Help please I'm stuck at a plateau



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I think it's public now
    I know I'm not the perfect health diary but dang should be something and all I drink is water I carry a the big Bubba mug of ice water and refill it through the day. I mean something should be dropping :/

    It is public, thanks. Nothing's jumping out at me.

    How long has it been since you lost the initial four pounds?

    Is the doctor you are seeing for your PCOS an endocrinologist?
  • shortthiing
    shortthiing Posts: 16 Member
    Dr thinks if I can naturally loose this weight I might be able to conceive. Been trying for 10 yrs with fertility crap. So I'll try it this way
  • shortthiing
    shortthiing Posts: 16 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I think it's public now
    I know I'm not the perfect health diary but dang should be something and all I drink is water I carry a the big Bubba mug of ice water and refill it through the day. I mean something should be dropping :/

    It is public, thanks. Nothing's jumping out at me.

    How long has it been since you lost the initial four pounds?

    Is the doctor you are seeing for your PCOS an endocrinologist?

    He is but I only see him about every 4 to 6mths my obgyn was helping the most with fertility and getting me off birth controls they only made it worse
  • shortthiing
    shortthiing Posts: 16 Member
    Oh and 3 weeks ago was the last lb I lost
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, if you really are weighing everything then I apologize in advance, but just in case...
    I looked back through a few days in your diary, and i see a lot of "1 chicken leg", 1 slice", i see serving sizes in cups. It also seems like every meat you put an actual measurement in for is exactly 3 oz. If these were not put on a food scale, you don't really know how much you're eating. Again, if you did weigh all these things then I apologize, but those types of entries in a diary are often a clue that it isn't happening.

    I only bring it up again because even for a "short thing" 800 calories is terribly low, especially with the exercise you're doing, and you should be hungry and losing weight.

    Anyway, I'm not sure what else to tell you. I'm no expert on your medical issues, so I don't want to comment on that. It is not uncommon for weight loss to stall for a few weeks, even if you are doing everything right, so keep that in mind too. I hope you figure it out - hang in there!
  • O2BNWA
    O2BNWA Posts: 18 Member
    Ok you're gonna hate my answer, but you are absolutely NOT eating enough. I have been educating myself bc i was in a similar situation- i was working out 6 days a week 60 minutes or more at max heart rate for the majority of the workout- 4 days of those were HIIT- I know you know what that is-what i learned was when you work out hard, your body will need a snack after- 30 minutes max- of the workout- It can be up to half the cals you burned or as low as 150 cals, but if you skip, your body panics and then hours later it will crave a quick carb or quick sugar fix which is always bad news for our diet and mental health, this is true for both men and women. So instead of eating more, i decided to use a heart rate monitor ( not perfect but works great for me) and drop my workouts to 40 - 45 minutes max- 6 times a week max heart rate at 150-164 and doubled my water- 2 liters minimum a day- this past week i lost 2.6 after being stuck for weeks- i weigh and measure everything. Oh and drop strength training just for a bit-to once a week max- bc the lactic acid buildup will impact your water retention, and jack the scale, which will mess with your mind, and cause you to make unnecessary changes- by dropping to 1 day it will remove that as a possible reason for your plateau. Last resort- print your entries from the MFP and go to a nutritionist with them in hand the first visit- she can analyze them and help you tweak safely. Hope this helps!
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    O2BNWA wrote: »
    Ok you're gonna hate my answer, but you are absolutely NOT eating enough. I have been educating myself bc i was in a similar situation- i was working out 6 days a week 60 minutes or more at max heart rate for the majority of the workout- 4 days of those were HIIT- I know you know what that is-what i learned was when you work out hard, your body will need a snack after- 30 minutes max- of the workout- It can be up to half the cals you burned or as low as 150 cals, but if you skip, your body panics and then hours later it will crave a quick carb or quick sugar fix which is always bad news for our diet and mental health, this is true for both men and women. So instead of eating more, i decided to use a heart rate monitor ( not perfect but works great for me) and drop my workouts to 40 - 45 minutes max- 6 times a week max heart rate at 150-164 and doubled my water- 2 liters minimum a day- this past week i lost 2.6 after being stuck for weeks- i weigh and measure everything. Oh and drop strength training just for a bit-to once a week max- bc the lactic acid buildup will impact your water retention, and jack the scale, which will mess with your mind, and cause you to make unnecessary changes- by dropping to 1 day it will remove that as a possible reason for your plateau. Last resort- print your entries from the MFP and go to a nutritionist with them in hand the first visit- she can analyze them and help you tweak safely. Hope this helps!

    lol at the bolded

    leaves thread

    good luck OP I know you can do it.

  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    O2BNWA wrote: »
    Ok you're gonna hate my answer, but you are absolutely NOT eating enough. I have been educating myself bc i was in a similar situation- i was working out 6 days a week 60 minutes or more at max heart rate for the majority of the workout- 4 days of those were HIIT- I know you know what that is-what i learned was when you work out hard, your body will need a snack after- 30 minutes max- of the workout- It can be up to half the cals you burned or as low as 150 cals, but if you skip, your body panics and then hours later it will crave a quick carb or quick sugar fix which is always bad news for our diet and mental health, this is true for both men and women. So instead of eating more, i decided to use a heart rate monitor ( not perfect but works great for me) and drop my workouts to 40 - 45 minutes max- 6 times a week max heart rate at 150-164 and doubled my water- 2 liters minimum a day- this past week i lost 2.6 after being stuck for weeks- i weigh and measure everything. Oh and drop strength training just for a bit-to once a week max- bc the lactic acid buildup will impact your water retention, and jack the scale, which will mess with your mind, and cause you to make unnecessary changes- by dropping to 1 day it will remove that as a possible reason for your plateau. Last resort- print your entries from the MFP and go to a nutritionist with them in hand the first visit- she can analyze them and help you tweak safely. Hope this helps!

    I can't say what I want to say nicely so, with that said, this is a crock. Don't take this advice please. Lol...
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Looking at your diary, you have things like "1 leg" or "1 thigh". These are inaccurate. Use a food scale.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I have polycystic ovarian syndrome my Dr kind of treats me as he would a diabetic patient. I have to watch my carb intake. Now this app has me at 1200 calories but I try to do 1000. I can't eat that much. Only nothing is changing. I have been doing insanity for 5 weeks and before that I did cize for 4 weeks and before that I did hop hop abs for 4 weeks. In the beginning I lost like 4 lbs. Since then nothing No inches either. I'm a bit frustrated. I know the pcos makes it harder but any advice? Also looking for a low carb protien powder but the ones I found taste horrible.

    Try zig zagging? I don't think you're eating enough at 1000, at all. You should eat 1200 at least, net. Eat back exercise calories too. Sometimes if you eat too little, you may gain or plateau, from my personal experience. Eating more for a week, then going back down, or zig zagging/calorie cycling can help. This basically means you'd eat like this:

    Sunday 1050
    Monday 1300
    Tuesday 1200
    Wednesday 1050
    Thursday 1100
    Friday 1300
    Saturday 1400

    Still averaging 1200 calories per day.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    edited October 2015
    Also, remember, your doctor is not a nutritionist and does not know as much as one. See one if you can. & a random thought, but if you work out a lot, your metabolism should be higher and you will burn more throughout the day, in general.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have polycystic ovarian syndrome my Dr kind of treats me as he would a diabetic patient. I have to watch my carb intake. Now this app has me at 1200 calories but I try to do 1000. I can't eat that much. Only nothing is changing. I have been doing insanity for 5 weeks and before that I did cize for 4 weeks and before that I did hop hop abs for 4 weeks. In the beginning I lost like 4 lbs. Since then nothing No inches either. I'm a bit frustrated. I know the pcos makes it harder but any advice? Also looking for a low carb protien powder but the ones I found taste horrible.

    I suggest you get a food scale and weigh all your food. Even with a medical issue, if you were really eating 1,000 calories you would be losing weight.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Verity1111 wrote: »
    I have polycystic ovarian syndrome my Dr kind of treats me as he would a diabetic patient. I have to watch my carb intake. Now this app has me at 1200 calories but I try to do 1000. I can't eat that much. Only nothing is changing. I have been doing insanity for 5 weeks and before that I did cize for 4 weeks and before that I did hop hop abs for 4 weeks. In the beginning I lost like 4 lbs. Since then nothing No inches either. I'm a bit frustrated. I know the pcos makes it harder but any advice? Also looking for a low carb protien powder but the ones I found taste horrible.

    Try zig zagging? I don't think you're eating enough at 1000, at all. You should eat 1200 at least, net. Eat back exercise calories too. Sometimes if you eat too little, you may gain or plateau, from my personal experience. Eating more for a week, then going back down, or zig zagging/calorie cycling can help. This basically means you'd eat like this:

    Sunday 1050
    Monday 1300
    Tuesday 1200
    Wednesday 1050
    Thursday 1100
    Friday 1300
    Saturday 1400

    Still averaging 1200 calories per day.

    Zig zagging calories is a dietary method based on personal preference only.

    You never gain weight if you are not eating enough, it just doesn't work that way.
    • If you eat too many calories, you gain weight.
    • If you eat too few calories, you lose weight.
    • If you eat just the right amount of calories, you maintain weight.

    100 percent bet that she is underestimating food intake and/or overestimating exercise calories.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    O2BNWA wrote: »
    Ok you're gonna hate my answer, but you are absolutely NOT eating enough. I have been educating myself bc i was in a similar situation- i was working out 6 days a week 60 minutes or more at max heart rate for the majority of the workout- 4 days of those were HIIT- I know you know what that is-what i learned was when you work out hard, your body will need a snack after- 30 minutes max- of the workout- It can be up to half the cals you burned or as low as 150 cals, but if you skip, your body panics and then hours later it will crave a quick carb or quick sugar fix which is always bad news for our diet and mental health, this is true for both men and women. So instead of eating more, i decided to use a heart rate monitor ( not perfect but works great for me) and drop my workouts to 40 - 45 minutes max- 6 times a week max heart rate at 150-164 and doubled my water- 2 liters minimum a day- this past week i lost 2.6 after being stuck for weeks- i weigh and measure everything. Oh and drop strength training just for a bit-to once a week max- bc the lactic acid buildup will impact your water retention, and jack the scale, which will mess with your mind, and cause you to make unnecessary changes- by dropping to 1 day it will remove that as a possible reason for your plateau. Last resort- print your entries from the MFP and go to a nutritionist with them in hand the first visit- she can analyze them and help you tweak safely. Hope this helps!

    This is highly inaccurate information.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Do you understand that nothing special happens when you complete your food log for the day? You can go on to the next day without completing it. There's no need to put in fake calories.

    Sorry if I missed it, but how tall are you?

  • modernwarpaint
    modernwarpaint Posts: 5 Member
    edited October 2015
    What type of cardiovascular exercise are you doing, and what is the duration of that type exercise each day?
    Also, what percent of your carb intake and what type of carbohydrates are you providing yourself daily?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited October 2015
    What type of cardiovascular exercise are you doing, and what is the duration of that type exercise each day?
    Also, what percent of your carb intake and what type of carbohydrates are you providing yourself daily?

    Neither of these things is relevant to weight loss.
  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    Although I agree with the others that you could be more accurate in your logging, I can't see that you should be off so much that you aren't losing weight. It seems like you have been at it for 2 months and did lose 4 lbs initially. Those may not be the results you want, but you are doing the right things. I suggest keep at but tighten up your logging a little.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    You're going to have to tighten up the logging a bit. Use USDA entries for your whole foods whenever possible and make sure you're inputting everything, including sauces, marinades, and condiments.

    Also, you should be netting no less than 1200 calories on a daily basis. Please don't eat 850-900 for extended periods of time. It's dangerous.

    I plugged your stats (5'0", 155lbs, female, 31) into the scooby calculalator ( and it gave me a sedentary (desk job with little exercise) TDEE of ~1750. With a couple hours per week of light exercise, you should be able to eat around 1500-1600 calories a day and still lose at a decent clip.
  • starwhisperer6
    starwhisperer6 Posts: 402 Member
    You're going to have to tighten up the logging a bit. Use USDA entries for your whole foods whenever possible and make sure you're inputting everything, including sauces, marinades, and condiments.

    Also, you should be netting no less than 1200 calories on a daily basis. Please don't eat 850-900 for extended periods of time. It's dangerous.

    I plugged your stats (5'0", 155lbs, female, 31) into the scooby calculalator ( and it gave me a sedentary (desk job with little exercise) TDEE of ~1750. With a couple hours per week of light exercise, you should be able to eat around 1500-1600 calories a day and still lose at a decent clip.

    I obsessively check everyone of these websites when any of you link them. I don't know if I am secretly hoping one of them will tell me to eat 4000 calories of chocolate a day, or what :) It is interesting to me how much they vary though.