Biggest Regret in your Weight Loss Journey



  • DeeDiddyGee
    DeeDiddyGee Posts: 601 Member
    1. Being in denial and,waiting so long to do something about it.
    2. Wasting the first 85 days after joining MFP (today is Day 95, and it took this long to get serious).
  • canadianvampyregurl
    canadianvampyregurl Posts: 231 Member
    My biggest regret is being a slave to the scale. It's not always kind. My clothes fit better and my husband tells me I'm looking smaller. I lose weight very slowly as it is. I OBSESS about what I'm eating and I really need to get over that.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    My biggest regret is that when I first started, I believed all the derp and myths about weight.
    - I believed I had a slow metabolism.
    - I believed that netting 600 calories was both necessary and wise.
    - I believed I had to "eat healthy."
    - I believed juicing would help me lose weight.
    - I believed I needed to take a fat burner.
    - I believed sugar was evil and that eating it would stop my weight loss.
    - I believed my body was a special snowflake.
    - I belived it was more complicated than eat less and move more.
    - I believed move more meant killing myself with cardio.

    ^^^ This. All this. It could not be any more this. ^^^

    Add in the time and money wasted thinking it was not THIS.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    That I didn't take any before pics for comparison.
  • ARC1603
    ARC1603 Posts: 113 Member
    My biggest regret is that when I first started, I believed all the derp and myths about weight.
    - I believed I had a slow metabolism.
    - I believed that netting 600 calories was both necessary and wise.
    - I believed I had to "eat healthy."
    - I believed juicing would help me lose weight.
    - I believed I needed to take a fat burner.
    - I believed sugar was evil and that eating it would stop my weight loss.
    - I believed my body was a special snowflake.
    - I belived it was more complicated than eat less and move more.
    - I believed move more meant killing myself with cardio.


    I'm gutted I have the weight to lose in the first place, but I'm not sure I regret any of it because my past has taught me so many things about how to make it work this time around.
  • saitiffeh
    saitiffeh Posts: 251 Member
    I regret that the last time I lost weight, I didn't change my eating habits.. I just ate less. It's not good enough to just consume smaller quantities, I also have to be in control of my snack habits. I've started to learn that treats and just that... treats! And taste oh so much better when you eat them in moderation.
  • misterdale67
    misterdale67 Posts: 171 Member
    That I didn't take any before pics for comparison.

    This for me too!
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    I regret always saying I will start next Monday.
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    111grace wrote: »
    My 2nd regret is allowing myself. ie not seeing myself, getting FAT/OBESE in the first bloody place!! ( letting other people stress me out!! WTF). When I was thin, if someone had told me ( if you go down this path ) I would be fat, ( stress eating ) 17 years down the line I would not have believed them.

    My daughter is now 17, so I too had 17 years of eating away like I was never going to get to 241. I was 140 when I got pregnant with her, and have not seen that number since. I too stress eat. Raising a child pretty much alone leads to lots of stressful times, and poor coping habits. I did lose 45 pounds 10 years ago with WW but did not learn how to cope with my fears, my stressors. So it came back and steadily climbed.

    So today, I'm learning to accept my imperfections and learn to let people bother me less. I guess age has something to do with it too. Only person that get next to me is my daughter. But less so now because I see that she just has to learn her lessons the hard way. I must get out of the way and let life teach.

    In the meantime, I'm glad that I found MFP. I have goals but have relaxed the timeline on them because I really want to learn how to eat this way for life, and learn how to overcome stressful situations with other methods besides food.
  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    I think my biggest regret (aside from allowing this in the first place, but I gained when I was 16 for a reason and then just stayed this way) was allowing my body to be in sometimes excruciating pain without seeking help. It often derailed my best intentions, because I would be in too much pain to do any exercise, or too tired from not sleeping due to the pain to muster the energy to go out for a long walk.

    I also regret never having taken the time (before, all the other times I've tried to lose weight) to truly understand what I had to do to change my habits (this is still a work in progress, but I'm mindful of it) and not really finding a balance of CICO that actually works for me and is healthy for me. Again, still a process, but at least now when I'm logging I know when I'm going too much in either direction and can rectify it.

    I think that somewhere in the middle I will also regret not taking proper before pics, but right now I don't.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    • I regret using MFP for so long without venturing into the forums and learning from the wisdom here.
    • I regret spending $200 on supplements that would supposedly suppress my appetite when I was a grad student and had no money. (And funny enough, just eating less would have been far more effective both at losing weight and saving money.
    • I regret not taking the opportunity to do shot put in middle school when it was offered to me. I didn't want to do the running part of track. But I likely would have discovered my love of lifting at a much younger age (and who knows how different my life could have been if I had actually gotten into sports back then).
  • shalonda01
    shalonda01 Posts: 11 Member
    My biggest regret is waiting so long to start again. Now I'm afraid of the scale.
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    I wish I had taken before pictures. When I first started out in January I didn't really believe it would work this time. I had tried to lose weight so many times before, but had an all or nothing approach. If I messed up, even just a little, I would say screw it I'll start again on Monday (even if it was Tuesday). Now that I've lost almost 50 lbs and am over halfway to my goal I realized I can go over calories or fit that treat in and it won't ruin my week (or month). I wish I had believed in myself enough before and shed my all or nothing mentality.
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    edited October 2015
    That I restricted my calories too much, didn't pay attention to my protein intake, and didn't include weight training from the beginning. Because of this I now have a saggy belly and my inner thighs somewhat resemble hamburger from extra skin; both of which are improving with weight training, but it's slow going and I fear it may never be completely corrected.

    ETA: That one month a few years back I wasted $15 on raspberry keytones because I heard it on Dr. Oz. I stopped watching his show shortly after.
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    ashlee_e13 wrote: »
    That I restricted my calories too much, didn't pay attention to my protein intake, and didn't include weight training from the beginning. Because of this I now have a saggy belly and my inner thighs somewhat resemble hamburger from extra skin; both of which are improving with weight training, but it's slow going and I fear it may never be completely corrected.

    ETA: That one month a few years back I wasted $15 on raspberry keytones because I heard it on Dr. Oz. I stopped watching his show shortly after.

    These are words of wisdom I will take: (1) strenght training cause my big belly will definitely need toning; and (2) Dr. Oz meant well, I suppose, but he was just all over the board on some stuff...too much for me...
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    I regret losing so quickly at first. I dropped 100lbs in a little less than a year. It was amazing, I got so many positive comments and praise. People didn't recognize me! Then I burnt myself out while trying to maintain that 100lb loss while returning to unhealthy habits in my diet. Cant out exercise a bad diet. So i threw a fit and decided to eat what I want and stop exercising.
    I dont know how much I have gained back, only that my clothes feel uncomfortable and my coat from last winter wont zip. I'm back on track in my nutrition and I'm feeling better. I am trying SO hard not to get extreme and to keep this slow and steady. Id be happy to never drop below 200lbs (lowest was 202), but to be back to where I was at the beginning of this year. I felt great, looked great, and had a lot of energy.

    So the regret was the speed and intensity. I made myself miserable to be honest, loads of guilt over missed exercise or from being sick. I was in tears at Thanksgiving dinner because I didnt want to eat a single bite. Keeping a healthy mindset is key.
  • 123juliaj123
    123juliaj123 Posts: 75 Member
    I regret not cutting out carbs sooner, in particular bread. I knew it made me bloat and didnt seem to suit my body but I loved eating bread and potatoes so didnt cut them out til far too late.

    Got there now but I regret letting my joints suffer for so long with the extra weight bearing down on them and all the things I could have been doing that I put off as I felt too fat