What is your daily routine?



  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    On gym days (3 days a week):
    4:30am Wake up, get dressed in workout clothes, eat bowl of oatmeal & Quest Bar, drive to gym
    5:00am Arrive at gym, work out, shower, dress, drink protein shake w/ 30 grams of protein, drive to work
    6:45am Arrive at work, eat Greek yogurt mixed w/ protein powder & oats.
    8:30am Snack at desk, maybe 15gs of cashews
    10:00am Snack at desk, protein bar, 20gs
    11:30am Elevator down to work gym, probably do cardio (run outside, treadmill, elliptical, etc.), shower, elevator back up to office
    12:30am Arrive back to my office, microwave lunch, usually Healthy Choice & a Breakstone cottage cheese snack
    14:00 Another snack w/ protein
    16:00 Drive home
    18:00 Dinner (nothing pre-planned)
    19:30 Greek yogurt mixed w/ protein powder & oats.

    I mix in a few random cardio days, which don't start as early, but the food routine is similar
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I work from home, so my commute is mere moments..
    I usually:
    6am get up, shower up, pretty up best as I can (unless I'm feeling under the weather, then effit!)
    Go upstairs, start tea, start computer, feed guinea pig, play with gp for a few minutes
    Make tea, check emails and voicemails
    8am Prepare quickie brekkie..usually a boiled egg with some tomato and cukes
    Work 6 hours, with a couple hubby breaks in between...
    4pm Prepare dinner, eat at desk while still working for the next two - four hours depending on my breaks
    After my workday, THEN I get to go back downstairs to my home gym (small, but efficient!)
    Work out, usually 30 mins walking/jogging, 35-40 minutes strength..or one or the other....
    Check my emails again
    Go to bed, sleep fitfully till it's time to work again...lol

    This is great for me now, as my kids are both grown and moved out, and hubby works nites, so I pretty much have the place to myself.. Das my boring every day routine...lol

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Interesting to read everyone's schedules, but it appears this thread has been revived from June 2012. Strange when that happens. Anyway, helpful to see how people fit everything into their day.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Interesting to read everyone's schedules, but it appears this thread has been revived from June 2012. Strange when that happens. Anyway, helpful to see how people fit everything into their day.

    Haha - good catch!

  • LastingChanges
    LastingChanges Posts: 390 Member
    carriempls wrote: »
    I wake up (without an alarm) somewhere between 5 and 5:30. I use the bathroom, weigh myself, shower and get dressed. I feed my cats and feed myself. If it’s not raining I ride my bike to work (about 2.5 miles). If it is raining, I hop on the bus.

    Work is work, I sit most of the day but try to fit in a walk when I can. I work in a huge office building and always take the stairs if I’m going up 2 flights or down 3.

    After work I bike or bus home. I decompress and make dinner. If I bussed and the weather is now better I’ll go for a bike ride or walk. If not, I don’t worry about it and do whatever I feel like. Sometimes I’m hanging out with my bf, sometimes I read or watch tv, etc.

    Weekends I go hiking, go for long bike rides and am generally more active than I am on weekdays (since I sit in front of a computer and in conference rooms all day).

    In a few weeks I’m starting up my yoga practice again. I’ll do that 1-2 days a week in addition to the bike riding.

    How do you get yourself to wake up without an alarm? What time do you go to sleep? Trying to get myself to wake up around that time but can't do it even with an alarm.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    semeyer wrote: »
    I have recently moved and fell out of my daily routine. Now I have a 40 minute commute to and from work and keep making excuses why I can't fit in a workout.

    I'm curious to hear some of your daily routines. What time do you wake up? Do you eat breakfast? Do you work out during your lunch hour? What time do you go to bed? LET'S HEAR IT! I need some motivation!!

    I get up at 5 - 5:30 pretty much every morning except weekends. I drop my eldest off at before school care at 7. I have an hour commute to work. I pack my breakfast and eat it at my desk at work. I also brown bag my lunch every day. My office provides fitness incentives so that anyone who signs up and signs a "fitness contract" gets 30 minutes 4x weekly to go get their fitness on...I take mine at 11:30 so that I can get in a solid hours ride combining that with 30 minutes or so of my lunch hour and then use the last 20-30 minutes of my lunch hour to eat. Most nights I leave around 5 or a little thereafter.

    Twice weekly I go straight from work to my gym to lift...with my hour commute that gets me there around 6. I lift for about an hour and then I go home and chit chat with my kids and my wife while I make dinner for she and I (kids have already eaten). The other three nights of the work week I just go straight home from work. We put the kids to bed around 8 and enjoy our meals and a little quiet time and conversation. Certain times of year are busier than others so I may have more work to do so I would retire to the home office to do so after dinner. When it's not busy season (May - August) I'm generally in bed by 10.

    On weekends I usually hit the weight room Saturday morning around 8 and generally try to get in a good long ride on Sunday. It doesn't always work out that way as weekends are also time for getting stuff done around the house and yard and spending time doing stuff with our kids. If I don't get out for my ride early on a Sunday, it usually doesn't happen...and sometimes I just like sleeping in on Sunday and then getting up and making pancakes for my kids before heading off on whatever adventure we have planned for the day.
  • dredremeg
    dredremeg Posts: 202 Member
    Did anyone notice this post started June 19, 2012?
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I was recently injured and am in constant pain so I've found the daily routines I had in place are hard to maintain. I haven't been doing regular tasks like washing my dishes or neatening up. I'm spotty on my journal keeping and I'm not doing my hair or make up regularly.

    Next week I'll have hand surgery and be incapacitated for 10 days.

    I'm planning a marathon cleanup this week at least and a lot of patience with myself.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    edited October 2015
    Mon, wed, fri I get up at 5am, and run for 30 min (3.5 miles). Then I shower and get myself and 3 little ones ready for school/preschool. We're out the door by 7:10. I drop them off and head to work. I take a 20 min walk at lunch.

    Tuesday and Thursday, I wake up at 6:15. We get ready for the gym and My oldest gets ready for school. I drop my oldest at school and I take the little ones to the gym with me. I run about 4/4.5 miles and shower. From the gym, we run errands. Running errands surprisingly racks up a lot of active minutes.

    Saturdays we usually try to go for a run as a family. The oldest rides her bike and my husband pushes the little ones in a jogging stroller.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    I work 8-5 and have a 30-45min commute. In the evening I pack up my gym bag and set my clothes out. Also make my lunch in the evening.

    I wake up at 5, throw the gym clothes on, make my protein shake (which is also my breakfast), and am at the gym 5:45-6:00. I work out for 45mins, quick shower and change, and head to work.

    I tend to have dinners premade so when I get home I just have to heat something up, and the rest of the evening is relaxing. It's soooo worth getting up a bit earlier and getting it all done.
  • LastingChanges
    LastingChanges Posts: 390 Member
    edited October 2015
    dredremeg wrote: »
    Did anyone notice this post started June 19, 2012?

    Realized it after someone else mentioned it. Interesting how these posts randomly get brought up again, but great that it did. I like reading others schedules and comparing it to my own.
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    Most days:

    7am-9pm: Surrender at all times to the will of the 2 year old. Work out whenever he's found some stuffed animal to assert his insane demands on. Work out whenever possible, even if the treadmill is loud and hubby doesn't like not being able to hear his Walking Dead game.

    Yahoo days:
    Ya know, or don't work out and just eat at calorie level and no more. YAHOO=You Always Have Other Options
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    my inlaws came for a month... yes you read it correctly a MONTH. and my routine is so messed up. Finally when it felt like a routine too ugh.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    semeyer wrote: »
    I have recently moved and fell out of my daily routine. Now I have a 40 minute commute to and from work and keep making excuses why I can't fit in a workout.

    I'm curious to hear some of your daily routines. What time do you wake up? Do you eat breakfast? Do you work out during your lunch hour? What time do you go to bed? LET'S HEAR IT! I need some motivation!!

    My office provides fitness incentives so that anyone who signs up and signs a "fitness contract" gets 30 minutes 4x weekly to go get their fitness on...I take mine at 11:30 so that I can get in a solid hours ride combining that with 30 minutes or so of my lunch hour and then use the last 20-30 minutes of my lunch hour to eat.

    That's amazing. I'd love if it my work did a similar thing, but I'm guessing it's to do with health insurance premiums and such? (Assuming you are American!)
  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    When I worked in the city with a long commute I had a gym membership near the office. Worked out in my lunch break and ate lunch at my desk when I got back.
  • prettysoul1908
    prettysoul1908 Posts: 200 Member
    semeyer wrote: »
    I have recently moved and fell out of my daily routine. Now I have a 40 minute commute to and from work and keep making excuses why I can't fit in a workout.

    I'm curious to hear some of your daily routines. What time do you wake up? Do you eat breakfast? Do you work out during your lunch hour? What time do you go to bed? LET'S HEAR IT! I need some motivation!!

    I was exactly where you are not long ago. I had to make a few sacrifices to get back on track. Now that I'm in a groove they bo longer feel like sacrifices...

    My alarm is set for 530 am. I work out and drink about 16 oz of water. Sometimes I eat an orange (I love those things)

    I have to be to work 9 ish so I usually have a cup of coffee and some type of breakfast food ( I make pineapple muffins that are high in fiber and protein.)

    Between 11 and 1 I start to get hungry and eat lunch. Between 1 and 5 I eat some sort of snack.

    Dinner is usually between 7-930. And im usually in bed between 1030 and midnight.

    I used to eat without abandon and I liked it like that... Until I didn't like the way my body was looking. Lol. Plus I was starting to feel all types of aches and pains.

    It's interesting to hear all the different routines. Gives ways to switch it up when we hit a wall. Thanks!
  • Looncove_Farm
    Looncove_Farm Posts: 115 Member
    Good Morning!

    430am. try to wake up to be out of bed by 445 or 5am.
    Coffee with Husband.
    Make lunches and see Husband off to work.
    Dishes, laundry, make beds, fold last nights clothes, sweep floors, feed dogs and then have breakfast. computer long enough to eat and log info.
    Barn chores. feed calves, then chickens, rabbits, goats, cattle and horses.
    Clean stalls, sweep barn, get hay ready.
    Clean (brush out) calves and do training.
    Clean feet and brush out Horse, excercise if weather permits.
    Lunch, clean up.
    Normaly a run to grain store or town for supplies.
    Walk fence line in small pasture, ride wheeler for fence in large pasture.
    Assemble farm equipment.
    Feed dogs, and make Supper, clean up.
    Barn again, feed all animals, sweep main aisle again, get hay ready, pick stalls and make sure calves are clean. Fill water buckets.
    Shower, bed?
    My day as long as nothing goes wrong or breaks,,,,which never really happens, lol. Something always breaks or someone always shows up.

    Have a good day everyone!

  • 3stepsahead
    3stepsahead Posts: 56 Member
  • soapsandropes
    soapsandropes Posts: 269 Member
    Wake up 7am, shower pack breakfast, grad prepacked lunch. At work by 7:35. Work until 5:15 or later. If I can I go to the gym at 5:30 (just down the street from work). If I can't I work out at home (jogging, rowing, or shadow boxing). On Tuesdays I get up at 6:15 and hit up a 7am yoga class before work. On the weekends I get up when I wake up and head outside for a long walk/jog if weather permits, Sunday yoga at 11.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    dredremeg wrote: »
    Did anyone notice this post started June 19, 2012?

    Yes, but it's still fun to see what others do.

    Weekdays (work days)
    6:15 - get up, shower, dress for work, pack lunch
    10:00 - break, sometimes do a short workout
    12:00 - lunch break, walk 4 mi if weather permits, workout in office if not
    2:00 (ish) - eat lunch (300 or so calories)
    3:30 - break, sometimes do a short workout
    5:00 - drive home
    6:00 - do chores around the house and farm
    8:00 (ish) - start dinner
    8:30 - 9:00 (ish) - eat dinner (800-1000 calories), play on computer or watch TV till bedtime
    11:00 (ish) - go to bed

    weekend and non-work days
    no routine