Nutrimed I'm about to quit. HELP!!!



  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    grh50 wrote: »
    From a doctor's physician asst, I learned that too many carbs/calores make you store fat and likewise too few can also make you store fat because you go into starvation mode and your body doesn't want that. I've been having good luck with low carbs and 1200 -1400 calories AND journaling in MFP everyday.

    absolute hogwash ...


    What's the rush to lose weight? 1.6 pounds a week is a reasonable loss. After you lose weight how are you planning on keeping it off? The whole point, IMO, of weight loss is teaching yourself healthy, sustainable, lifelong eating and exercise habits. Most people who lose weight on fad diets end up gaining it all back because they didn't form the habits required to maintain a healthy weight.

    Maybe try what others have suggested. Set your calorie goal on MFP to lose 1-1.5 pounds a week and EAT NORMAL FOOD.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    I like my booze.
  • chantelle1056
    chantelle1056 Posts: 1 Member
    I used to believe in restrictive diets but now j clean eat i have 6 meals a day and cheat and i can drop a1lb a day on choice ive never been fitter leaner and happier look into clean eating youll never go back!!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I'm on 1200 calories a day and find this a pretty small number of calories. No wonder you're miserable at 800. I second the others who said that losing weight is only half the battle. Keeping the weight off is the other half. MFP helps people to both lose weight, and then maintain that weight loss.

    How will you eat a healthy diet (with a martini here and there) if you haven't learned how to do that? Start a MFP diary and record some foods so you can see how to maintain your excellent weight loss. If you have the energy then exercise. I get very tired, though,when I go below 1200 calories. But I'm only losing 3 pounds a month and am in no rush. Four months and 12 pounds gone is OK by me, because I can eat what I want (just not as much as I want). Fast weight loss is fun, but seldom sustainable.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I used to believe in restrictive diets but now j clean eat i have 6 meals a day and cheat and i can drop a1lb a day on choice ive never been fitter leaner and happier look into clean eating youll never go back!!
    if you can lose a lb a day its not fat. I can say that much. if it were that easy everyone would be doing it

  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    What happens if you quit? You put back on the 21 lbs? Why would you quit after 21 lbs? 1.6 lbs a week discourages you?
  • hillbillyhal
    hillbillyhal Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on it but my doc has a hybrid option that I opted for. She teaches nutrition, has you eat on a meal plan, and has you use the NutriMed as a meal replacement when you dont have anything handy to eat that is healthy. I feel relatively good after having a shake or a bar for about 2 hours. That is pretty good for something that has 100(shake) or 160(bars) calories in it.

    I too am losing weight at a slower rate but am learning a whole new way of eating and feeling better along the way.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I have been on it but my doc has a hybrid option that I opted for. She teaches nutrition, has you eat on a meal plan, and has you use the NutriMed as a meal replacement when you dont have anything handy to eat that is healthy. I feel relatively good after having a shake or a bar for about 2 hours. That is pretty good for something that has 100(shake) or 160(bars) calories in it.

    I too am losing weight at a slower rate but am learning a whole new way of eating and feeling better along the way.

    As this thread is TWO YEARS old I doubt the op will be back.

    Yeah, but I do hope she had that martini. That 'diet' sounded utterly miserable.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member wow this seems awful why put yourself through this when you can have longer lasting results using MFP?
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,516 Member
    You have a medical condition that requires this? Don't mean to pry. Just yes or no?

    Because if there's no immediate crisis that requires this, it's unlikely to get you sustainable weight loss. I'd be miserable too living like that.
    The real struggle is learning how to live while losing. You don't learn that on diets.

  • batgirl1999
    batgirl1999 Posts: 1 Member
    Been on Nutrimed for over 4 weeks, down to almost 20lbs... but I am on the 500 cals per day... IDK why you are not losing... Are you drinking your shakes on schedule? Are you drinking enough water? Are you taking your potassium? I would check to see if you are low in Vit D and Magnesium? I have stayed steady on my weight since I take my shakes and my pills on time... including fiber... I know even with 20lbs I still have a lot more to go.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Been on Nutrimed for over 4 weeks, down to almost 20lbs... but I am on the 500 cals per day... IDK why you are not losing... Are you drinking your shakes on schedule? Are you drinking enough water? Are you taking your potassium? I would check to see if you are low in Vit D and Magnesium? I have stayed steady on my weight since I take my shakes and my pills on time... including fiber... I know even with 20lbs I still have a lot more to go.

    WTF???? 500 calories a day???? why would you do that to your self. who has said to do that diet? 500 calories a day is dangerous. I seriously question a doctor who would put someone on that kind of restrictions.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    500 calories a day is too little unless you are doing a 5:2 fast. which means 2 days of 500 calories and the other 5 at maintenance. But if you are eating 500 calories a day every day then that is a recipe for disaster. and unless under close drs care and they are monitoring you should be eating more. lean mass and muscle is being loss not to mention literally starving yourself of vital calories an nutrients.