How do I lose 35 pounds?



  • remijumai
    remijumai Posts: 3 Member
    remijumai wrote: »
    Today I decided it's important for me to get a grip. I am 35pounds from what my doctor calls a healthy weight. I was 25pounds away but gained 10pounds. I need feedback on what to do to do over the next 6-7months to get to my goal. I need to achieve this goal and your help and feedback is welcomed. My issue is that I give up quickly even when I've seen results.

    So everybody is going to tell how you what to do , but now how to do it.
    Figure out what your maintenance is so you don't gain or loose..
    Once you figure that out, exercise and try to burn 700 calories for 5 days. that will give you 2 days rest.

    @Commander_Keen what do you mean maintenance? I know my comfortable I weight that I have stayed at forever is 150ib its hard to move it. I did it once but it was because I ate almost nothing and this isn't healthy and I wasn't that happy because it was so drastic and due to stress :)
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    If you give up quickly, nothing we tell you here is going to help. If your issue in weight loss is that you give up quickly, I would bet sure as Sam Houston shootin' that you have problems elsewhere in your life with this same cause.

    Maybe your next help needs to come from a therapist that really knows what's going on.

    This was my first thought as well. OP, not to judge or try to "diagnose" you (nobody likes that), but it seems to me there is an underlying issue that doesn't have to do with weight. Have you considered this before?
  • remijumai
    remijumai Posts: 3 Member
    Every single human has underlying issues but there are goals that you achieve regardless of. I'm not looking for someone to diagnose me, trust me I've engaged in the appropriate paths to address my issues and the unresolved ones I'm leaving it to God. I'm just seeking advise to achieve this in a healthy way because I know I can.
    Sometimes in weight loss you just get comfortable especially when it's between 20-40pounds. I'm just in that bucket.
  • bracey100
    bracey100 Posts: 58 Member
    te="remijumai;10275235"]Today I decided it's important for me to get a grip. I am 35pounds from what my doctor calls a healthy weight. I was 25pounds away but gained 10pounds. I need feedback on what to do to do over the next 6-7months to get to my goal. I need to achieve this goal and your help and feedback is welcomed. My issue is that I give up quickly even when I've seen results.[/quote]

    Exercise everyday day and stay within your calorie goal and u shud succeed im on my last 15 pound and its hard but its coming off half a pound a week try your best to eat well
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    edited October 2015
    remijumai wrote: »
    Today I decided it's important for me to get a grip. I am 35pounds from what my doctor calls a healthy weight. I was 25pounds away but gained 10pounds. I need feedback on what to do to do over the next 6-7months to get to my goal. I need to achieve this goal and your help and feedback is welcomed. My issue is that I give up quickly even when I've seen results.

    My guess is that you give up too quickly because you try to go all-out and can't sustain it. So don't try to do the 2 pounds a week loss. Don't try to eat just 1200 calories a day, cut out all your yummy foods, or workout 2 hours a day (not saying you are doing all of these, but so many people decide to lose weight and go from nothing to all, or many, of these)

    Instead, go through the goal setting of this site, select 1 pound per week and make sure you are accurate with activity levels. Eat all the calories it gives you, including a portion of exercise calories. Work on getting a good balance of nutritious foods, but allow room for treats, too. Make a goal to exercise 3 times a week at a level that is moderate for you. (Not necessary for weight loss but it can help, plus good for overall health).

    And remember, if you mess up one meal, or one day, or even a whole week, it doesn't mean you're done. Just pick it back up and keep working on it.
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    1) find out why you are overweight in the first place
    2) dont deprive yourself, make sure you work in the foods and treats you like.
    3) don't be overly aggressive on calorie deficit, lose slowly
    4) eat homemade meals as much as possible
    5) make sure there is something fresh on your plate at every meal
    6) eat for health rather than to lose weight, (the weight will be a by product of taking care of yourself)
    7) make homemade versions of the foods you love to eat out, you'll greatly reduce the calories and probably be able to make it healthier by using whole ingredients
    8) make a weekly meal plan and grocery list.
    9) and its ok if you make a food choice no planned. enjoy it and make the next decision a healthy one.

  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    remijumai wrote: »
    remijumai wrote: »
    Today I decided it's important for me to get a grip. I am 35pounds from what my doctor calls a healthy weight. I was 25pounds away but gained 10pounds. I need feedback on what to do to do over the next 6-7months to get to my goal. I need to achieve this goal and your help and feedback is welcomed. My issue is that I give up quickly even when I've seen results.

    So everybody is going to tell how you what to do , but not how to do it.
    Figure out what your maintenance is so you don't gain or loose..
    Once you figure that out, exercise and try to burn 700 calories for 5 days. that will give you 2 days rest.

    @Commander_Keen what do you mean maintenance? I know my comfortable I weight that I have stayed at forever is 150ib its hard to move it. I did it once but it was because I ate almost nothing and this isn't healthy and I wasn't that happy because it was so drastic and due to stress :)

    Maintenance mode means you eat so many calories per day that you will not gain weight nor will you loose weight.
    If you are comfortable at 150, your probably eating around 1600 - 1700 calories a day.
    For you to have the scale drop in lbs, I would suggest your attempt to burn 700 calories a day for 5 days.
    that would be 1 lbs for a week
    That would be 4 lbs for a month.
    That would be 48 lbs for a year.
  • stircrzy
    stircrzy Posts: 47 Member
    There are many strategies that will help you lose the weight as long as you stick with it. I encourage you to spend some time doing some personal development as well. I found a lot of inspiration in the book, "The Slight Edge". Long story short, if you're looking for instant results I really don't think any diet on here is going to work. However if you stick with small incremental steps you'll do just fine. There is plenty of inspiration in Support around MyFitnessPal to keep you motivated. I am sure that you can do it!