


  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    When I went to the gym, I never talked to a soul. I did my workout and left.
  • lintilla42
    lintilla42 Posts: 11 Member
    As someone who suffers from social anxiety, the whole "you don't have to talk to anyone!" part doesn't really apply. Even if you aren't speaking to people, anxiety can crop up because you're afraid that people are judging or mocking you. It's not nice. :(

    OP, maybe a beginner's bootcamp sort of thing might be helpful? Then you're working out with other people of a similar ability level. Could be a good smaller step on the way to going to the gym regularly!

    Alternatively, YouTube has some great exercise resources these days. I'm especially fond of Yoga with Adriene. I've also heard good things about Fitness Blender, but I haven't tried it.
  • cdudley628
    cdudley628 Posts: 547 Member
    lintilla42 wrote: »
    As someone who suffers from social anxiety, the whole "you don't have to talk to anyone!" part doesn't really apply. Even if you aren't speaking to people, anxiety can crop up because you're afraid that people are judging or mocking you. It's not nice. :(

    OP, maybe a beginner's bootcamp sort of thing might be helpful? Then you're working out with other people of a similar ability level. Could be a good smaller step on the way to going to the gym regularly!

    Alternatively, YouTube has some great exercise resources these days. I'm especially fond of Yoga with Adriene. I've also heard good things about Fitness Blender, but I haven't tried it.

    I use Yoga with Adriene videos every night before bed and after I wake up in the morning. I love it!
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    I don't like going to the gym either looking the way I do. But you know the truth? Everyone there is so concerned with what THEY look like that they won't even notice you exist. I can't go to the gym because 2 year old. So I got my happy butt on craigslist and got a treadmill to keep in the house. If you are more for the strength training, get on Pinterest and search under health and fitness (or get on Pinterest because it's just awesome in general) and you can find some really great circuits made up like infographics with how to's and everything. The one I'm using is my own body weight only, and when you're heavy that's just fine.
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    Let me restate that. I CAN go to the gym. I actively choose not to do so because I want to save gas for other things and I like to have the flexibility to work out whenever the hell I want instead of when the gym nursery is open or when my husband is home (which during school season is only m-w-f.
  • Medilia
    Medilia Posts: 230 Member
    The goal of a gym is for them to make money with as few people attending as possible. The more people who actually use the machines the more they have to replace them and the more expensive the gym is to run.

    Exercise: Bike. That is pretty much all the exercise I do at the moment.
    I would also recommend body weight exercises for toning and helping slim down.

    Scales: Buy a set for your food and forget about yours. Something I have learned over the last couple of months is that the best indication is how your clothes fit. I only weigh myself once a month.

    Food: Think of calories like money. You have so much to spend on food. Having said that just eating at a deficit isn't really enough. I could eat 1200 calories of chocolate and probably won't lose weight (Plus I would be sick).
    I have actually stopped counting calories (But it is a great way to start), I am now just reading labels to see the nutrition content of food.
    Having said that - reduce the amount of packaged food you consume.
    So my actual point is spend your calories on good food with an occasional treat.

    A further point is change doesn't happen over night. So slowly cut out bad foods. I would say one every week. Start with something easy, like I found it easy to stop eating lollies.

    Feel free to message me and we will have a chat =)
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    I should probably also clarify that I don't pay for the gym per say...... it comes out of my hoa dues, its just something you pay quarterly to make sure your neighbor paints their fence, and with the excess, there are four "recreation centers" you gain access to by being part of the hoa. So I have to shell out for it whether I use it or not is what in saying. Maybe you'd feel more motivated to go if you were spending your hard earned money on it by choice?