TMI----Constipation issues! I need help!



  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    This is getting to the dangerous stage. I don't want you to rupture anything. I think a doctor has to take you seriously.

    @jgnatca...You always give such great advice. I thought you were overreacting at first but after reading more, you were spot on

    OP, so glad you are feeling better!!

  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Whew! Now keep eating light and don't overload on fiber or protein until you're functioning normally.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    glad you are improving.

    one suggestion i might make, which may have been made already-but I only read page 1 and 5, warmth. drinking warm drinks and a heating pad on low. or warm bath. warmth can help get things moving
  • jlturner386
    jlturner386 Posts: 65 Member
    Never going to the e.r ever again....i apparently picked up strep which has now caused tonsillitis...which required a shot to reduce inflammation so my tonsils wouldnt cut off my airway... i have a fever and severe body aches....i just want to give up for the next few days...this is ridiculous enough! Uncle! Im on an antibiotic of 875mg of augmentin twice a day for 10 days
  • Mapooh68
    Mapooh68 Posts: 32 Member
    I don't know about you personally of course, but bananas never loosen things up for me, they actually bind me up; every time! They do it to my children too. As babies I only gave them bananas if they were "loose in the caboose". My husband reacts the same way and so do many of my friends. I heard an old adage once, "fruits with the letter "p" in them make you poop." prunes, apples, pears, peaches, etc. Personally all I need to do to get things going is eats some cooked greens. ie: collards, kale, Swiss chard, mustard greens, turnips greens. I am a southern girl and greens are easy. I used to cook them with bacon drippings but now just a touch of ham or beef soup base adds lots of flavor (and salt- be careful) without fat. I drizzle them with AC Vinegar too. Just some ideas... good luck!
  • DisneyDude85
    DisneyDude85 Posts: 428 Member
    Never going to the e.r ever again....i apparently picked up strep which has now caused tonsillitis...which required a shot to reduce inflammation so my tonsils wouldnt cut off my airway... i have a fever and severe body aches....i just want to give up for the next few days...this is ridiculous enough! Uncle! Im on an antibiotic of 875mg of augmentin twice a day for 10 days

    I had a bad case of strep in college and lost 14 pounds in a week with the steroid and augmenten they had me on. I completely lost my appetite. Not the best way to lose weight. I hope this episode is over soon! Hang in there :)
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Hopefully the antibiotics don't mess with your system further. Rest up, and I hope you feel better soon!
  • phxteach
    phxteach Posts: 309 Member
    Wow - you've been through a lot. Hoping by now you are seeing progress and getting some relief. I would agree that the antibiotics are likely to mess up your good bacteria. Augmentin will wipe out all bacteria, good or bad. While my sons were little, and even now, after an antibiotic, they get PB-8 on the inverse hours of the antibiotic. So if you took Augmentin at 12 am and 12 pm, take the PB-8 at 6 am and 6 pm. That way, you can replace some of the good bacteria. If you take the probiotic too closely to the time of the antibiotic, it just is wasting the probiotic by killing it off. PB-8 is a good product that has many different strains of helpful bacteria. Common probiotics usually contain 3 types. Unfortunately many doctors do not know about nutritional supplements and are less likely to recommend something that could help. Best wishes!
  • dhimaan
    dhimaan Posts: 774 Member
    Had to take a cousin to Nemours here at Orlando for this couple of days ago. The doctor said to drink close to 10-15 glasses of water and fruits especially 3-4 apples a day. To be on a liquid based diet of fruits and water for 3-5 days.
  • ronnykar
    ronnykar Posts: 37 Member
    pedroepaz wrote: »
    Natural calm, start with half a teaspoon in the morning and half before bed. Add flax oil to your diet as well. If you google flax oil for constipation, they have charts that show how to work your way up. If you rely on the medical industry, they will just mask symptoms and never attack the root cause. I was told I would be on medication for the rest of my life for gastritis/acid reflux. After 5 years on it, I found natural methods and researched the root cause and got myself away from that. That was 3 1/2 years ago. Wish you the best
    How did you cure your gastritis? I have a hiatus hernia and gastritis and hate taking tablets!