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Such an unhealthy day for me :(



  • entwife
    entwife Posts: 134 Member
    edited October 2015

    How can I make up for today?
    The best way you can make up for it is to learn from it. Think about why you ate what you ate, and what you gained from it - did you enjoy it? Was it to be sociable? Was it an out-of-control thing because you have been dieting and you just let loose on delicious food because you have been denying yourself? What would you do next time?

    Its normal to go to social things and enjoy food. You don't need to beat yourself up and punish yourself. Its not a race, its life. And you haven't gained 2kg of fat in 3-4 days, that's not possible. A lot of that is food in your system and water that has been retained because of salt and sugar in the food you ate. It will go. Be kind to yourself.

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    edited October 2015
    Wear trash bags and a black hoodie along with a weighted vest (or backpack if you don't have one) and go run for 2 hours tomorrow. Rinse and repeat daily till the guilt dissipates. :)

    While the rest of your advice was fine, you may want to look into whether having these kind of guilt feelings and actions around exercise and food are normal, or dysfunctional.

    As to the OP, the correct answer is to stay with program, log it and forget it.


    There is ZERO need to "compensate".

    Guilt feelings and self hate that morphs beyond a little bit of extra motivation to stay within your goals next time are disturbing, and possibly quite unhealthy.

    The compensatory behavior being contemplated is more dangerous than the additional couple of days (or couple of weeks, or frankly, the answer would have remained the same if we were talking a couple of months, or a couple of years) it may take to lose the weight gained during the day of over-eating.

    As an extra note:
    The 500 calories of over-eating represent a single day's deficit. The posts exhibit a disquieting lack of understanding that your daily weight is not the same as your weight level.

    You can figure out your weight level by using a weight trend application/web site such as www.trendweight.com, www.weightgrapher.com, Libra for Android, Happy Scale for iPhone.

    Glycogen, sodium, hormone, and food in the intestinal tract all result in weight changes that far outpace weight changes associated with fat loss or gain.

    Your body has a weight level, not a single point weight.

    Use one of the apps/websites above to see what your weight level is doing, and only pull the panic trigger when the trending weight goes up 5bs because you over-ate a couple of days -- which were not evident in your diary which was bang on for most days.

    Hint: you would need to eat more than 15,000 Calories ABOVE MAINTENANCE to achieve that. Good luck doing that eating less than 6,000 Calories a day, and even then we would be pushing it!

    In the meanwhile carry on with your normal deficit... and forget all this drama and the self recrimination

    Please and thank you.
  • BackupFridge
    BackupFridge Posts: 105 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    While the rest of your advice was fine, you may want to look into whether having these kind of guilt feelings and actions around exercise and food are normal, or dysfunctional.

    I accessorized an explanation in the next post. Please see - my apologies.
    All good, all good. Look, I was a competitive rower so I did the garbage bag thing; I'm not preaching.

    Rowing and stair-running, bar none, make the best cardio sessions. >:) Kudos to anyone who's competitive in either.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    If you are already eating too few calories, don't knock off another 100 on top of that! If you are eating too few calories, that sets up for binging. If you have disordered thoughts on eating, it really is important to eat the reasonable amount of calories (TDEE - 15 or 20%) and wait longer for the weight loss to occur. Too many dangerous psychological things come into play if you do it too aggressively (and it's way too hard for no good reason, too).
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Why would sweating and excessive exercise help anyone who has over consumed. That's borderline disordered advice.

    Is it untoward to offer a way of burning calories to someone lamenting the fact that they've consumed too many of them?

    You didn't offer "a way of burning calories"; you offered a way of temporarily losing some water weight. Newbies are easily confused between water loss and fat loss, and giving them ideas for losing water weight (which is pointless unless you're a fighter/wrestler trying to make weight) is counter-productive, and possibly harmful.

    It was terrible advice from someone with no clue what they're doing, and you deserve to get crapped on for it.
  • entwife
    entwife Posts: 134 Member
    edited October 2015
    Wear trash bags and a black hoodie along with a weighted vest (or backpack if you don't have one) and go run for 2 hours tomorrow. Rinse and repeat daily till the guilt dissipates. :)
    Untoward??? Consider this. What if OP is living in a hot climate, has a health condition and takes your advice? Will you be there to pick her up when she collapses on the side of the road? I think not. Be careful about the advice you dish out, people might just take it. Frankly, what you suggested is just dangerous. Sorry for being blunt, but its true.
  • BackupFridge
    BackupFridge Posts: 105 Member
    edited October 2015
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Why would sweating and excessive exercise help anyone who has over consumed. That's borderline disordered advice.

    Is it untoward to offer a way of burning calories to someone lamenting the fact that they've consumed too many of them?

    You didn't offer "a way of burning calories"; you offered a way of temporarily losing some water weight. Newbies are easily confused between water loss and fat loss, and giving them ideas for losing water weight (which is pointless unless you're a fighter/wrestler trying to make weight) is counter-productive, and possibly harmful.

    It was terrible advice from someone with no clue what they're doing, and you deserve to get crapped on for it.

    Exercising burns calories.
    Exercising more burns more calories.
    Burning calories counterbalances consuming calories.
    Burning more calories counterbalances consuming more calories, which is what she did.

    I never suggested dehydration. I suggested a way to crank up cardio. You're categorically misrepresenting my position. Fighters cut their calories and piss all day in addition to using saunas and all that. I'm familiar with it. I didn't put any of that in there. I want her to eat healthily after the session; I want her to hydrate well. It's how I do my personal cardio - sometimes I'll do it with an elevation mask for the hell of it, sometimes with a weighted vest. I enjoy seeing how far I can push myself. I offered a way for her to push herself if she wants to account for a prior indulgence; I was quick to clarify the guilt clause.
    entwife wrote: »
    Untoward??? Consider this. What if OP is living in a hot climate, has a health condition and takes your advice? Will you be there to pick her up when she collapses on the side of the road? I think not. Be careful about the advice you dish out, people might just take it. Frankly, what you suggested is just dangerous. Sorry for being blunt, but its true.

    I don't pretend to know anything about her. When I ask for advice on the Internet, I don't pretend people know much about me. People draw on the positives within their own experiences and suggest them; common sense would lead the receiver of the advice to adjust accordingly rather than taking all the advice on the menu as it's written. It's a suggestion. Suggestions aren't closed to modification. Ultimately, listen to one's own body and take it from there.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I had an overindulgence day yesterday (saturday) too, so much so that I gave up logging it half way through the day.

    Such is life, no one can be 100% perfect 100 % of the time.
    Today is a new day and yesterday is already forgotten. I'm not going to drive myself nuts stressing out over every little calorie I went over. I had a wonderful day with my family, and that's all that matters :smile:
  • entwife
    entwife Posts: 134 Member

    I don't pretend to know anything about her. When I ask for advice on the Internet, I don't pretend people know much about me. People draw on the positives within their own experiences and suggest them; common sense would lead the receiver of the advice to adjust accordingly rather than taking all the advice on the menu as it's written. It's a suggestion. Suggestions aren't closed to modification. Ultimately, listen to one's own body and take it from there.

    One could argue that common sense would usually lead the *giver* of the advice to adjust accordingly. Did you even bother to look at her profile before you suggested she do something so extreme?
  • BackupFridge
    BackupFridge Posts: 105 Member
    edited October 2015
    entwife wrote: »

    I don't pretend to know anything about her. When I ask for advice on the Internet, I don't pretend people know much about me. People draw on the positives within their own experiences and suggest them; common sense would lead the receiver of the advice to adjust accordingly rather than taking all the advice on the menu as it's written. It's a suggestion. Suggestions aren't closed to modification. Ultimately, listen to one's own body and take it from there.

    One could argue that common sense would usually lead the *giver* of the advice to adjust accordingly. Did you even bother to look at her profile before you suggested she do something so extreme?

    1. No one's important enough to have everything spoon-fed to them. I don't know if you think you're the center of the universe, but generally when someone asks for advice and gets something along the tangent, there's no problem.

    2. Quit assuming that a scan of someone's profile yields enough quantification to give thorough and scaled estimates. Half the threads wouldn't get any replies if people begged for accuracy. It's not much to ask that people don't abandon personal responsibility. Take what works and leave what doesn't - like an adult. Advice isn't to cater - it's to offer a starting point in good will. This isn't a service.
  • ohmyllama
    ohmyllama Posts: 161 Member
    OP. Ummm... I'm concerned for you. I think you're being way too harsh on your body. I saw the thread of yours that got deleted and... well... it wasn't good. Be kind to yourself!
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    ohmyllama wrote: »
    OP. Ummm... I'm concerned for you. I think you're being way too harsh on your body. I saw the thread of yours that got deleted and... well... it wasn't good. Be kind to yourself!
    We all have our days when we blow our diets. One day does not make or break you or your goal. I am also very concerned with your past posts and this one. Under eating and over exercising are not a healthy approach to weight loss. You seem to reach out on these boards for help, I hope and pray, that you have the strength needed to reach out for the help you need. If you are in therapy right now, a call to him or her, might be in order.

  • entwife
    entwife Posts: 134 Member
    . I don't know if you think you're the center of the universe.
    Lol! no more than yourself buddy, anyway I've made my point, cheerio ;)
  • BackupFridge
    BackupFridge Posts: 105 Member
    edited October 2015
    entwife wrote: »
    . I don't know if you think you're the center of the universe.
    Lol! no more than yourself buddy, anyway I've made my point, cheerio ;)

    Nice cop-out. You should've backpedaled for added effect, but you'd probably call that extreme exercise too.
  • entwife
    entwife Posts: 134 Member
    entwife wrote: »
    . I don't know if you think you're the center of the universe.
    Lol! no more than yourself buddy, anyway I've made my point, cheerio ;)

    Nice cop-out. You should've backpedaled for added effect, but you'd probably call that extreme exercise too.

    Not at all. I think your advice was terrible, you don't, i have no more time to spend on this discussion that's rapidly going nowhere and achieving nothing, the end.
  • BackupFridge
    BackupFridge Posts: 105 Member
    edited October 2015
    entwife wrote: »
    entwife wrote: »
    . I don't know if you think you're the center of the universe.
    Lol! no more than yourself buddy, anyway I've made my point, cheerio ;)

    Nice cop-out. You should've backpedaled for added effect, but you'd probably call that extreme exercise too.

    Not at all. I think your advice was terrible, you don't, i have no more time to spend on this discussion that's rapidly going nowhere and achieving nothing, the end.


    Step 1: Engage someone with whom you disagree.
    Step 2: Elicit discussion from them.
    Step 3: Dismiss them by the online equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "blah blah" after you have no ammo left.
    Step 4: Lean toward it not being worth your while and then come back after you've already said you're going.

    Why don't you push on a wrinkle in your own game and come back and talk again? Or are you not going to double down on the infantile tactic this time and stick to leaving it at step 3 (which was still hilariously infantile)?
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    entwife wrote: »
    entwife wrote: »
    . I don't know if you think you're the center of the universe.
    Lol! no more than yourself buddy, anyway I've made my point, cheerio ;)

    Nice cop-out. You should've backpedaled for added effect, but you'd probably call that extreme exercise too.

    Not at all. I think your advice was terrible, you don't, i have no more time to spend on this discussion that's rapidly going nowhere and achieving nothing, the end.


    Step 1: Engage someone with whom you disagree.
    Step 2: Elicit discussion from them.
    Step 3: Dismiss them by the online equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "blah blah" after you have no ammo left.
    Step 4: Lean toward it not being worth your while and then come back after you've already said you're going.

    Why don't you push on a wrinkle in your own game and come back and talk again? Or are you not going to double down on the infantile tactic this time and stick to leaving it at step 3 (which was still hilariously infantile)?

    You come off as a pretentious douche bag. In case you didn't know.

    And you all are derailing this thread with your little squabble.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    what on earth is going on here??
  • BackupFridge
    BackupFridge Posts: 105 Member
    edited October 2015
    You come off as a pretentious douche bag. In case you didn't know.

    Offer advice -> get criticized for not using pinpoint accuracy to spoon-feed someone even though it still gives them an idea about what they can do -> tell the critic why the grain of the advice still works in a world where people can listen to their own bodies -> critic hilariously deflects.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Log it and move on


    Don't restrict, because you could end up in a binge/restrict cycle that is hard to get out of once you start.