I hate salad!!



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    My myth is that I have to eat like my mother to be healthy. She eats a lot of salads and high volume vegetables. While I love veggies, I simply do not like to chew as much as she does. I'm learning to be ok with eating less voluminous foods.

    Also, for me there's a season for salad - when it's hot. I have no interest in eating cold foods when the weather is cold. Bring on the root veggies!

    (Yes I know they have more calories.)
  • enamorada5161
    enamorada5161 Posts: 3 Member
    You do not have to eat salad or greens to lose weight but remember the ultimate goal should be health. By not eating your greens you may be depriving your body of some essential nutrients. You may want to look into supplements that can help fill that void.
  • saladcrunchy
    saladcrunchy Posts: 899 Member
    Pizza salad and a glass of red

  • big2strongCO
    big2strongCO Posts: 41 Member
    I don't know I fall on both sides of this. I don't think you have to eat only things you don't like to loose weight, but I do think you should make an effort to eat more of the things like vegetables (all kinds) that can help you loose weight. I know for me eating only things I liked (pizza, burgers, fried everything, cheese, sweets, chips etc.) is what got me to 330 lbs. For me I had to grow up, get some discipline, explore healthy eating, eat things I wasn't excited about, stop drinking whatever I wanted, and eating whenever cravings hit me. This change in attitude helped me to eat more vegetables, many times I felt like the kid at the dinner table who couldn't get up until I finished my _________ (insert vegetable here) and now after loosing over one hundred pounds I am thankful I did and it makes me appreciate vegetables that much more. I know the O.P. stated that this was about salad and no you don't have to only eat salad, matter of fact you don't ever have to eat a "salad" but I think it would be very hard to achieve the goal of a health weight and a healthier lifestyle without having vegetables, fruit and lean protein as the main ingredients to this recipe.
  • Ponkeen
    Ponkeen Posts: 147 Member
    I hear ya. I love veggies, but am very quickly bored with salads. It doesn't really matter how well garnished the salad is; it's still a bowl full of leaves and I would rather eat something else.
    So, I do. Lots of other kinds of veggies (mushrooms, carrots, brussel sprouts, peppers, squash and zucchini, onions, etc...). There are soooooo many ways to prepare them, but I have a particular taste for roasted veggies.
    I would recommend experimenting with different ways to prepare veggies. It really is better to get them in a way that you enjoy, because you are more likely to eat them, period.
    I have also heard that people's tastes change. That has not been the case for me (still love my weakness foods, and will probably always love my weakness foods...), but it may happen for you.
  • Jesslynn3282
    Jesslynn3282 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm totally okay with fruits :-) I love fruit more then anything! However my boss who is doing a very very low carb diet tends to pick on me when I saw I am logging what I eat on here and she see's me come in with a bowl of strawberries or an apple...She states if I keeping eating a bunch of fruits with no veggies or salad....I'm eating pure sugar and it's not going to help me in the long run. I think different peple obviously see things differently....I don't judge her strict diet....yet she is totally against my way of living healthy. Pizza salad sounds totally good haha
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I don't know I fall on both sides of this. I don't think you have to eat only things you don't like to loose weight, but I do think you should make an effort to eat more of the things like vegetables (all kinds) that can help you loose weight. I know for me eating only things I liked (pizza, burgers, fried everything, cheese, sweets, chips etc.) is what got me to 330 lbs. For me I had to grow up, get some discipline, explore healthy eating, eat things I wasn't excited about, stop drinking whatever I wanted, and eating whenever cravings hit me. This change in attitude helped me to eat more vegetables, many times I felt like the kid at the dinner table who couldn't get up until I finished my _________ (insert vegetable here) and now after loosing over one hundred pounds I am thankful I did and it makes me appreciate vegetables that much more. I know the O.P. stated that this was about salad and no you don't have to only eat salad, matter of fact you don't ever have to eat a "salad" but I think it would be very hard to achieve the goal of a health weight and a healthier lifestyle without having vegetables, fruit and lean protein as the main ingredients to this recipe.

    Nope.....eating too many calories on a consistent basis got you to 330lbs.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I'm totally okay with fruits :-) I love fruit more then anything! However my boss who is doing a very very low carb diet tends to pick on me when I saw I am logging what I eat on here and she see's me come in with a bowl of strawberries or an apple...She states if I keeping eating a bunch of fruits with no veggies or salad....I'm eating pure sugar and it's not going to help me in the long run. I think different peple obviously see things differently....I don't judge her strict diet....yet she is totally against my way of living healthy. Pizza salad sounds totally good haha

    Your boss is wrong. Period. The end. All you have to do is eat less calories than you burn and you will lose weight. How you eat those calories is up to you. Will you get to eat more veggies calorie-wise than cheesecake? Yes. But if you won't stick with it, what's the point? Find what works for you and do that.
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Your body doesn't give you extra credit for eating copious amounts of veggies.........It honestly doesn't take much to meet your daily vitamin/mineral requirements.

    Salads are boring anyways......... :smiley:
  • saladcrunchy
    saladcrunchy Posts: 899 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    Your body doesn't give you extra credit for eating copious amounts of veggies.........It honestly doesn't take much to meet your daily vitamin/mineral requirements.

    Salads are boring anyways......... :smiley:

    only if you forget to put pizza in them :smiley:
  • big2strongCO
    big2strongCO Posts: 41 Member
    Nope.....eating too many calories on a consistent basis got you to 330lbs.

    Wow jmule24 you mean to tell me that eating too many calories makes you fat. Man am I glad you enlightened us with you overwhelming health and nutrition knowledge. I can't believe that after 44 years on this earth I am just learning this now. It makes so much sense when someone picks one line out of a response, highlights it, takes it out of context and uses it to make themselves seem so much more knowledgeable than the poster. Of course it was the calories bright boy so from now on, to clarify, eating too much bad food and only bad food with no vegetables, for me, equaled too many calories which in turn equaled becoming overweight. I just feel bad that I didn't go into such detail in my one paragraph response to the original posters comment about their not liking salad and veggies. I should have more succinctly summed up the cumulative knowledge of diet and weight loss facts such as too many calories leading to weight gain in my one paragraph response to cover all basses of criticism so you wouldn't have to take your time to educate us in these caloric matters.
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I don't know I fall on both sides of this. I don't think you have to eat only things you don't like to loose weight, but I do think you should make an effort to eat more of the things like vegetables (all kinds) that can help you loose weight. I know for me eating only things I liked (pizza, burgers, fried everything, cheese, sweets, chips etc.) is what got me to 330 lbs. For me I had to grow up, get some discipline, explore healthy eatingeat things I wasn't excited about, stop drinking whatever I wantedand eating whenever cravings hit me. This change in attitude helped me to eat more vegetables, many times I felt like the kid at the dinner table who couldn't get up until I finished my _________ (insert vegetable here) and now after loosing over one hundred pounds I am thankful I did and it makes me appreciate vegetables that much more. I know the O.P. stated that this was about salad and no you don't have to only eat salad, matter of fact you don't ever have to eat a "salad" but I think it would be very hard to achieve the goal of a health weight and a healthier lifestyle without having vegetables, fruit and lean protein as the main ingredients to this recipe.

    Whoa....whoa....slow down.....take a deep breath. I keep reading through your post and can't help but notice you fail to mention anything about calories what so ever. You simply choose to say pizza, burgers, etc made you fat, and then magically lost weight because you started eating vegetables.

    Unfortunately, there are many people on here who still think that is true. How come I'm still overweight? I eat all the "good" healthy" veggies" fruits" like everyone tells me to do but golly gee shucks.....no weight loss..........

  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    cdudley628 wrote: »
    I used to really hate most vegetables and wouldn't eat salad. I do like salad now and enjoy trying new vegetables. Most of the vegetables I get are leafy greens, peppers, and onions. I wouldn't have eaten any of these a few years ago. When I was in high school, my vegetables were mostly peas and corn. I am still quite a picky eater and won't eat certain vegetables, but it was good for me to try to branch out.

    I like those veggies too, but those are on the bottom of the list of delicious veggies! Girl, eat you some zucchini, roasted broccoli and carrots, cauliflower, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, green beans and artichokes! Hope you continue to branch out!