Annoyed. Sad. Hopefully motivated.



  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member
    Condolences on the loss of your mother. That sort of traumatic event is going to throw anyone for a loop.

    As to feeling guilty and failing, there is a quote about a person who has mastered an art making the rounds again that is appropriate here. A master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.

    This applies to mastering healthy habits, or life-style habits. Keep up the work, and realize it's only failure if you quit trying.
  • lyteta
    lyteta Posts: 1 Member
    brittyn3 wrote: »
    Hi All - I was just sitting here thinking to myself, I'm so annoyed I gained back nearly 20lbs in a few short months. Mind you, I've had some pretty terrible life events happen. It seems like every time I got back into my workout routine something bad happened. I sprained my ankle severely, had a sinus infection, then I got shingles (at the ripe age of 30), and then my 56 year old mom passed away suddenly - who was healthier and more active than I am. Makes you scratch your head and wonder what the point is to depriving yourself at times. She rarely drank, never smoked, and played tennis EVERYDAY on top of eating healthy.

    My mom was so proud of me for getting back in shape. I used to be a college athlete - then life happened, but I somehow managed to lose 40lbs. I can't do it for anyone but myself, but man - am I ashamed of myself right now and filled with the overwhelming guilt that I failed.

    I've been very slowly getting back at it. Been going to the gym at least once a week (I know, not nearly enough... but each week is a little better). I've been working harder at eating better, but not nearly good enough. I did finally add back the weight I gained to log - so that was pretty eye opening. I know how to do it. I just can't get back on the wagon.

    Truthfully, I'm not in bad shape - I don't look bad, I just don't feel as good as I did before those 20lbs came back. I love lifting heavy, I enjoy healthy eating, but something in my head is telling me I can't do this again. I was sitting reading other peoples success and failures - and figured I'd share my own. I'm serious about it, there's no question - but how do you get yourself out the door to the gym when that is literally the last place you want to be? I have no idea what changed in my thinking, but it's really frustrating. It's like I'd rather do something more enjoyable than sweating in a gym, and I'm certain that's just from what I've been through recently, which is not a good excuse.

    Anyways, just needed to vent - and say what I'm thinking out loud in hopes it'll get my mind back in the game.


  • brittyn3
    brittyn3 Posts: 481 Member
    edited October 2015
    aggelikik wrote: »
    I am sorry for your loss.
    Have you considered trying something different as exercise? You might not be in the mood for what you used to do, so try something new ? I would think either something that would help express some frustration (maybe something like kick - boxing? I have friends who swear it made a difference in their lives when they were feeling fed up with what was happening to them) or the opposite, something to help you focus, like yoga?
    Condolences on the loss of your mother. That sort of traumatic event is going to throw anyone for a loop.

    As to feeling guilty and failing, there is a quote about a person who has mastered an art making the rounds again that is appropriate here. A master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried. I LOVE this quote..... I need to remember that! Thanks for sharing.

    This applies to mastering healthy habits, or life-style habits. Keep up the work, and realize it's only failure if you quit trying.
    red0801 wrote: »
    So sorry for your loss. When I lost my Dad I suddenly found myself disengaged & questioning the purpose of things that I normally enjoyed. I hope you give yourself a chance to feel, find the joy she brought to your life & pass that joy onto others.

    When I have found myself struggling to get the gym (or a workout/run) back into my schedule, I make a commitment to drive to the gym everyday for a month. You don't HAVE to go in, if I have time I go, if I don't I move on, but I make the drive everyday for a month. More times than not I find myself going, but I give myself the option.

    Either way...((HUGS)) It'll get better.

    I want to quote you all, everything in your comments is spot on. It really is astounding how complete strangers can have so much in common, and even find the words of support and motivation and comfort without knowing more than what I said in my original post. This sounds cliche - but having heard all of these words from you all is extremely comforting and it is motivational. It's helping me get my head out of a funk. While, I'll never understand why life happens the way it does, certain things allow you to meet wonderful people, albeit in horrible situations. Not to get all sappy, but you guys really are all touching my heart. ALL OF YOU, not just the people I quoted.

    This is just yet another detour on my journey to remain healthy and fit. Your mind is a powerful thing. @leakarbacka I'm almost on the other side of this myself. As I mentioned in my original post, but I can't get over the last hump (why I reached out)... honestly, it's ok to hiccup. Seeing all the support is making me not so angry at myself. I decided I'll cut the gym out for a while until it's not forced and focus on running. Something I loved almost as much as my mom. Do you enjoy any other activity? Take a pause from your routine. When I am craving really bad things, I try to find the healthy alternative... 9 times out of 10 it works.

    Look at me giving advice now lol. I feel pretty good today, so gotta share the love. Down a pound or two and looking forward to my evening run :)
  • tdspencer315
    tdspencer315 Posts: 6 Member
    I am very sorry for loss of your mother. I lost my mother and it was one of the most difficult times I went through, but I know you probably heard this a lot already It Does get Easier!
    I have fallen off my weight loss plan many times but I just keep trying and I know I will get there and you can too.
  • rebeccaEsmith
    rebeccaEsmith Posts: 1,136 Member
    You can do this girl!! I'm sure your mother watches over you everyday.
  • chey282
    chey282 Posts: 96 Member
    So sorry for your loss, I'm in a similar boat, lost 50 of 110 lbs and had to have knee surgery, got back to working out and had a sciatica episode and had to cut back on my weights. I lost my mother when I was 10, I can promise it does get easier, just remember she's watching over you and always with you! Do you have maybe a favorite piece of her jewelry? You could maybe wear it to feel a bit closer to her? She'd want you to keep going! Give yourself time to grieve, weight loss is mainly diet, so keep concentrating on diet and run your little heart out! Running is supposed to be one of the best exercises out there for weight loss! Hugs, and I promise it will get easier,
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Lizzy622 wrote: »
    Stop being annoyed and just start loving yourself. You are worth the time and energy it takes to get to the gym and to eat well.

    Thank you Lizzie. Needed to see this today.

    B- I'm in a weird spot myself. I've lost 63 pounds in the past 9 months, and suddenly out of nowhere, I have zero motivation, I'm eating bad most days. Going to the gym once or twice a week.....I need help!!

    I actually need this myself today. I sometimes get so caught up in doing for everyone else that I forget about me. "I deserve the time to take care of me!"