I have learned through the weight loss element and the more recent bodybuilding training I think I can help people no matter their goal.

    I would love to mentor anyone that has struggled with losing a lot of weight, I know all too well the physical and mental challenges that come with it and I would love to help and teach you as much as I can. But if your goal is too gain lean muscle mass and build strength I am more than happy to help as well! :)
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    going to post again because no one has messaged me. I'm willing to be a mentor to someone. I'm not expert but I've learned a lot and I'm willing to share that knowledge with others and help people out where I can :)
This discussion has been closed.