Fall Weight Loss Challenge



  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    May I join too please? I need some help staying on track

    Absolutely!! Welcome and all the best!
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    natgo28 wrote: »
    I am in! even though it is already Oct 15th! 185 lbs now with goal of 165 lbs.

  • callmecarina
    callmecarina Posts: 145 Member
    I've weighed in for this week and as of this morning, I am 181 so I have maintained since October 1st. I was also the same for last Monday's weigh in, which is why I hadn't reported last week. (but I should report anyways, I guess!) And that's okay! I'm just so happy that I am so close to being in the 170s again, and that I haven't gone backwards. I haven't been in the 170s in a few years!

    Let's do this!
  • weenan1950
    weenan1950 Posts: 12 Member
    I joined up for Oct 1st & I didn't have a scale at the time, but I got weighed at my Dr's. , & I was 162. Since then I've gotten a scale but I haven't weighed myself since the Dr's, I've been logging in faithfully on MVP & I have since gotten a Fitbit, which I love!!! I plan on weighing myself, a bit nervous I must say, & I have a Wedding on Saturday, so I'll weigh myself come Monday & see what's happened to my body after the wedding, I plan on staying on track, hopefully i can, so I wish everyone good luck over the weekend & I'll see you all Monday for the Weigh In. GOOD LUCK
  • dianaiku
    dianaiku Posts: 96 Member
    I love the Fall, but with it come all sorts of fall goodies to indulge in--and it sure isn't great for the weight loss enthusiast! So I prepose a Fall Weight Loss Challenge beginning October 1 and ending November 30th! Let's ease into the Holidays with a fresh new jumpstart!

    61 days and counting! Anyone game?

    If you are, just reply to this discussion board with your goal weight loss for the next two months and check in every Monday with your weeks results. Let's encourage one another on and check in every week with how we are all doing!

    I'll go first:

    Current weight: 143.8
    Goal loss per week is at 2lbs totalling 8 weeks= 16 lbs goal loss
    Goal weight by November 31=127.8

    Thanks for coming along! I can't wait to hear how everyone does!

    "This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever. In its place is something that you have left behind...Let it be something good." AUTHOR UNKNOWN
    Current weight: 181.6
    Goal weight by November 31: 167 lb or 14 lb loss

    I am in this like Hydrogen in water.
  • Joinha
    Joinha Posts: 5 Member
    I'd love to join as well!I could also use some accountability! I've gained 20 lbs in the last year and a half! Crazy it seems but it happened--- getting married next August so I gotta get back at it!


    I know I'm starting late but hope it's ok:)

    If you'd like please add me!
  • omnipotentmiku
    omnipotentmiku Posts: 107 Member
    So far I'm doing really well.

    SW (October 1): 151.6 lbs
    CW: 148.2 lbs
    GW (November 31): 144 lbs
    GW: 140 lbs
  • ReadyForWeightLoss
    ReadyForWeightLoss Posts: 75 Member
    ooops weigh ins for me are on wensdays. Totally forgot to put in my weigh in.
    SW: 266.6
    Week1: 260.8
    Week2: 258.4
    GW: 250.6
    We can do this!! Dont give up !
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    I've weighed in for this week and as of this morning, I am 181 so I have maintained since October 1st. I was also the same for last Monday's weigh in, which is why I hadn't reported last week. (but I should report anyways, I guess!) And that's okay! I'm just so happy that I am so close to being in the 170s again, and that I haven't gone backwards. I haven't been in the 170s in a few years!

    Let's do this!

    YAY!!! Way to go!
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    Joinha wrote: »
    I'd love to join as well!I could also use some accountability! I've gained 20 lbs in the last year and a half! Crazy it seems but it happened--- getting married next August so I gotta get back at it!


    I know I'm starting late but hope it's ok:)

    If you'd like please add me!

    WELCOME TO OUR GROUP!! It's growing fast! Keep checking in for daily encouragement!!
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    ooops weigh ins for me are on wensdays. Totally forgot to put in my weigh in.
    SW: 266.6
    Week1: 260.8
    Week2: 258.4
    GW: 250.6
    We can do this!! Dont give up !

    YAY!! Way to go! Keep up the great work!
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    So far I'm doing really well.

    SW (October 1): 151.6 lbs
    CW: 148.2 lbs
    GW (November 31): 144 lbs
    GW: 140 lbs

    This is awesome!
  • callmecarina
    callmecarina Posts: 145 Member
    dianaiku wrote: »
    Current weight: 181.6
    Goal weight by November 31: 167 lb or 14 lb loss

    I am in this like Hydrogen in water.

    I lol'd at the hydrogen joke.

    I am at the exact same current weight as of this morning, and I have the same goal weight as you!

    Let's do this, buddy!
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member

    Midway into October how is everyone doing? I'm just getting back from 10 days of vacation and am feeling a bit off the beaten path! Time to regain focus!

    I speak to many (including myself) when I say that you too may have become distracted with too many concerns to the point of falling asleep at the wheel or becoming nonchalant about your approach to our Fall Weight Loss Challenge!

    NOW is the time to shake yourself awake and get on the path of walking RIGHT!

    This may require a shift in focus! Stay focused with your goals--focused with your plans and enjoy your journey along the way!

    Monday weigh in is right around the corner and this will be our 3rd weigh in thus far, so jump into the weekend with great reasons for eating good and making good choices!
  • jessicarobinson00
    jessicarobinson00 Posts: 414 Member
    I never seem to keep up with these, but I promise that I WILL TRY!!
    Current weight: 136.6
    Goal loss per week is at .5 lbs/week: Ideally a total of 7ish lbs. AIMING for 130, so that gives me wiggle room.
    Goal weight by November 30: 130

    So today my weight was 133.6!! Very happy with that!
  • KristyB3225
    KristyB3225 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I know I'm 16 days late in the game but I'm in..
    Current weight 301.6
    Weekly goal: loose 3lbs
    Looking to try to get down to 220.. Add me and we can motivate each other..
  • got2rockit
    got2rockit Posts: 41 Member
    got2rockit wrote: »
    I'm in!
    CW - 198.8
    GW - 192

    10/17 - 198 - lost .8lb. Slow and Steady.

  • stetter123
    stetter123 Posts: 22 Member
    SW: 182
    GW: 169 by November 30th
  • Hi! II just found you guys! I am in my 20th straight day of logging in! I love the idea of a challenge. That really helps motivate me! Right now my current weight is 200 lbs and my goal is to be down to 188 by the end of November. I'm aiming for 2 lbs a week by watching my calories and just starting to exercise. Thanks for starting this, is a great idea!
  • Ruthhormachea
    Ruthhormachea Posts: 35 Member
    Can I still join?
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