


  • KenSD
    KenSD Posts: 229 Member
    We've got a group already and an identical thread title. We will vacate your living room.... Lol
  • valerietruegrit
    valerietruegrit Posts: 72 Member
    Hi everybody! Found you! It took some doing for sure. I went to nutribuddies thru the quick link on someones post on the NS discussion boards - I tried to join but got nothing in return unless maybe there is a day(s) wait? Went back a couple of more times to the old NS boards - said you were under motivation and support - then on and on until FINALLY- :* Through various directions and over the joining speed bumps of joining and reporting I am currently also on the facebook site, the "pro-boards" nutrisystem refugees site, and the nuMi. Of these that I got onto an hour ago looked promising too - similar to this site, I guess; but you guy's weren't there :o A special thanks to Andrea and Rose for your messages in my N.S. inbox. Tricky to get to the old board too. Does all my efforts to find you guys count as due penance, whew :# Now I feel scattered all over the place- backwards from simplifying! I a little bit cursed with being overly thorough. In an effort to overcome that a bit, I think should drop the facebook and ns refugee sites off my bookmarks. Any thoughts on the other places that might help me out with the obsessive part of me? ( No it is not obsessive-compulsive, and no I'm not at a clinical level :s ) But, I do need more smiley face options :o Hey,what was that pop up when I put in my own smiley face symbol (of which I know only a few, but do have a print out on them laying about somewhere, I think). I have been so off program for so long now, so I'm back to being miserable about my weight - angry, sad, disappointed.... Sorry, no more downer typing here. I am happy to have found you guys. Don't plan on posting often and hopefully not sooo much! But, will be keeping an eye on you guys. Hey, btw, our principal from hell moved up to the high school! Thank you, God. Claims it was by choice, I doubt it. While I am one of the more sensitive of staff members and one of her favorites to bully, all my teacher co-worker friends also received hurts from her. The new principal struck me as a softer person. Everyone is hopeful. I hope to regain my sense of not minding going to work. TT Y'all L. (P.S. not editing this :blush: )
  • valerietruegrit
    valerietruegrit Posts: 72 Member
    Ken, enjoying your graphic inputs. Thanks for the smiles! Is there an easy way to put pics from the net in?
  • valerietruegrit
    valerietruegrit Posts: 72 Member
    How can I get here quickly vs looking down recent posts/discussion board lists? I am going to try taking of the last two things of(#latest) on the address above and see how that works. I also just star bkmrked. this site and clicked on "mark catagory viewed" under the account options above.
  • valerietruegrit
    valerietruegrit Posts: 72 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hope this works.


    WHOO HOO I hit the edit thing and it worked! I was concerned. I read all the previous posts here to catch up. If I am understanding correctly my posts will be here forever or at least until a major solar flare takes down the grid; but, this vip (very important post) would probably still be resurrected. Or maybe the receding o-zone layer resulting in global warming and therefore the demise of polar ice caps which in turn could result (as shown in previous history and supported by physics) an ice age. Now, just to be clear let me tie this into WEIGHT LOSS, which is what this thread is all about. Such events would cause weight loss. Peace out o:)
  • surrealchereal
    surrealchereal Posts: 60 Member
    I have trouble finding my posts too.
  • surrealchereal
    surrealchereal Posts: 60 Member
    How can I get here quickly vs looking down recent posts/discussion board lists? I am going to try taking of the last two things of(#latest) on the address above and see how that works. I also just star bkmrked. this site and clicked on "mark catagory viewed" under the account options above.
    Thanks, I just tried it and it works!

  • Rmh416
    Rmh416 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey is this where all the NS people went? I did nS years ago, before babies and tried to do it again. I've noticed an allergic reaction to the wheat though. I was keto for a while. Do you know if there place to go to sell extra food you don't need? Thanks in advance guys. Bummed out. I lost 30lbs last time
  • NanaMAT03
    NanaMAT03 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi y'all !!! Restarting from 2013....I lost 30 pounds looking to lose another 30 to reach my goal of 185....all my motivational friends have lost their mojo, therefore I'm looking for new motivational friends :smiley:
  • KenSD
    KenSD Posts: 229 Member
    I got banned from Proboards because I dared question the wisdom of admin about sending out spam messages.....

    they called it disrespecting the admin?.....and they did not have the manners to email me or even make it just a suspension for a duration of time....very unprofessionally ran...oh well
  • starssaayhello
    starssaayhello Posts: 17 Member
    Week one of restart!!
  • KenSD
    KenSD Posts: 229 Member
    Week one of restart!!

    best of luck to you.....
  • KenSD
    KenSD Posts: 229 Member
    edited October 2015