


  • kmdougherty
    yes, i sent jennifun a message on her profile...congrats RMONTGOMERY!
  • tamlom
    tamlom Posts: 49
    I weighed in and lost 5 lbs. The Calorie counting really opened my eyes as to how much I was eating before. You don't realize just how much picking here and there makes a difference. Plus the water! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • tamlom
    tamlom Posts: 49
    Any challenges for this coming week?
  • jennifun
    Wow! That is great everybody! Since we were a little bit behind getting started I just needed everyones weight today to get started. If you gavae me one weight and changed it today or tomorrow I'm just going to wait until next Wednesday to update all the weights.. We'll end up with a better loss too~ but, I'm not cheating! Bohlan told me to get everyones weights and to get them to her by Wednesday night...

    So, here we go! What an AMAZING start! I think total we lost over 20 pounds just in the past few days.. WOW!
  • jennifun
    Actually we lost 40.3 pounds!! In less than a week! GO TEAM! GO!
  • aodier
    aodier Posts: 42
    way to go reds! can't wait til I can contribute to that weight lost! ahh!
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    WOW! RED TEAM ROCKS! :devil:

    40.3 pounds? How many people are there on the Red team?
  • berrypatchdesigns
    Is it possible to get an undated list of those of us on the Red Team? Thanks!
  • Renea101
    I lost 4 pounds, Whoo-hoo!

    I found paying attention to what goes in my mouth is the biggest eye opener. I was eating about 5 times what I should have, OUCH!

    I also got a second job waitressing to keep me busy and MOVING since my day job is a desk job (and the extra money won't hurt either!!)

    Go REDS!!
  • kmdougherty
    hey reds, great job! other teams seem to have charts w. all the teams losses and we have 1 posted somewhere?
  • natashak
    So red team, im depressed. I stepped on the scale today, and lo and behold, I have not lost any weight. I am still at 151. Im so depressed. I want to give up, but I know that wont help. I have to keep going
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    I hear you and feel your dispair :explode: . For over 3 weeks I was diligent about my intake and exercise and the scale would not move. Sometimes I felt like throwing the scale out the bathroom window (but not too often) I reevaluated my exercise and intensified and changed it up a bit, increased my water intake :drinker: :drinker: and changed a few of my food choices. Well lo and behold I have dropped some weight since making the changes. It sure has helped being part of the RED TEAM and the challenges.

    My advice to you is to hang in there and be strong. You can do this. Keep logging on, drinking your water:drinker: , exercising and reading the message boards for motivation. Most of us on this site really truly do understand what you are feeling. We are here to support and motivate one another.

    Sending you the warmest and most positive thoughts.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I am not sure yet of anything. I weighed for my start at my sister's doctor's office then weighed yesterday at my first TOPS meeting. Different scales but I weighed 2 pounds more there. It is possible I gained from Friday to Tuesday night though because I had a white chocolate macadamia nut cookie attack Sunday afternoon. I made them for New Year's Eve and there were too many left over. :blushing: Monday morning I took them to school and fed them to my way too skinny students. I have two girls who look like little bones and they helped scarf them down along with the left over Doritos. I shared them throughout the day Monday and Tuesday with my students and they are all gone. You know I wasn't even tempted by them when they were at school but sitting here Sunday afternoon they just called WAY too loudly. But no slip ups since Monday which was the day I promised myself I would start seriously. So I will weigh in next Tuesday night on that same scale again and we'll see how I did on the first full week. I am changing my ticker to reflect the 2 pounds as an official starting weight.

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member

    Amy - I am part of a slimming club that weighs in on Mondays, but that is why I'm using that number and not weighing in separately at home on Weds. All scales are slightly different, but when you are working this hard to get on the scales and see it looks like you have suddenly gained even 1 or lbs is SO demotivating when you are working really hard at it. If at all possible, pick a pair of scales, a time of day and a way o weigh yourself (eg I do it starkers to minimise the weight :laugh: ) and do it exactly the same way each week then you know it is consistent.

    natashak - are you actually eating enough?!

    I am doing ok today, though i have homemade chilli tonight, and it is nearly 900 cals :embarassed: Fortunately, I get 1700 so should still manage ok (500 cals are breastfeeding), but I'm going to try and use my lateral thigh trainer for 30 mins this avo to give me more to play with.

    Go reds go!! 40 odd pounds is an excellent loss - could I have like 28 of it and then I'm all done? :bigsmile:
  • gingermoon
    gingermoon Posts: 239 Member
    40 pounds!!!!!!! :love:
    Wow, we've done really great considering we only started a few days ago.
    Imagine how awesome our numbers will be after a full week!

    I was extra good yesterday and dropped 2 more pounds!! :bigsmile:

    :heart: Go Reds! :heart:
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    So far I have been averaging 1/2 pound per day! Whoot!
  • aodier
    aodier Posts: 42
    Holy buckets! You are all doing amazing! I gotta tell you guys though....i am reallllllllllllly frustrated with having to eat your excercise calories thing!! For example, yesterday ate a good caorie lite and nutritious breakfast, I went to work from noon to 6pm, Tried to load my lunch with calories so that I didn't have so much to make up when I got home, Went to the gym until about 7pm, I was on the elliptical for 30 mins and did some weight training for about 20 mins. By this time it was 7:30pm when I got home and to finish off my workout I do 25 minutes of ab work using hip hop abs dvd (which is amazing!). So, it was after 8pm when I was all said and done with my workout. I had to then eat supper (egg sandwhich), then entered all my food into diary. I put my excersice in last so I could see what regular calories I needed to fill which were 200 out of my alotted 1200. After I put in my excersise it told me that I needed to eat 700 calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was around 830pm and I had no idea what I should do because I just wasnt hungry! It is so tough to wat those calories!!! and especially when it is that late! I already feel like I am eating all day snacking on my fruits and veggies and such between each regular meal! What do you othink I should do to lessen those calories? Should I eat when i'm not hungry? AHH! help!:grumble: :noway: :embarassed: :sick: :sad: :yawn:
  • aodier
    aodier Posts: 42
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Try front loading by eating a bigger breakfast and make morning snack more like a meal on the days you exercise. That should help take care of it. Eat some walnuts or almonds so it is not a lot to eat for the calories. Plus you get good omega fat. :drinker:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter