Adderall - To do or Not to do



  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    It's important to be able to ask these kinds of questions without fear of legal ramifications. The stigma around drugs in this country is so ridiculous. I'd rather someone went into a situation with the knowledge to handle it properly than had no idea what to do because they were afraid to ask.

    Except he want to obtain the medication for a purpose it is NOT prescribed for.

    If Adderall became OTC-legal tomorrow, would you use it? I'm guessing probably not. The legality of the substance does very little to stop people from using it - that's why we have a drug problem in America. It's demonstrably better to deter someone from using it by having an honest conversation about the negative side effects than to attempt to bully them into staying away from it via scare tactics.
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    It's important to be able to ask these kinds of questions without fear of legal ramifications. The stigma around drugs in this country is so ridiculous. I'd rather someone went into a situation with the knowledge to handle it properly than had no idea what to do because they were afraid to ask.

    Except he want to obtain the medication for a purpose it is NOT prescribed for.

    If Adderall became OTC-legal tomorrow, would you use it? I'm guessing probably not. The legality of the substance does very little to stop people from using it - that's why we have a drug problem in America. It's demonstrably better to deter someone from using it by having an honest conversation about the negative side effects than to attempt to bully them into staying away from it via scare tactics.

    I'd mostly just like more "focus" in my downtime, so I can be more productive. And, luckily you seem to have some very informative/useful opinions, thank you for sharing.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    It's important to be able to ask these kinds of questions without fear of legal ramifications. The stigma around drugs in this country is so ridiculous. I'd rather someone went into a situation with the knowledge to handle it properly than had no idea what to do because they were afraid to ask.

    Except he want to obtain the medication for a purpose it is NOT prescribed for.

    If Adderall became OTC-legal tomorrow, would you use it? I'm guessing probably not. The legality of the substance does very little to stop people from using it - that's why we have a drug problem in America. It's demonstrably better to deter someone from using it by having an honest conversation about the negative side effects than to attempt to bully them into staying away from it via scare tactics.

    Not getting into a legal discussion with you.
  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    It's important to be able to ask these kinds of questions without fear of legal ramifications. The stigma around drugs in this country is so ridiculous. I'd rather someone went into a situation with the knowledge to handle it properly than had no idea what to do because they were afraid to ask.

    Except he want to obtain the medication for a purpose it is NOT prescribed for.

    If Adderall became OTC-legal tomorrow, would you use it? I'm guessing probably not. The legality of the substance does very little to stop people from using it - that's why we have a drug problem in America. It's demonstrably better to deter someone from using it by having an honest conversation about the negative side effects than to attempt to bully them into staying away from it via scare tactics.

    Not getting into a legal discussion with you.

    Solid choice.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, this is just my personal opinion, but it basically sounds like you are saying you are bored and lack motivation. You are going to need to be able to focus and motivate yourself to accomplish anything for the rest of your life, do you really want to rely on a prescription for that?

    There are tons of audio programs and books that will help you come up with a system to set up some goals and keep your mind focused on them. These will teach you skills you can use for all sorts of things. You could download some onto your phone and listen to them while you wander around aimlessly :) And there are no side effects!

    Picking up these skills is an important part of life, so my humble suggestion would be to try that before looking for some chemical focus. I'm sure there are folks who really need something like Adderall, but my own personal opinion is you have some better options to try first. Good luck!
  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
    edited October 2015
    kimny72 wrote: »
    OP, this is just my personal opinion, but it basically sounds like you are saying you are bored and lack motivation. You are going to need to be able to focus and motivate yourself to accomplish anything for the rest of your life, do you really want to rely on a prescription for that?

    There are tons of audio programs and books that will help you come up with a system to set up some goals and keep your mind focused on them. These will teach you skills you can use for all sorts of things. You could download some onto your phone and listen to them while you wander around aimlessly :) And there are no side effects!

    Picking up these skills is an important part of life, so my humble suggestion would be to try that before looking for some chemical focus. I'm sure there are folks who really need something like Adderall, but my own personal opinion is you have some better options to try first. Good luck!

    This is excellent advice, and is essentially the same conclusion I came to after occasional use of Adderall. It's just not worth the dependency you'll inevitably form, whether mentally or physically, and additionally there are lots of ways to heighten cognitive abilities and focus without an amphetamine.
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    @kimny72 Thanks for the advice, I'll look into that was well

  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Adderall is an attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder medication. It is for people who are hyperactive to the point where they cannot focus because they're focusing on 50 things at once. This does not sound like you. Your story sounds the opposite, like you're wandering around looking for something to do, bored, etc. Find hobbies that actually excite you. Hang out with some friends. Do a project at home. Go for a walk. Get a pet.

    Just because we'd like some drugs doesn't mean we can just go to the doctor's and get them. I mean, I'd like some Xanax to relax in my downtime, but I don't have the anxiety disorder to be prescribed it.
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    ASKyle wrote: »

    Just because we'd like some drugs doesn't mean we can just go to the doctor's and get them. I mean, I'd like some Xanax to relax in my downtime, but I don't have the anxiety disorder to be prescribed it.

    Well, I'll talk to a doctor, see what he thinks, but I appreciate your opinions. Truthfully tho, I was looking for experiences from those who've tried the drug.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member

    Modafinil currently exists in a legal grey area too, meaning you can order it from outside of the US online without worrying about legal ramifications, or so I'm told.

    Not at all true. It's still a controlled substance and importing it without proper authority is a felony. You may or may not be likely to be caught or charged, but a felony is going to be a bigger hit to your career goals than the drug would help.

  • suzan06
    suzan06 Posts: 218 Member
    My understanding was that some ADHD meds do not have the desired effect if you do not actually have ADHD. Most people, if they take a stimulant, will be jittery, hyper, etc, but the opposite effect happens if you have ADHD. No idea how true it is, but its been repeated to me multiple times.

    My H has diagnosed ADHD and has trialed a few drugs. He found one that he felt worked well with few side effects (it was a new super expensive one of course!). The other 2 he tried had very unpleasant side effects. The one that stuck with me, and I think it was Adderall but my memory could be off, he said he felt like he could concentrate great, but he got angry if anyone interrupted him, wanted to talk, if he had to go to a meeting, etc. Obviously not a good choice when you work in an office with other people and don't just sit alone all day doing your work!

    In order to get meds he first had to do a full eval with a psychiatrist, and then he had to go back every 30 days. It was not a simple process. I am sure there are docs out there that just hand scripts out like candy, but I wouldn't trust one of them to be fully evaluating the drug's effect on your brain and body.

    In the end he decided that his job at the time (which sometimes required 8 hours of concentration on mundane tasks) was just pretty dang boring, and that a different job that made him happier was a better choice than medication. He switched jobs and hasn't felt like he needed meds since that one job.
  • Kimegatron
    Kimegatron Posts: 772 Member
    From what I recall, please correct me if I'm wrong, but if you don't have ADD/ADHD, doesn't Adderall get you high-ish and hyper? My friend back in h.s. took the meds, my husband used to also, and they always said that
  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
    Kimegatron wrote: »
    From what I recall, please correct me if I'm wrong, but if you don't have ADD/ADHD, doesn't Adderall get you high-ish and hyper? My friend back in h.s. took the meds, my husband used to also, and they always said that

    Adderall is an amphetamine, so some people do experience a "high" from it, as well as jitters and sometimes anxiety. This is one of the many reasons why I don't recommend it - it's pretty potent.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    AspenDan wrote: »
    ASKyle wrote: »

    Just because we'd like some drugs doesn't mean we can just go to the doctor's and get them. I mean, I'd like some Xanax to relax in my downtime, but I don't have the anxiety disorder to be prescribed it.

    Well, I'll talk to a doctor, see what he thinks, but I appreciate your opinions. Truthfully tho, I was looking for experiences from those who've tried the drug.

    I'll disclose that I've tried the drug. I used it while in school to force myself to study for hours on end. It seems to have the opposite of intended effect on those who do not have ADHD. It calms ADHD/ADD people down so they can focus, but the rest of us it is like meth. Endless energy, no need for food, quenchless thirst, can get 50 things done in one day.

    That said, I could make 1/4 of a pill last all day. My friends who still use the drug as the adults are taking 3 pills a day now, and literally can't function without it. Their bodies have become accustomed to the high. That is something that I wouldn't want to live with.
  • Bronty3
    Bronty3 Posts: 104 Member
    My brother and an ex boyfriend were on adderall for a time. Both were prescribed it for ADHD. My brother stopped using it because he didn't like how it made him feel, focused but also like he couldn't get super excited and was just mellow. He also didn't like how much it suppressed his appetite, he never wanted to eat. My ex took it in college to focus on school work. He also stopped eating much, but it didn't seem to bother him. It bothered me because I don't think he was getting enough to fuel himself. At first he took it to study and focus in class but then it was all the time, even on weekends. I questioned why he needed it when he wasn't studying. Eventually he found it wasn't working as well. He once took one, it didn't do anything, then took another and found that both kicked in and it was crazy. He was super odd on it, like obssessed. He concentrated on cleaning every nook for the kitchen for 3 hours. Then he decided to study but the minute he felt his chair squeak and wobble he flipped it over and decided to fix it for 2 hours. He was too hyper aware of everything. I think after that he decided to stop using it for a bit or try something else. My friend decided to take one of his pills to study for finals and found that it helped her focus, but on facebook for 3 hours, and that it was too powerful for her as she's not hyperactive. So you might find that you get stuff done or you focus on one silly thing. Unless you are super ADHD I think it would be too powerful for what you need and suggest you find alternatives to help motivate you to do things.
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    Bronty3 wrote: »
    M Unless you are super ADHD I think it would be too powerful for what you need and suggest you find alternatives to help motivate you to do things.

    Solid advice
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I've taken it, just for kicks. Not a fan. It makes me jittery, heart races, can't sleep, was pretty much awful.
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    I've taken it, just for kicks. Not a fan. It makes me jittery, heart races, can't sleep, was pretty much awful.

    Ah, Thanks
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    edited October 2015
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    A wise thing to do is ask your doctor and discuss it with him.

    My son had it for some time and indeed more anxious was the result for him. Not beneficial for him at all. He was better off without out.

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