30lb/a month, is it doable?



  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member

    its ok, think its in hand now
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    There are plenty of people here that have been where you are, at least weight wise.

    I was around the 340 mark now I'm around the 195 mark.

    It takes time. Start today but try to lose 2lb a month not 6lb. Get enough protein and fats.

    @Merkavar I know you meant 2 lbs per week. Just mentioning it in case the OP didn't realize.

    yeah that was a typo. 2lb per week.
  • bmayes2014
    bmayes2014 Posts: 232 Member
    edited October 2015
    You can do it, Ryan!! Remember - slow and steady wins the race. You DO have support here. People DO believe in you, but what matters most is that you believe in yourself. That's your starting point. Set small goals and start there. You might need to work on Ryan on the outside and the inside but it's possible! Hang in there. I'm giving you a virtual hug too :)
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race.

    I was once close to 300lbs...187 now.
    I totally get how being that heavy makes one feel. *hugs* Don't listen to your mother. My father once said something similar to me, and even went as far as picking on me....NOT cool.

    Start now, take it slow and reap the benefits. Fast weight loss is far too dangerous.

    Do this for you, not for anyone else. It CAN be done...we believe in you.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    You have excellent attitude which is the first huge hurdle. Too often, MFP posters with unhealthy ideas are too stubborn to listen to solid advice. Now scour through forums and add the people who have massive success stories. There are so many here who've lost 100+ lbs. So you're not alone. We are your friends in this journey.
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    ohmyllama wrote: »
    ol96x wrote: »
    Your screen name is depressing. Love yourself or nobody will.

    That's sad :( don't hate yourself!!!

    You need to lose 70lbs? So do I. It isn't a reason to hate yourself!
    U guys don't understand, i was only 180lbs 3 years ago, now I am almost 300lbs. Do u guys know what hurts me? Days ago my mom told me if I were somebody else , she wouldn't even look at me. I have disappointed her too many times.

    We can't make people love us. But we can prevent them from hurting us. If your mom has a habit of saying hateful things to you, simply stop answering her phone calls. You're not going to change her. The only control you have is how YOU treat yourself.

    So if you've gained weight from putting garbage into your body, all you have to do is stop. Eat healthy whole foods and get some exercise. Go for frequent walks or ride you bike for transport. And stop answering the phone.
  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    I just want to say that you can do this, and to hell with what your mom thinks! (Sorry if that came off rude, but as a mother I can't imagine making my son feel like that.)

    People have given you some excellent advice, and these forums are full of supportive people, so take advantage of that. It's taken me about 4 months to lose 30 pounds, so just keep your expectations reasonable and don't let a few slip-ups get you down.

    BTW--I also think you need to change your username to something more positive--maybe "RyanCanDoThis"


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I just want to say that you can do this, and to hell with what your mom thinks! (Sorry if that came off rude, but as a mother I can't imagine making my son feel like that.)

    People have given you some excellent advice, and these forums are full of supportive people, so take advantage of that. It's taken me about 4 months to lose 30 pounds, so just keep your expectations reasonable and don't let a few slip-ups get you down.

    BTW--I also think you need to change your username to something more positive--maybe "RyanCanDoThis"


    Agree with changing your name. How about: RyanSucceeds, RyanRocks, ChangingRyan. There are so many positive things to look forward to, and it all starts with changing your mindset. Let your username reflect what you want.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    No! Honey, that plan will make you terribly sick! Let MFP calculate ur calories. Eat regular meals within those cals, getting all ur nutrients, set it to lose 2 lb a week (I am assuming you are male, therefore that 2 lb a week is reasonably possible) and work out in whatever way you prefer. Take some days off to prevent injury from repetitive use/motions. I take every other day off from working out, and I don't always do the same workout, and that's kept me un-busted-up. If you need someone non-judgmental to talk to and such, yr welcome to friend me.
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    Bad idea just in terms of potential gall bladder failure
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    Please don't try it (and I see you are realizing this now). I cannot tell you how many times I have set myself up for failure by putting deadlines on certain goals that were just not healthy or achievable........and only ended up worse off than when I started. The best thing you can do for yourself is just start and let the weight come off as it comes off. As long as you are consistent and log accurately, it will come off. It may take time, but that is better than yo-yoing and making things harder.

    It is possible, just be kind to yourself in the process.
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    Just in terms of the potential for gall bladder failure, no
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    I'm a mum of 2 sons and a daughter I love my babies and if they needed to lose weight id encourage them how they'd like me to. Ditch your excuse for a mother 70lbs and some gone
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    I'm a mom and can say this: it's your MOM who has a problem. No mother should talk to their child that way. It sounds like she needs therapy in a big way. And you've been affected by her issues due to how she talks to you. I really hope you realize that being overweight does not make you a bad person. Your parents should encourage you, not try to shame you. So really, the shame is on your mom. You'll work at your health, and in the process you'll lose weight. But healthy habits should be the goal, not just losing oodles of weight really fast. Take it slow so that you learn a healthy, happy way to live :smiley: You deserve it!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Sorry about your mom, this is hurtful. The good news is, you can lose weight in a safe, sustainable way. Go get it!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited October 2015
    No, it's not possible. Even if you ate nothing, I don't think you could lose a pound a day. Plus, you'd pass out.

    Try focusing on something that is possible. Spend some time doing it so that you can develop better habits than the ones that helped you put on all the extra weight. When you're done, you'll be so glad you did!

    Your mom isn't nice to you. You should cut back on your contact with her and hang with people who aren't saying mean and hurtful things. I'm not saying you should cut her off entirely, but spend more time with positive people who can help you instead of hurt you. :)

    If it were anyone but your mom, I'd suggest cutting them off completely. You can love your mom and see her now and again, but she doesn't sound like a helpful person, so less contact is better.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    moms are people and not all people are fantastic.

    do it right and do it healthy and it will stay off. I'm struggling to loose thirty lbs since January.

    and talk to someone. therapist, counselor. a professional. you will feel even lighter :)
  • Jmgkamp
    Jmgkamp Posts: 278 Member
    ohmyllama wrote: »
    ol96x wrote: »
    Your screen name is depressing. Love yourself or nobody will.

    That's sad :( don't hate yourself!!!

    You need to lose 70lbs? So do I. It isn't a reason to hate yourself!
    U guys don't understand, i was only 180lbs 3 years ago, now I am almost 300lbs. Do u guys know what hurts me? Days ago my mom told me if I were somebody else , she wouldn't even look at me. I have disappointed her too many times.

    Sometimes parents are the ones who are the biggest disappointments. Your mothers words are a reflection of how she feels about herself more than a reflection of how she feels about you. I'm not aware of your age (sorry, haven't read it all yet and feel compelled to respond). As you get older, in my opinion, you become more aware of just how much it can be necessary to cut ties with destructive people - even if those people are your family.

    30 lbs in a month isn't good for you. Maybe 10 is? Maybe 1 is? Whatever the amount - do what you want to do... And do it for yourself. Not to prove a point, or your worth, to anyone else.

    You are probably a better, kinder person than she is capable of being.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    ohmyllama wrote: »
    ol96x wrote: »
    Your screen name is depressing. Love yourself or nobody will.

    That's sad :( don't hate yourself!!!

    You need to lose 70lbs? So do I. It isn't a reason to hate yourself!
    U guys don't understand, i was only 180lbs 3 years ago, now I am almost 300lbs. Do u guys know what hurts me? Days ago my mom told me if I were somebody else , she wouldn't even look at me. I have disappointed her too many times.

    That hurts. If your mom truly wouldn't look at a person just because of ther weight it honestly does not say good things about her. Parents are human and sometimes they end up being dissapointing people themselves. Sometimes you don't realize until you are older that your parent's views about something is messed up.

    You are you no matter what you weigh. Your value is not a number on the scale.
    Choose a healthy weight goal. Aim for losing no more than 2 lbs a week. You can make great sustainable progress that way. Get healthy and strong because you deserve it not because of anyone else.