What do you think of beach body programs?

I was thinking of buying P90X or Insanity to help me stay motivated but I was just curious what others thought of the beach body programs? Have you ever done a program? How did you like it? They are expensive and I want to make sure I am making a good investment.


  • missm2
    missm2 Posts: 608 Member
    I have 3 different beach body work outs including Insanity. All were great and really work. ..all you have to do is press play! I'm about to buy T25 :D
  • AndreaJeanTelk
    AndreaJeanTelk Posts: 1 Member
    My friend has done P90X and Insanity and loved them. They worked well for her before she got pregnant, and I'm sure she'll go back to them when she has the baby! I've done lower impact ones myself, including PiYo (which I love) and another one I can't remember the name of off the top of my head. They've both worked for me, as long as I keep up at them which I admit I'm not good at. My only difficulty is how exactly to log them in MyFitnessPal!
  • rachaelerdlen932
    rachaelerdlen932 Posts: 35 Member
    I also love them I started a little over 2 months ago with 21 day fix and I bought that and cize together , then a few weeks ago got focus t25 on Craigslist for half price ,but let me tell you that you can buy any program from them and get a 30 day free use of almost all there other programs on there beachbody on demand to try out .
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    Love them. Have all four Insanity, TurboFire, P90x, P90x3. I like to have variety to choose from.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,919 Member
    Most of the programs get great reviews.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    I've done the original p90x... and I do think it and the reviews for the other programs are great, but I would not recommend them for a beginner. Some of the exercises are overly complicated, and while they do work, the potential for a newb to accidentally cause themselves injury is very high.

    I would recommend something a bit more beginner level like YAYOG if you don't have a reasonable bit of experience. Now, once you've fully completed a reasonable beginner program and strengthened your stabilizers, by all means, BeachBody it up if that's your bag.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I'm finishing up 3 months of T25. I was in ok shape at the beginning and it took me 3 weeks to get up to speed. I'm on gamma now which has hand weights and I can't believe how good shape I'm in now. Worth every penny and I've bought a few more DVDs.
  • BreC86
    BreC86 Posts: 2 Member
    I've never done any of them but from the reviews and things I've looked up online they seem pretty legit. Honestly you can go online and look up the 21 day fix calculator for your calories need and how many of each of those measured colored containers you gotta eat. Of course buying the kit would probably give you the best benefits since it has all the essentials.
    Also if you go on youtube Tony Horton has three 30 minute workout videos and his shorter workout videos that you could probably check out and do as kinda a preview of the P90X?
  • wchin28
    wchin28 Posts: 1 Member
    I have many of the beachbody programs and like many of y'all I don't recommend either insanity or p90x for a beginner. I don't know about your fitness level, but I love the programs and if you've already familiar with exercising I would go for it. Insanity is just that...insane. If you have bad knees, I would look elsewhere. I'm doing P90X right now and have done quite a few in the past including t25, insanity, p90x3 and les mills combat.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I have friends who are beach body instructors and they all like working for the company. They're a little too hard sell for me.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    never done one but I follow a couple of BBG girls on instagram and they all appear to be achieving good results.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I have a few programs and I like them but I do think they're incredibly overpriced and have only purchased when on sale.
  • bkthandler
    bkthandler Posts: 247 Member
    Do you like those kind of programs? I love Turbo Fire and it's slow cousin Turbo Jam...but I have always liked kick boxing. I have been tempted by Insanity or others but realize I won't do it.
  • kuroshii
    kuroshii Posts: 168 Member
    I know a lot of gyms offer P90x classes. If there's one near you, maybe you could pay to go to a class or three and try it out see if you like doing it before spending a lot of money up front.
  • tkfunkyfrogg
    tkfunkyfrogg Posts: 58 Member
    I and friends have done p90x and Insanity. I prefer the latter because the guy is not creepy and I like HIIT and body weight work over lifting (I dont have weights at home). All you need for Insanity is some general fitness already and a little space in the living room to sweat.

    There are classes offered at gyms like kuroshii suggested so try them out before you spend $$$ to find out neither works for you or motivates you.
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    I do insanity classes at the gym.. its my favorite class :)
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    Here's my brief 2 cents about all of the BB workouts I have done:

    P90X - Regardless of its age, it's probably one of the best BB programs out there still. Some of the videos I felt were pointless or a waste.......Back & Biceps could have just been omitted. The workouts are covered in some of the other videos. Yoga X, nope, I'm not going to do 90 minutes of yoga.

    P90X2 - Waste of time in my opinion. While they add more challenging exercises, and condense the yoga down to 60 minutes, and up the game with stability balls and medicine balls, most of the workout time is taken up with some pointless stretching and foam roller stuff (sorry, the stretching in P90X is better and I'm not a fan of the foam roller)

    P90X3 - Half of the workouts are great, the other half are "meh", although the good half might make it work your time. 30 minutes per video might also make it an attractive option.

    P90 (the new edition, not the original) - Three strength workouts, three cardio workouts, three ab workouts. As far as Tony Horton workouts, it's second in my book to P90X.

    Insanity - You will sweat, you will pant, you will be a hot mess when it's over.....that's the good. You have to mentally tell yourself that you will not keep up with the team on the screen. Focus on form first, then the speed will follow (although still not as fast as Shaun or his team). If you just try to go balls out on the speed, sacrificing form, then let me introduce you to knee, ankle, and lower back pain. Also, the 2nd phase of workouts get up in the 45-60 minute range.....when doing that intense cardio, my energy level begins to drain after the 30 minute mark, so I felt like I was just going through the motions after that point.

    Insanity Asylum Volumes 1 & 2 - If you can handle Insanity, then Asylum might be a logical progression. Once again, focus on form first, then speed. The agility ladder can be tricky (and a trip hazard) if you're not used to it. Once you get familiar with the agility ladder, then you'll feel like you're training for the NFL combine (at least in your head, you will).

    Insanity MAX: 30 - Probably my favorite of the Shaun T workouts. It's like Insanity, only compressed into 30 minutes and they have a modifier (Insanity does not have any modifiers in the group). Again, you will sweat, you will pant, and you will be a hot mess. Per my notes above about Insanity regarding video length, this one asks you to keep up the intensity for 30 minutes (which is perfect in my opinion).

    Focus T25 - In the hierarchy of Shaun T workouts, this is your entry level set. Do Alpha, Beta, and then Gamma, and by the end of Gamma, you might be ready for Insanity or Insanity MAX. 25 minutes per workout and a smooth progression from easy (Alpha) to intermediate (Beta) to advanced (Gamma). This one also has a modifier in the group.

    Les Mills Combat - Probably the most fun I've had with a workout. Martial arts/MMA style workout. Lots of punches, kicks, elbows, knees, etc.......there's an upper and lower body workout in the mix, as well as two HIIT (interval) workouts, which are short (about 30 minutes), sweet and get right to the point.

    Les Mills Pump - Didn't like it. Just wasn't enough, and too slow. Plus, if you don't have a barbell, some of the moves might feel awkward to do with a pair of dumbbells or resistance bands (at least it was for me).

    I'd be happy to offer a more detailed feedback if requested, and best of luck finding the one you like.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Body Beast by Sagi Kalev!!! 5 stars... :):)
  • amytorr19
    amytorr19 Posts: 25 Member
    Great programs.. I have done the 21 day fix and got great results from it.. I have friends that did p90x and are very tones from it.. go for it!
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    Well I love them, I lost 22 lbs with Focus T25 and since I'm done healing from surgery, I start Insanity Max 30 today. Then again, I have a huge Shaun T bias; so 21 Day Fix and Body Beast may be just as great but I can only answer for those products. LMBO!

    BUT....being that you said you are trying to decide between the two because of cost and not being totally sure if one is better than the other when it comes down to your particular fitness goals and style of workouts, get a free 30 day subscription to Beachbody On Demand. There are full 60 day streams of Insanity as well as full 90 day streams of P90X/X2/X3. This way you can sample the workouts and make a decision on which fits you best. Be sure to cancel before the 30 days are out so you're not charged; that is of course if you want to cancel it. LOL. Anywho, I just think that's the best way to determine which program you like the best! HTH :0)