Anyone use Misfit Shine or Flash? Need friends?



  • jhaciski
    jhaciski Posts: 6 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm jhaciski, and I'm looking forward to experiencing the social aspect of my Flash with you all!
  • MonaLisaLianne
    MonaLisaLianne Posts: 398 Member
    edited June 2015
    So so sooo sad! My Shine leaked after wearing it in the pool 2 days in a row. I've showered with it for about 6 months with no problems, but it is now dead, dead, dead. :s I wrote to Misfit, but since I bought it on Amazon I highly doubt they'll do anything for me.
  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member
    They'll replace it under warranty - their customer service is actually really good!
  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    Hi, all! Shine is on sale on Amazon right now, so I took the plunge. It should be here Wednesday... when I get everything set up, I'll start adding y'all! I also went ahead and ordered a leather band and the necklace since I found a vendor with them on sale as well.
  • chanty09
    chanty09 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi my name is Chantal, I have the misfit flash. My name is Chanty12, I only wear my flash when I am doing an activity such as walking. I do not have any "friends" on my account. I also find that the flash isn't very accurate, compared to say s health on my phone? The only way it's semi accurate is if I clip it to my shoe, which isn't very ideal for me :neutral:. I am on my second clip, and third wrist strap, they keep snapping. Anyone have ideas on A) how to stop breaking, or B) how to make the device more accurate
  • Sas_sad
    Sas_sad Posts: 2 Member
    cclamby wrote: »
    Wow! This is awesome:) I have just gotten my misfit shine and it will be great to already have so many people to compete against and friends to join the cause. I added anyone I could find on here, and I would love for you guys to add me! My misfit username is cclamby for those who are interested. Can't wait to get started! :D

    I tried to add you but Misfit said it couldn't find you. I'm Sodagrrl on Misfit, maybe you can try to add me instead.

  • Sas_sad
    Sas_sad Posts: 2 Member
    My name is badknees. Please add me. I'm new to misfit products.
  • cbradley903
    cbradley903 Posts: 52 Member
    Shoot I added you but if you got bad knees it sure don't look like iron my shine. If your training for a marathon I am not going to be a challenge and I try to really go after it. Great job tonight. It is almost midnight doing a late night power walk. About done. Welcome.
  • vanepr06
    vanepr06 Posts: 3 Member

    Soooo hello everyone just looking for more friends on misfit too. Feel free to add me NessyNY on Misfit.
  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    New to misfit and looking for more friends!! Screen name msty112
  • hazleyes81
    hazleyes81 Posts: 296 Member
    Mine is savannah81
  • alihughes
    alihughes Posts: 3 Member
    I'm not sure I'll be great competition., but feel free to add me to be my motivation :p
    Alihughes1987 on misfit
  • Candro
    Candro Posts: 11 Member
    Hello Ali!
    I don't really compete with my Misfit Shine (I have no friends there). I just try to meet my points. But I need some support! I don't know anyone else who uses a misfit - will you be my virtual friend?

    I'm not too overweight but am "smushy." I've decided I don't want to end up like my parents and be healthy as I age. My goal is to learn how to handle emotional eating and develop workout discipline. I really admire the determination you show in your profile and would love to offer support.
  • meechster20001
    meechster20001 Posts: 76 Member
    Please add me meechster20001
  • ocnldy
    ocnldy Posts: 123 Member
    I have a shine. Love it. Feel free to add me here and there: ocnldy
    Stay motivated! :)
  • pvanzweden
    pvanzweden Posts: 2 Member
    Yes! I love my Shine and would love to friend you! I'm pvanski. B)
  • chunkiiee
    chunkiiee Posts: 2 Member
    I've recently gotten the misfit shine speedo (although I haven't been swimming for a while).
    I haven't been well but am looking to get back on track and get healthy again.
    If anyone wants to be friends on misfit then I'd love the motivation :)
    My username is mrs_a_k
  • Jayblue27
    Jayblue27 Posts: 11 Member
    I just sent request to everyone
  • hottie0306
    hottie0306 Posts: 7 Member
    I would love to add you as a misfit friend, please look my request.
  • kuprina
    kuprina Posts: 3 Member
    Sent a request as well