How often do you guys weigh?



  • JunoBeachVan
    JunoBeachVan Posts: 10 Member
    I weigh everyday (even got the Fitbit Aria scale to automatically pump the numbers directly into MFP.

    Even though people will (correctly) note that water changes mean your weight can fluctuate daily, you've GOT to weigh daily to spot the trends before they get away from you.

    Weight goes up a pound since yesterday? No biggie. Weight has gone up 2 straight days... hmm, maybe I'm slipping up, and need to check my diet and/or hit the gym for sure today.

    (Obviously, medical issues and menstrual cycles can have an effect too, but at least not for me yet.)
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    Every morning.

    I track rolling 7 day calorie and weight averages. I only change my calorie goal if the scale isn't moving in the desired direction after 2 weeks.
  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    I weigh daily just for statistical purposes. If I have a good loss, yay! If I gained, shrug and see if there's a pattern and move on!
  • GreenKay
    GreenKay Posts: 14 Member
    Wake up, pee, strip, weigh. I aim for every day, but usually get in about 5 a week. Record the weight on Fridays. Weighing in is my time to reflect back on what I did right or wrong over the last few days, consider how I feel and determine how I want to proceed.

    I find that if I am not weighing it is because I am avoiding the knowledge of what I have been doing to my body.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    edited October 2015
    KT_3009 wrote: »
    I find it useless how people weigh themselves daily due to water weight and it can become an unhealthy obsession! I do my weigh ins weekly to fortnightly which many health professionals and doctors recommend

    Individual data points are just as unreliable however often you weigh in, but trend lines become more reliable with daily weights, just due to the fact you have seven or fourteen times more points to use in the trending.

    If I really wanted to get clever I could use an exponentially smoothed moving average or a low-pass digital filter algorithm to clean my weight data up further, but that seems unnecessary. I just pull 30 and 90 day trends into excel and work from there.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    If you have an app like trendweight, is it imperative that you weigh everyday? Will weighing once a week skew the results?
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Daily. That is how I determine my actual CICO net results.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I weighed daily for years, but have just switched to weighing only occasionally (maybe once every week and a half, no set schedule). I switched because I am trying to emphasize the process rather than the so-called achievement.
  • Shrink84
    Shrink84 Posts: 12 Member
    Once every two weeks.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    If you have an app like trendweight, is it imperative that you weigh everyday? Will weighing once a week skew the results?

    Any form of trending becomes less accurate with fewer data points to work with - I don't know specifically how trendweight's algorithm handles missing data points. In theory they could be interpolating the data via any one of a number of algorithms, but I wouldn't guarantee that the people making the sites and apps have a background in digital signal processing (which is really what that is).
  • TheSwedish
    TheSwedish Posts: 6 Member
    Every morning. It keeps me accountable.