Un-PEE-lievable Workouts!



  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Kegel/pelvic floor exercises do work but you do have to be doing them correctly and theyre for life. (I do at least 2 sets of 50 every day)

    I'd request to see a gynae or urinary specialist, firstly to make sure you are doing them correctly and secondly to rule out other possible causes, irritable bladder being only one of them.

    In the meantime look for some panty liners specifically designed for this problem...there are a fair few on the market
  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    I've had this issue my whole live! I'm 38 and no children. My mom had the same issue. Apparently it can be genetic:( Other than the panty liner, I really dont have any suggestions for you... But would love to hear some more here!!
  • enlarsh
    enlarsh Posts: 67
    Here is a very interesting interview about this same thing:

    I don't know how accurate it is, but it was interesting.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I just blogged about this issue with me, I had figured out caffiene causes me to have stress incontinence, (exercise, sneezing, coughing) but I had quit caffiene, and been having a problem again the last couple weeks. I wondered if it was the sugar, cause I had been eating lots more sugar than normal, so I searched it... Heres one link... http://www.webmd.com/urinary-incontinence-oab/urinary-incontinence-diet-medications-chart

    When I eat very healthy it completely goes away, but right now I'm not able to jump, run, or make any spontaneous movement, and even like going for a walk will do it. But I cutting out the sugar again, most of it of course, and will be back to normal. I have done the keigals, and I have gone to physical therepy for this, for me, it's what I'm eating and drinking.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I agree it's genetic, my mom and my daughter both. My mom had surgery though, and it didn't help. Taking away caffeine and cutting back on sugar is what really has worked for me.
    I've had this issue my whole live! I'm 38 and no children. My mom had the same issue. Apparently it can be genetic:( Other than the panty liner, I really dont have any suggestions for you... But would love to hear some more here!!
  • Beaukitty
    Beaukitty Posts: 34 Member
    What kind of bladder test did your doctor do? I've had surgery for urethral stricture which doesn't allow the bladder to empty completely. I felt like I had to pee a lot and every time I would do anything strenuous I would be scared of possibly peeing myself a little! I would recommend seeing a urologist just to make sure. I'm not saying you have the exact same thing, but it's worth looking into urethral problems rather than just the bladder! Good luck!

    Edit: My docs also recommended kegels, diet change, losing weight, etc. which obviously wouldn't have helped the issue!

    PS- I was 22 when I had my surgery and it's awkward being younger, but it's changed a lot for me! :smile:
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    use a pantyliner and use a super duper tampon.

    Okay I'm not trying to be mean here, but a grown woman thinks that pee comes from her vagina? It comes from your urethra which is connected to your bladder and its completely separate from your vagina. Your vagina is where your period and a baby come from. You CANNOT put a tampon in your pee hole. Wow... um, wow....
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    use a pantyliner and use a super duper tampon.

    Okay I'm not trying to be mean here, but a grown woman thinks that pee comes from her vagina? It comes from your urethra which is connected to your bladder and its completely separate from your vagina. Your vagina is where your period and a baby come from. You CANNOT put a tampon in your pee hole. Wow... um, wow....

    Okay good - I'm not the only one who was worried by that comment. I was a little...confused actually. Just to clarify, my period is not the issue. My urine is. So, I won't be using a tampon..for that...
  • bubblie117
    bubblie117 Posts: 78 Member
    I think you should talk to your doctor about a medication to help with incontinence. I had a problem like this when I was 16. Anytime I would laugh, even just chuckle or a snicker , I would wet my pants. It was humiliating, especially in high school when everything is funny. Even when I would empty my bladder, I could pee again from laughing 5 minutes later. My doctor gave me medicine that was a god send, it worked so well (wish I knew what it was called). It eventually stopped after about a year, and they never found out the cause. Don't feel alone because it can happen to anyone!

    Hope you find a way to fix it! :flowerforyou:
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    The person who suggested the tampon wasn't suggesting it because she thought the pee comes out of there, but because putting pressure on the vagina can constrict the urethra. Some people find it helps.

    I went and hid in the bathroom during skipping this morning at gym, can't do it at the end of the class, only at the beginning when my bladder is completely empty.

  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    The person who suggested the tampon wasn't suggesting it because she thought the pee comes out of there, but because putting pressure on the vagina can constrict the urethra. Some people find it helps.

    lol well maybe they should have explained that, because the OP and I took it the wrong way. you shouldn't wear a tampon if you're not on your period though.
  • Debkam
    Debkam Posts: 80
    Your topic gets my first post. I couldn't resist. LOL Nice play on words.

    I'm sorry you have to deal with this at such a young age. I'll add my thoughts to the topic and hope you might find them useful. First, I never knew artificial sweeteners could do that. Very interesting. Instead of using the artificial sweeteners you might check out stevia. It seems that stevia is hit or miss. Some find it very sweet and others find it bitter. Second, this may sound counter intuitive, but look into rebounding. Rebounding is exercise done on a fitness mini tramp. People with incontinence issues have found this type of exercise very helpful. If you google "rebounding incontinence" you'll find quite a bit of information. In addition, rebounding is a GREAT workout. I've seen it mentioned that bungee instead of spring rebounders are better where incontinence is an issue. I personally have a bungee rebounder and love it. There are at least two manufacturers that I know of that make bungee tramps. Something like poise or tena pads might be helpful until you find a solution. Certain medications can cause incontinence as well. I was on a medication for my fibromyalgia that caused it. It drove me crazy. It made me very self conscious. I just thought I inherited it from my mother, and because of my age I didn't make the connection. When I stopped the medication for other reasons, the problem disappeared. Lastly, like others have mentioned, I would probably see a specialist if possible.
  • Jennifer87401
    Jennifer87401 Posts: 19 Member
    Wow! I have the same problem... I have had two kids though but the dr says the same thing! I have always used it as an excuse. Did you find anything that works?
  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    Believe it or not you can actually go and see a physiotherapist about this. Granted, it is a specialized form of it. And quite likeley they will just recommend Kegals as well. That, and they can be more specific about the how and why of it. Also known as Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy.

    That and an OB/GYN. might be another direction.

    Hope this helps.
  • tgiusto
    tgiusto Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, I know this is an old topic, but I came across this article which has a different take on pelvic floor muscles. Maybe this will help? It sounds like they advise working the muscles in a different way by doing very deep gluteal squats:

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    This was a hilarious necro.
  • Sarahliquid
    Sarahliquid Posts: 201 Member
    I can't do bench dips because of this problem. Of course my male trainer had never heard of such a thing ????
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Old post, but yeah, this has been a big issue for me.
    I remember the first time my PT had me doing jump rope...oh boy. I also have not had any kids, and am 39.
    I have found that it is only really an issue when I have overeaten on sugar/wheat, oddly.
    It meant I would end up soaked through if I tried running fast on the treadmill, skipping or jumping.
    So, imo, there is definitely a link between this and diet.
    It was always worst if I had binged.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I've made some progress in this area since adding barbell squats and deadlifts. It probably doesn't seem like that would help but when you're trying to hold everything tight while you lift it must get the pelvic floor involved too. I can do more than 20 jumping jacks without peeing now and even got to 180 pounds on my deadlift last time and didn't leak! I do wear a liner just in case but it's so encouraging that it's getting better.

    I did also read that after you pee you should stand up and then sit back down because you can get a little more out. Making sure you're really empty could only help I imagine. :)